PC vs Consoles:Real discussion about the future of PC gaming
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 00:39    Post subject: PC vs Consoles:Real discussion about the future of PC gaming
Decided to make this post a topic since i'm very interested in replies and it sort of unintentionally turned into a messy essay answer while I was writing it. I've got a "Competitive consumer market: Public perception" essay due in on thursday, so thought I may aswell expand this to the start of it.

lnatan25 wrote:
From what I've seen, DX10 is a huge step forward. Just because people don't have SM3.0, doesn't mean technology advancement should freeze.

I agree. It's just so fast, obviously only the hardcore can keep up. Seems to me thats just another way that PC gaming alienates the casual gamer.

This is one of the reasons why consoles are so popular.

You wanna play modern looking games your choices are:

Buy a PC and upgrade it every year (a daunting task for those not computer literate) to run the latest games on max. Maintain both the hardware and software. Learn how to use an interface which to the older generation will at first seem like a real chore. Most likely withdraw socially while you're using it as people don't tend to physcially play PC games together unless they're experienced users (bad for and adult with a family). Have to set up the controls and graphics when playing a new game, will seem like a chore again. Worry how a new game will run on your computer, not necessarily in terms of hardware, as some PC games have faults which render the performance unacceptable even on the latest computers (stand up Gothic 3 and Splinter Cell:DA). Wonder about bugs or copy protection making things difficult or even unplayable. Worry about all these viruses that we seem to be warned about everywhere. Wonder what software out the thousands of choices you need (buying a pre-built PC mostly elminates this)

Avoid all that hassle and get a 360 (or other console) for a third of the price, while still getting graphics which (currenty, I know it's only time) compete with a top of the range PC and will still be fairly pretty at the end of the consoles life. You know it will still useful for about 4 years, and there are no upgrades you can get ripped off with. You can safely let your kids use it because they can't access unsuitable material, you can keep it in the lounge, use it as a social tool and virtually all games for it are pick up and play,get free online service (variable). Gives you an excuse to get a new TV. Guaranteed that it's going to run at least fairly well (saints row comes to mind), and you'll be getting the full visual experience, at least with a HDTV anyway.Razz. The requirement of a HDTV for the best experience is definitely a negative of the next-gen consoles for a lot of people.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my PC, it's the 'center of my digital world' so to speak. But which one of those choices do you think the average gamer or parent would pick? It's a no brainer. Thats why the PC is losing the platform war.

I can't help but love the convenience of the 360. It's so easy, and your effectively guarenteed that a game will run quite well. I've played some awesome games on the PC, some fairly recently (Dark messiah) but most of the best games are multi-platform now. With the 360 getting the better deal. The only reason i'm still gaming on my PC is because I love strategy games, my PC is still capable of running most games at medium, and i'm using my PC all the time for work and browsing the internet. I'm an experienced user though, i've been using a PC since I was about 12, most of it is second nature. For a new user though, I can see how a PC can be daunting, especially if they don't use one for work.

If you bothered to read this far, well, give yourself a cookie. I focused mainly on the negatives of the PC and the positives of the 360. Many of the 360's positives highlight deficiencies in the PC and vise versa. Because that suited my conclusion that the PC is heading towards a premature death in terms of gaming. Can you think up enough positives for the PC to outweight the positives of the 360, in terms of a complete noob to gaming? Where do you think the future of gaming lies.

This threads gonna bomb. LOL, no-one can be bothered to read the long posts and this is a ridiculous length. But replies are appreciated just more material for my essay. Cool

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 3074
Location: San Diego, CA
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 00:47    Post subject:
gears of war n cod 3 cain the once only pc shooter market this xmas Sad
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 00:56    Post subject:
if i had cash right now i would go for next gen console to avoid any constant hardware & software upgrades,in many cases even if u have uber pc rig u still have certain issues & must wait for a patch that probably will never come out
console Arrow plug'n'play
pc Arrow install'n'pray
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 00:57    Post subject:
MasterJuba wrote:
gears of war n cod 3 cain the once only pc shooter market this xmas Sad

Good point. Targeting christmas with release of a product. An oldie, but also extremely effective. I had'nt even put anything about how important the release date of a product is in my essay yet. Thanks for that.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 01:01    Post subject:
LOL its gonna be bombed indeed Very Happy Flame war ahead! *brings out napalm flamethrower*

Anyways, actually, i agree with most of what i had the lazymans energy to read, i also LOOVE my PC, its also the center of my world, not just digital, LOL Laughing
I also love the convenience of the 360, you switch it on, press play game, and you are off driving into the sunset with other people frackin around beside you on the roads.
And the graphics of the 360 (i am a gfx whore), are so fucking amazing. Not all games utilize it, just as not nearly all pc games look great, but those that do really show what is possible.

I actually think that windows vista + dx10 + dx10 gfx card will = xbox 360, but that the 360 comes out slightly on top.
It just looks TOO good when you got a game that is purely optimised! (which none are yet, that takes a year for the devs to understand how to fully use all the processors etc, look at Halo 2 for the xbox 1, it looked tons better than Halo 1 did, for the same console!)

Look at Kameo, kameo at a 42 inch plasma with the vga-cable (if that gives the best pic for your specific tv), just amazing. It looks like a painting, not exaggerated. Cant see any pixellation what so ever, cant see any z-axis errors, no texture or model clipping, no errors what so ever.

This brings me to another point, graphical errors. One reason why i slowly prefer 360 games to pc game, if they are availible to both (RTS's will never leave my heart) is due to the fact that most console games are ALOT more "complete" than pc games.
Yes, the console games have now entered the bad era of patches, where they are in fact released not 100% bug-free, due to teh possibility of online patches being applied.

But it still hasnt gone as far as it has with PC games.
Look at Gothic 3, Space Empires 5, Boiling Point, Just Cause, Neverwinter Nights 2, Titan Quest, Heroes of might and magic 5....
Altough some of them are great games, remember when they were released, buggy as fuck! Even if i love most of them, they STILL are buggy!

And this includes graphical errors.
Now, not many ppl actually actively think about this, but its one thing i have noticed, it makes a hell of a bigger difference than i usually tought, purely psychological!
If i get a bunch of clipping errors, z-axis conflicts, borked textures or running animations that move faster than the character does across the floor. It just affects your sense of immersion SOO damn much!
If i play a game without any such errors WHAT SO EVER (very very very few games are that complete), the immersion is just amazing, unlike any other game, no matter the story or voiceacting or music!

Its just something ive recently noticed.. Taking Kameo, once again, as an example. The deal with no graphical errors what so ever made it possible to believe that those heaps of polygons were actually fantasy characters, it made it possible to believe that that wireframe landscape was actually a soft grass field, it made it possible to believe that the enemies actually were bumped by my horse when riding trough a field of 1000 orcs..

If there are graphical errors, such as z-clipping or whatever, you just cant be immersed, even if you pretend that you are. Because deep down in your subconsious you ALWAYS have that flickering texture or shadow in the back of your mind, always reminding you that its just a badly optimized game, no matter how great the story or voices are..
That character that "pops" trough a door, will always remind you that it is just a semi-stupid AI, not a true orc standing there forcing you to make a decition to save your fellow party members.
It makes you look down on the enemies allies, on every character in the entire game to be honest. You dont feel anything for them, they are just a heap of polygons with shadow errors in their faces (Oblivion, im looking at you with self-shadowing).

At least, thats my 50 cent. (someone please shoot the rap-dude)

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 RAM: 4gb Kingmax DDR2 800mhz Video: Asus GeForce 250GTS 1gb Sound: Asus Xonar.
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 01:05    Post subject:
Baleur wrote:
(someone please shoot the rap-dude)

ah yes about that

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Posts: 4196

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 01:06    Post subject:
well im going to buy a xbox 360 soon, because most games now on pc feels so not finshed (many bugs, not optimized, lot of crashes and errrors ect..) and games looks/plays better on xbox 360 now.

some games that feels not finshed for me:

Gothic 3 : many bugs and plays like shit.
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: cool game but damn many crashes with errors.
Just Cause: they ripped alot of graphical effects from the pc version.
Splinter Cell Double Agent: not optimized, plays like a beta, its a damn port.

and more...

even the recommended specs on the boxes is one big lie!

Last edited by JiGSaW on Wed, 8th Nov 2006 01:20; edited 7 times in total
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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 01:07    Post subject:
Broken speech center Very Happy Laughing Laughing Laughing Very Happy
Yeah i dont get that, like here in sweden, every single immigrant speaks like they came to the country 1 week ago, i mean even if they actually were BORN here, they still speak with a borked accent.
Even some sweeds speak with an accent too! To like "blend in" better with their friends lol!
Because its "cool".. But i wonder, how is it "cool" to speak like a retard? Rolling Eyes
I mean how stupid do u have to be to be unable to learn a language when u were born in that country Laughing

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 RAM: 4gb Kingmax DDR2 800mhz Video: Asus GeForce 250GTS 1gb Sound: Asus Xonar.
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Posts: 208

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 01:25    Post subject: Re: PC vs Consoles:Real discussion about the future of PC ga
AnimalMother wrote:
Buy a PC and upgrade it every year (a daunting task for those not computer literate) to run the latest games on max...

Avoid all that hassle and get a 360 (or other console) for a third of the price...

I bought a computer not long after consoles of the last gen came out for around 700-800 dollars. It can run almost every multi-plateform game better than its console counter part, the only reason was because I bought it after the release of consoles.

console's greatest strength can also become it's greatest downfall. Since every ps2 is the same, the games you buy will surely run. But near the second half of the console's life, the power of the console will be greatly below the PC because the PCs are upgrading constantly, yet the console can't.

yes, you Might have to upgrade every year to play all the new games on max, but remember that the consoles arn't following the graphic advancements on the PC. If you bought a high end PC a year or two after the start of the generation, your PC will outpower consoles for the rest of the generation.

The point is this, consoles have never beat PCs in the area of performence, simply because of the fact that it can upgrade. But THAT is not important because people play consoles for different reasons as they play on the PC. As you metioned people play the consoles for its convienece and buy it for its price(I also play it for its games that are unique and different than the PC). but in a year or two, when all the PC you can buy for 700-800 dollars can outpreform the consoles, who will choose to buy a PS3 or 360 simply for their price? Every past generation had the advantage of price to compete with the PC, but in this gen will M$ and Sony decide to sell at a even higher loss in order to stay on par with the PC?

The consoles are competing against the PC in a category that they cannot win, and at the same time they risk loosing advantages that they always held against the PC.

I play on PC or console depending on what kind of game Im playing. Some games are more suited to be played on the PC (like FPS or RTS) and some are more suited for Consoles (Sports, Driving, Platform). Huxley is said to be availiable for PC and 360, PC gamers and 360 gamers will play on the same servers and against each other. They were planning to put in a aimbot for the 360 version because they thought the playing fields are uneven when mouse vs controler. Which is really why I prefer FPS on the PC. After playing Fifa on the 360 and going to the keyboard, it felt like playing a FPS with controler, it sucked. Im just trying to say that some games are more suited to a certain system.

I also find PC games to last longer because of the user mods and trainers. Oblivion is a great example of what a community can do to extende a game's life. For GTA:SA, the PC community has even created a Multiplayer mod for the game that was not originally included.

nightlith wrote:
lol pirates pretending to be pirates...oh god the irony...

[quoted from Pirates of the Burning Sea thread]
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Posts: 1591

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 01:53    Post subject:
Errrr can't see it's end starting from now Razz
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Posts: 1017

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 01:58    Post subject:
The major difference for me is that a new computer and a new console are about equal at the same time. However, you can always upgrade the computer to be superior in a couple of years, but the console remains the same.

Even if you don't upgrade the computer, it will still be equal to the console. Computers offer choices, consoles offer reliability.

I hope the next generation of consoles are upgradable. GPU chips and CPUs that can be swapped for less than the price of a new console. Of course, then you just have a computer with a sleek case and gamepad (USB) ports on the front.
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Posts: 138
Location: Montreal
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 02:22    Post subject:
This is a discussion we often have here at the studio.

What is the future platform?

for consoles to be at least interesting, you need 100% backward compatibility AND for every new console, it needs an extra feature.

When creating the PS4, you don't just up the video card, you need new features. The Wii would be litterally boring and useless without it's motion sensed controllers. That is why it takes a few years to develop a console; it needs something else.

By following the current trend, the consoles will eventually only be features on features with no real interest or dissossiation. What is the difference between an Xbox360 and a PS3? They both have a hard drive, they both have online features, they both have wireless controllers, they both sell two SKUs, they both have amazing graphics, they both have high capacity drives (with the 360 add-on) and they both have HDMI so what the hell is the difference between the two consoles? Well, the SIXAXIS is on the PS3 only. Ah but now we're talking; Sony came up with a gyro-controller and how much do they ask for the the PS3 + a motion sensed controller? 700$ and how much is the 360? 400$ + 100$ for HD add-on. So it means the SIXAXIS costs 200$?? Or would it be that both consoles are simply the same thing with no particular features and a big price tag stamped on it.

What do you get from a PC?
Movies, Music, Games, Internet, Upgradability, Scalability, Freedom of Choice and a work station at the same time. You pay roughly 1000$ for more than what the PS3 offers.

Why will the PC remain on top?
You are a musician, you love to play games, chat with your friends and watch movies. With your PC, you are able to record your guitar riffs and sample them then create a fine melody with your PC, once you're done you can play a game of Neverwinter Nights 2 or chat with your friends through Windows Live Messenger or even watch a movie. Heck, after all of that you can pick up the Source SDK and develop a game on it then you can even sell it online or why not use the TES Construction Set or the NWN2 Toolset to create some gaming fun and all of that while you are listening to the melody you built and while you're chatting with a girl from Arizona. When you have a second or two, you go on Ebay and order a Fuzz Pedal then check the news and have a look on NFOrce to see what new game is out.

You have an Xbox360, you are a musician, you love to play games, chat with your friends and watch movies. With your Xbox360 you can NOT record anything so you need to head to a studio or to a friend that has a PC to put in your guitar riffs. Once you're done you put in Call of Duty 3 in your 360 to have an online match with your friends but you can't chat with them. You could put in a movie though. Heck you couldn't even put in the melody you did because you did not do it because you don't have a PC and forget that Arizona girl she's gone with a guy that has a PC. When you have a second or two you can phone your friend to check a Fuzz Pedal on Ebay or even ask him to check the news or have a look on NFOrce to see what new game is out that you will miss.

The PC is a multi-tool. The console is essentially for gaming. These are entirely different but if need to be compared, the PC has the upper hand because it offers you a thousand things to do.

Oh right, the bugs, glitches, optimization and performance; Because all computers are different, it is quite difficult for developers to make a game run on every computer and add to that the stupidity of some users. Generally, when there is a bug within a PC game, the user searches for answers and fixes through forums and through google. Unfortunately for the 360 dudes, there are no google and you will need a PC to get your answers.

Games are pushed to meet certain dates and sometimes developers don't have the choice but to let it go at that. This comes from competition and the need to make money. The bugs that are left out are usually bugs due to the lack of testing. When something is not completed, they simply take it out. So why do bugs pop up more on PCs than on Consoles?

When you test a 360 game you test it on a 360. That's it. When it comes to testing a game on a PC you don't just test it on one PC. That's the difference. If Publishers insist to terminate a project well the PC game will suffer the most because it requires more testing.

But all of that is generally known by everyone so what makes the PC platform better than the Console platform? Its scalability. One person skilled enough is able to grab his PC and make something creative out of it. Many times this has lead to successful careers. Many designers and artists over at Valve were making maps in Quake and they turned out developing Half-Life 2.

My final point is that without PC there wouldn't be any consoles today. Games on PC will not die out, as a matter of fact they will keep on growing. A PC is the pioneer of gaming. The Grand Theft Auto series is extremely powerful today thanks to its PS2 games but how did Grand Theft Auto start out? As a PC Game. What are the first gen dev kits for next-gen consoles? PCs (or Macs in some cases). As someone said, games are released on multiple platforms to generate more money and even "exclusive" games end up being on multiple platforms. This exclusivity is also a new tendency to generate money. If Sony signs a deal with Ubisoft so that Assassin's Creed is exclusive to the PS3, it is only to increase its potential buyers but on the other hand, Assassin's Creed also wants more buyers and hence signs other deals with the Xbox360 and gets it out on PC as well.
Why would I buy a 360? For Gears of War?? It will come out on the PC you can rest assured. Why would I buy a PS3 for the damn SIXAXIS? Whatever.

If you have noticed, I left the Wii out of this simply because the Wii truly is a next-generation console. It is impossible to compare it to the PC simply because the Wii evolves around its controller.

Finally, the 360 and PS3 are just PCs with less options while the Wii is a true console that stands for itself.

Last edited by Malveous on Wed, 8th Nov 2006 02:24; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 3339
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 02:23    Post subject:
Give me a console with muse and keyboard and I buy it.

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Posts: 3028

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 02:27    Post subject:



I'd fucking buy a 360 If I'd have the money, oohhh gears of war Crying or Very sad

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Posts: 29

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 03:04    Post subject:
Talk about a coincidence, I JUST wrote an article on my blog about this

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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 03:11    Post subject:
JediJ wrote:
Talk about a coincidence, I JUST wrote an article on my blog about this


hehe he Smile
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Posts: 66
Location: Japan
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 03:11    Post subject:
I love pc gaming but to me it's been declining for quite some time now. Where are the great games? And no I am not talking about mmo's.

Seems to me also every single game coming out is severely bugged to death even after the game having had delays...don't they care anymore about pc gamers? Mod this mod that, wait for this patch wait for that.

I honestly prefer pc and pc gaming to any console but these days I see a lot of games coming out on them that would fill my craving to play fun, good and non bugged games. I also noticed a lot of games that are on pc are also on consoles or some of them are planned to land on them.

With the release of the ps3 in a few days (i live in japan) I can't help but to wonder where pc gaming is going to be in a few years from now...

Maybe I'm just being to negative and remember this is just my opinion but we need a AAA title on the pc fast!(a non mmo title)
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Posts: 29

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 03:22    Post subject:
I know I ranted quite a bit there, but it just pisses me off; and I think my points were very valid, and quite true.
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 03:28    Post subject:
People are still buying PS2's, although obviously not in large amounts. When it's near the end of it's cycle a console doesn't need to be capable of graphics that rival the current top PC's, it just needs a fair price and a large catelogue of games. It's an ideal and relatively cheap present for a younger kid, who doesn't really have anything to compare it to anyway.

What i'm getting at is that while the 360 will not be able to graphically compete with a top PC for the last third of it's cycle. It doesn't actually need to as long as the price is right. It only really needs to compete for the first year or so, because the price is high abd people need to know they're spending such large amounts of money on a piece of cutting edge technology.

I'm really suprised by the quality of some replies, fantastic, thanks guys. Wow, it's so much easier having this forum to collect opinions from. One of my mates is having to wonder around town with a questionnaire! He's doing the TV market, and I told him his best bet would be online, but he's a stubborn ass when it comes to work.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"

Last edited by AnimalMother on Wed, 8th Nov 2006 03:37; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 208

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 03:34    Post subject:
AnimalMother wrote:
People are still buying PS2's, although obviously not in large amounts. When it's near the end of it's cycle a console doesn't need to be capable of graphics that rival the current top PC's, it just needs a fair price and a large catelogue of games. It's an ideal and relatively cheap present for a younger kid, who doesn't really have anything to compare it to anyway.

thats what I was getting at, the console is not SUPPOSE to be competing with the PC for graphics, that's just the icing on the cake. In the past people played consoles because of their cheap price and a gaming experience different than PC's. But now consoles are so focus on graphics that they are forgetting their roots and loosing the edge they once had over PC.

AnimalMother wrote:
What i'm getting at is that while the 360 will not be able to graphically compete with a top PC for the last third of it's cycle. It doesn't actually need to as long as the price is right. It only really needs to compete for the first year or so, because the price is high abd people need to know they're spending such large amounts of money on a piece of cutting edge technology.

Looking at trailers of Crysis running on dx9 Im not so sure it will be only the last third of its cycle. But regardless, when PC does excell consoles in graphics, will people still want to shell out 700 bucks for a PS3 when they can get a more powerful computer with just a bit more than just that price? this just shows that competing for power and preformance is not the way to go for the consoles, they should be focusing on gaming experience and cheap price instead.

nightlith wrote:
lol pirates pretending to be pirates...oh god the irony...

[quoted from Pirates of the Burning Sea thread]
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 03:54    Post subject:
CLDragon wrote:

thats what I was getting at, the console is not SUPPOSE to be competing with the PC for graphics, that's just the icing on the cake. In the past people played consoles because of their cheap price and a gaming experience different than PC's. But now consoles are so focus on graphics that they are forgetting their roots and loosing the edge they once had over PC.

Well it depends, if they want to attract people who game on their PC exclusively they need to have something that can graphically rival their lovingly assembled best friend. Since many PC gamers are graphics whores (Much of the industry is based on this) the best way to appeal to these kinds of people would be through graphics. Once they've bought a 360 they're stuck with it of course and will get games for it purely to justify the expenditure.

CLDragon wrote:

Looking at trailers of Crysis running on dx9 Im not so sure it will be only the last third of its cycle. But regardless, when PC does excell consoles in graphics, will people still want to shell out 700 bucks for a PS3 when they can get a more powerful computer with just a bit more than just that price?

Maybe you're right about that, although Gears of War is the best looking game i've ever played. It certainly rivals Crysis in terms of pure prettiness, but where crysis is far superior, is in terms of the environmental interaction and response , and in the scale and freedom it grants you. It's much easier to funnel the player through a series of beautifully designed setpieces, then recreate a whole island in extreme beauty that is fully interactive, and doesn't have any loading times. As a technical achievement Crysis is miles beyond GoW, but if someone was watching a video of both, I think it would be the style that would sway them in either direction. GoW has exagerrated environments and characters, while Crysis goes for pure realism.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 04:01    Post subject: Re: PC vs Consoles:Real discussion about the future of PC ga
AnimalMother wrote:
Can you think up enough positives for the PC to outweight the positives of the 360, in terms of a complete noob to gaming? Where do you think the future of gaming lies.

This threads gonna bomb. LOL, no-one can be bothered to read the long posts and this is a ridiculous length. But replies are appreciated just more material for my essay. Cool

My feelings on this issue are similar to what you have posted.But, I feel the 'positives' of computers are just as alive if not growing and I don't think PC game will be overcome by consoles for a LONG time, if ever.

The most important points that I think about when this issue comes up is:

1. consoles (up till now) are easier, more reliable, and will attract people interested in this.

2. consoles are becoming more like computers, which brings problems to #1

3. the number of people that posess the knowledge to maintain a PC for PC games is increasing which IMO offsets any increase in population consoles get for #1

4. consoles will never really reach a point that computers are at (in terms of upgrading and technology progress - they will always be 'behind' in the next-best graphics and such is what I mean). Even if consoles become more and more like computers they still will never surpass computer upgradability. Also how far will consoles go to become like PC's (Ps3 and beyond - no pun intended) ? If they go to far they lose a lot of their advantages.

5. being a PC gamer also means you can be a PC enthusiasist (both popular hobbies) b/c of #4. Theres the 'modding' side to consoles that is also very popular but its limited in scope compared to PC's.
EDIT: PC enthusiast skills branch out to many more areas of life. Is 'playing' a console going to give you the knowledge that PC's can? No.

for those reasons, I feel that the grim picture you paint for PC gamers is not truely grim at all. There may be a possible bigger increase in the console gamer population compared to PC gamer poplulation.. but IMO there is nothing to get excited about (yet).
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 05:27    Post subject:
i think for alot of people, and i may be wrong tho, but for many they just love the pc ... they built it theirself and they like to see the hardware work and in action ... if one "games" just for the sake of gaming coz they love to game then i think there is no question that a console is more convenient and plays better ... it doesnt HAVE to be so .. it just is so .. there have been pc game releases that were released with love and care that were great on the pc and i wouldnt want to play them on anything else but lets face it ... game developers for the pc care more about pushing out their cash crop than getting it to work right these days or taking th time to make a quality product .. and again , i may be wrong about this ... but imo they are in "to tight" with video card manufacturers and design the games to require you to purchase a later videocard to run it when the code could be written to function beautifully on last years card if they wanted it to ... the little sparkly light effects cost me hundreds of dollars and the basic graphics and textures are shittier than the last games' were .... just my thoughts
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 07:08    Post subject:
How could you even compare PC to this consoles? PC`s rule the world. You ever wonder why games for consoles come faster then those on PC because they are easier to create. Companys like Microऩ#$% and SO#$ when they create they gaming boxes (only gaming nothing more remember that Smile ) they also create develeopers software for them and thats where PC programists get lazy. They get everything they need on silver plate and they think f#$% the PC`s, no more optimization, no more fixing memory liks etc. But what the funny thing is to create game on console you need PC to have some place where you can write base code Smile) irronic.
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Posts: 66
Location: Japan
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 07:15    Post subject:
Gregor26 wrote:
How could you even compare PC to this consoles? PC`s rule the world. You ever wonder why games for consoles come faster then those on PC because they are easier to create. Companys like Microऩ#$% and SO#$ when they create they gaming boxes (only gaming nothing more remember that Smile ) they also create develeopers software for them and thats where PC programists get lazy. They get everything they need on silver plate and they think f#$% the PC`s, no more optimization, no more fixing memory liks etc. But what the funny thing is to create game on console you need PC to have some place where you can write base code Smile) irronic.

Yes it's ironic but at the end of the day, we pc users still get the shaft (buggy releases, games coming out later than their console parts, not really optimized, sloppy console ports for some games, and the list goes on)

I like the comfort of my pc (I have 2 desktop and one laptop) but pc gaming is costly and the reward ain't that great. Now that consoles can get keyboard and mouse support (i think the ps3 will) and in turn get games that were exclusive to pc, now that the MMO's are also coming to console, I wonder what is left for us pc gamers?

Maybe only time will tell and I'm highly anticipating vista's release and DX10 and the games that will take advantage of it to see if there will be a change. But that is only hardware concern, my main concern is with the quality of games we are getting lately...
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Posts: 678

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 07:47    Post subject:
Pizda2 wrote:



I'd fucking buy a 360 If I'd have the money, oohhh gears of war Crying or Very sad

yea cuz nothing and i mean nothing on PC atm comes even minutly close to the gfx of gears atm good lord act 3 is the best gfx ive seen period in a game thats the night level where is raining and lightening they showed at E3. The unreal 3 engine is shockingly good
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Posts: 23226
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 07:50    Post subject:
dvsone wrote:
yea cuz nothing and i mean nothing on PC atm comes even minutly close to the gfx of gears atm good lord act 3 is the best gfx ive seen period in a game thats the night level where is raining and lightening they showed at E3. The unreal 3 engine is shockingly good

...but its an engine we will get on pc too Smile

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 742
Location: Israel
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 08:11    Post subject:
Karmeck wrote:
Give me a console with muse and keyboard and I buy it.

PS3 can use USB mice and keyboards. Too bad Sony has finally figured out what Microsoft should have long ago with the Xbox.
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Posts: 138
Location: Montreal
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 08:23    Post subject:
dze, you are mistaking the publishers with the developers.

People keep on popping that games tend to be more and more buggy and less polished. One wonders, would it be that our expectations are growing? Would it be that the demand is growing? It takes approximately from 1 to 2 years to create a game and the publishers need to hold on to that as much as they can for when a game gets pushed for too long either the interest goes away or the expectation grows out of this world.

Duke Nukem Forever has better be the best game in the world when it comes out after what 12 years of development.

So, take that in consideration: it takes two 2 years to create a game yet during those 2 years the visual technologies do progress and for a game to sell, it apparently needs to be up to date with the latest graphic tricks. In today's gaming industry, the hardware grows faster than the creative pool. With Havok 4.0 and all the dazzling post processing effects, a game can look quite amazing but with all of that constantly growing, can we still make it in 2 years??
Usually, to improve the constantly growing visual effects, the publisher will cut through the gameplay and or story hence killing the game before its birth. So be it that either the game does not look good enough or doesn't have a good gameplay or a good story, developers end up with a rushed out product.

If we look at Half-Life 2, where they had enough time to adapt to leading technologies and create a product that would bring forth a good story, good gameplay elements and good visual effects one still wonders; it may be our expectations that rush out the games. If the fans and or public was a bit more patient and if the Publishers would give more time to the developers maybe the games would be more polished and completed.

As for Console games, you can only reach a certain technical level within a console. Gears of War did not come out when the console came out only so it could reach its technical level. However, if the Epic took even more time, there would be no technical improvements made for a console has its limits while a PC doesn't. It is up to the Publishers and Developers to set the System Requirements and Scalability.
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Posts: 2866

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 09:26    Post subject:
There will always be a market for PC gaming, however the PC gaming market seems to be shrinking even as the number of computer users rises. I think the problem comes simply from too much diversity on the PC market. I can't think of one PC game that didn't have at least a few people complaining about how the game wasn't optimized, it was buggy, they were having some strange texture problem, etc. I don't deny that some of that falls on the developers, but how many of those problems fall on the pc users who have strange codecs installed, spyware and adware running in the background, experimental video drivers, etc? Will Epic need to worry about that for Gears of War? No. They develop for one machine with two basic varieties (with or without a hard drive) and go from there. People can insult the game for its gameplay or graphics but not that it runs better on one person's xbox 360 than another.

Because of these problems, most of the games for the PC are either cutting edge first person shooters, turn based strategy, RTS, western RPGs, and the beloved MMORPGs. In other words, the games that have trouble running on consoles because of of the gamepad vs. keyboard and mouse situation. Right now the PC gaming market is in a slump because the Xbox360 and PS3 are basically as powerful as the current gaming PCs, but the consoles cannot compete in the long run and the PC does not have that limitation. People may not like upgrading their computers or constantly buying new ones to keep up with the latest gaming requirements, but there will always be games like Rome Total War, HL2, or Doom3 to wow users and sell PCs. Will people want a stripped down version of Crysis for their console or to run it in all its glory on their expensive new PC? The mainstream audience is shifting to consoles, but I think the PC will always have a role.
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