Tom Clancy`s Splinter Cell : Double Agent
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Posts: 584

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 14:55    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 14:59    Post subject:
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Posts: 302

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 15:07    Post subject:
|IcedFreon| wrote:
Lfctony wrote:
The patch removes the copy protection people, just get the patch...

lol bullshit. it has the CP still. the patch doesnt remove anything.

[00:49:56 AM] SecuROM detected -> E:\Games\Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent\SCDA-Offline\System\SplinterCell4.exe
[00:49:57 AM] --- File(s) Scan Finished [6.99s] ---

[00:52:35 AM] SecuROM detected -> E:\Games\Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent\SCDA-Online\System\SCDA_online.exe
[00:52:35 AM] --- File(s) Scan Finished [1.75s] ---

now stop the BS.

Sorry about that, the patch simply doesn't update the exe. So the nocd remained and I thought the patch removed the protection.

Last edited by Lfctony on Wed, 8th Nov 2006 15:10; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 15:09    Post subject:
Godlikez* wrote:
cus he "dontgiveafuck" Razz

anyway I cant be bothered to read all the way through 39 pages but anyone tried online yet? and whats the impressions?

Yeah online is mediocre. Nothing special, they've made a few changes but nothing significant. The gameplay is almost identical to the previous ones, although spies and mercs are more balanced now.

If you liked the multiplayer in the others you'll like it in this too, probably more.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 15:10    Post subject:
People say so much different about the gameplay :\

What do you think about the game AM?
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Posts: 150

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 15:13    Post subject:
ELIZ wrote:
lol at that pic Laughing
what average fps u got?

well I'm currently testing several settings...but I play @ 1280x960 at 15-30fps (it depends of the level), without hdr, soft shadows and with the high quality textures.
But I think that I'll downgrade these settings a little bit (maybe by deactivating the high quality textures).

But I think that I've found what is making my game running at 2x speed: Vsync.
When I activate it, everything is normal.
I don't know if it's something driver related or if it has something to do with the crack...
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 15:22    Post subject:
NiukNiuk: Specs?
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 15:25    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
NiukNiuk: Specs?

previuos page
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 15:35    Post subject:
NiukNiuk wrote:
ELIZ wrote:
lol at that pic Laughing
what average fps u got?

well I'm currently testing several settings...but I play @ 1280x960 at 15-30fps (it depends of the level), without hdr, soft shadows and with the high quality textures.
But I think that I'll downgrade these settings a little bit (maybe by deactivating the high quality textures).

But I think that I've found what is making my game running at 2x speed: Vsync.
When I activate it, everything is normal.
I don't know if it's something driver related or if it has something to do with the crack...

I have the same problem. It seams like the game runs on fast forward. Pretty weird. I've tried playing with the in game setting .
I did manage to fix the bug after using the patch but after I tried to see how the game runs with AA option on and reverted to my previous setting it happens again. When I activated VSYNC it runs in slow motion.Smile) Pretty weird.
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 15:42    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
People say so much different about the gameplay :\

What do you think about the game AM?

Well I love the actual missions, some of the best Splinter Cell gameplay ever!

But the levels set in the terrorist base are fairly boring, with a few notable exceptions when you can make choices to affect the story. You have no gear, so trying to hide in the shadows is difficult because you can't see shit without your night vision. So you try turning up the brightness or contrast and while it allows you to see, it not only looks shit, but it also makes it difficult to tell where the actual shadows are, because you have no light meter. Also you can't hurt anyone, or be seen by anyone in the restricted areas. I prefer having a choice about how I deal with enemies.

The real missions make up for these levels though. They're usually large, highly detailed, give you alot of choice in how to approach situations. Most of them also have multiple aspects. For example, the mission where you have to board a tanker is seperated into two parts, the section where you have to actually get to the tanker and board it, and then the section where you're actually onboard and have to accomplish objectives. Both parts are almost as large as a level in the previous games. Theres also a huge variety to them, some you're out in the desolate wastes of an antartica like environment, others you're in the dead of night during a thunderstorm, sneaking into a high tech skyscraper and others you're in the middle of a warzone under the baking midday sun of africa.

Of course it looks fantastic, and the animations are beautiful and varied. The new moves are also useful, and pretty much allow you to deal with any situation if you react quickly enough.

It's a shame, it could have been so much more. But the brilliance of the real missions makes up for most of the shortcomings. 8/10 Smile

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 46

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 19:39    Post subject:
Now which version is the best version to avoid possible future problem the UNLEASED version or the CIFE version?
Also is there actually any version that uses the original installer instead of a custom/cracked one?
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Posts: 252

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 19:42    Post subject:
Well seems with Nvidia 91.47 all the graphics were fucked up. So i went to the newer 93.71 and all is great again. Used driver cleaner pro after deleting 91.47. I have all settings on MAX in Nvidia control panel and all settings on MAX in game including 4x AA!

Everyting looks beautiful, and runs like a champ. Always have loved this series! Very Happy

Windows 7|Enermax1100w|ASUS Rampage III X58|Core i7 990X@ 4.5G|DDR3 3X 2 Mushkin @ 1850mhz |A-Data 256mb SSD|Asus 16X dvd |Nvidia 580XT|Dell Ultrasharp 2405 24" LCD|Creative X-Fi|Logitec Z-680
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Posts: 3700
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PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 19:42    Post subject:
olger901 wrote:
Now which version is the best version to avoid possible future problem the UNLEASED version or the CIFE version?
Also is there actually any version that uses the original installer instead of a custom/cracked one?

if you get the dumb cife version you cant patch until theres a cracked patches past 1.01, if they decide to update the exe

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Posts: 46

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 19:50    Post subject:
|IcedFreon| wrote:
olger901 wrote:
Now which version is the best version to avoid possible future problem the UNLEASED version or the CIFE version?
Also is there actually any version that uses the original installer instead of a custom/cracked one?

if you get the dumb cife version you cant patch until theres a cracked patches past 1.01, if they decide to update the exe

So you're saying the unleashed version is the best thing to do for now right (is this using the original installer?)?

Another question: Is the installer protected with SecuROM? or can I just burn this release to a DVD install it and apply a crack on it?

BTW:"I also heard that there is a cracked or a no-cd executable present on the release it's self, in what directory is this executable file located and isn't this a bit odd?

Im sorry for the many questions but I was rather confused by the releases as I prefer standard unmodified releases with a cracked executable located in a folder (like Razor, Deviance and Reloaded do)
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Posts: 3700
Location: World 8-3
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 20:02    Post subject:
no you cant burn it, its a dvd clone.
why would it have a custom installe? its not some shit p2p rls.
the crack is in the data1.cb

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Posts: 46

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 20:07    Post subject:
|IcedFreon| wrote:
no you cant burn it, its a dvd clone.
why would it have a custom installe? its not some shit p2p rls.
the crack is in the data1.cb

If it's not a custom installer then that means that you can rip and burn it (even if it's a DVD Clone). Smile
I was just wondering cause ill be burning it on two DVD's (Dual Layer DVD's are too expensive here) and adapting some stuff on the DVD's like including the patch on the DVD etc...
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 21:07    Post subject:
joined some audio files,sounds good,relaxing Smile
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Posts: 1510

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 21:39    Post subject:
bah.. a tech support guy said try driver version 84.21 for nvidia for those who've got bad performance, stuttering, audio problems, or texture flickering. it didn't work for me, might work for others?
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 21:41    Post subject:
ELIZ wrote:
joined some audio files,sounds good,relaxing Smile
nice Smile thanks for that. Any chance you could do the full main menu theme? o.O

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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 21:47    Post subject:
Dazz99 wrote:
ELIZ wrote:
joined some audio files,sounds good,relaxing Smile
nice Smile thanks for that. Any chance you could do the full main menu theme? o.O

u mean this one?
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 21:49    Post subject:
ELIZ wrote:
Dazz99 wrote:
ELIZ wrote:
joined some audio files,sounds good,relaxing Smile
nice Smile thanks for that. Any chance you could do the full main menu theme? o.O

u mean this one?
<3thanks Smile

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Posts: 1528

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 21:58    Post subject:
I have 10,5 GB free on my hard drive but the installer still says theres no enough space for installation. Readme says 8 GB is enough, how much does this bitch REALLY wants? Mad
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Posts: 163

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 22:02    Post subject:
KrutojPoc wrote:
I have 10,5 GB free on my hard drive but the installer still says theres no enough space for installation. Readme says 8 GB is enough, how much does this bitch REALLY wants? Mad

It takes up about that much. Find a few hundred MB to delete and you should be fine.
Don't know why it says 8GB, perhaps it's just the DVD5 release (unless you've already got that one).
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 22:21    Post subject:
KrutojPoc wrote:
I have 10,5 GB free on my hard drive but the installer still says theres no enough space for installation. Readme says 8 GB is enough, how much does this bitch REALLY wants? Mad

you need 11 451 416 576 bytes free space Very Happy or 11.5 gig or 13 gig (to have room for saves)

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Posts: 116

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 22:21    Post subject:
NiukNiuk wrote:
Yeah I know that this is the typical bug of dual core cpus, but I don't have one...

My system is:
amd 64 3500+ (with latest amd cpu drivers)
1Go ddram
Geforce 6800gt with latest drivers (93.71)
latest directx version (october) installed.

I'm using the CiFE release, with the 1.01 update.

That's a weird bug...

you were able to patch the CIFE to 1.01? I thought that wasn't possible since there is no original exe
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 22:29    Post subject:
dontgiveafuck wrote:
NiukNiuk wrote:
Yeah I know that this is the typical bug of dual core cpus, but I don't have one...

My system is:
amd 64 3500+ (with latest amd cpu drivers)
1Go ddram
Geforce 6800gt with latest drivers (93.71)
latest directx version (october) installed.

I'm using the CiFE release, with the 1.01 update.

That's a weird bug...

you were able to patch the CIFE to 1.01? I thought that wasn't possible since there is no original exe

for the info the exe is original Wink just check in the disk1 and you get why CIFE thanked ubisoft ... Very Happy
use this for cab files Wink

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Posts: 497

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 22:45    Post subject:
Ok guys i just made it into JBA Part 3 mission where i need to decrypt a mail ?

it's some sort of cubus?

How the hell did u do it guys?

brrrr very complicated for me Crying or Very sad
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Posts: 15

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 22:46    Post subject:
Try Gamefaqs

And no demo yet? Neutral good job UBIsoft.
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Posts: 3700
Location: World 8-3
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 22:47    Post subject:
tha patch does NOTHING to the exe. thats why any warez version can be patched

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Posts: 962
Location: Din mamma
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 23:45    Post subject:
Probably the biggest dissapointment this year.
How the hell could UBI turn such a great franchise into that thin and crappy game? Crying or Very sad
Clearly the worst of the series.

Har knullat med Anne Frank.
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