Can my comp. handle this game?.......Go Here---->
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:06    Post subject: Can my comp. handle this game?.......Go Here---->
Guys and Gals! Howdy,
I just stumbled across some pretty cool website.....if your "iffy" about a game working on your machine just follow the steps and in a couple of secs you'll know.

Tried searching the forums and found nothing alike.....maybe it should be a sticky?

Oh and sorry if this isn't the place to post it! Very Happy

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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:07    Post subject:
this is a joke right/? Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:10    Post subject: ?
Why would it be a joke?

Some people dont know what their machines can handle!

"I need input"
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Posts: 813

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:14    Post subject:
The link that you mentioned is a very common one and it shouldn't be reminded, also it isn't an accurate one.
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Posts: 7287

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:22    Post subject:
srtest sucks

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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:24    Post subject: Re: ?
harrytorta wrote:
Why would it be a joke?

Some people dont know what their machines can handle!

u mean after this test they'll say omg roxor i can play SCDA on medium/high & then BAAAMS no luck sherlock Razz

Last edited by Mortibus on Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:25; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 386

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:24    Post subject:
this test compare your hardware to the database ( and requirements set by producent) - it is weak in almost all cases for me

this is for ppl that doesnt know how to use google Smile
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:26    Post subject:
Damador wrote:
this test compare your hardware to the database ( and requirements set by producent) - it is weak in almost all cases for me

this is for ppl that doesnt know how to use google Smile

this ppl should get console & stop crying i can't run this games,why?,test said i can,why???? Crying or Very sad
and save us all the huzzle Wink
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Posts: 105

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:33    Post subject:
Bullshit absolutely bullshit! This system was often posted and it is absolutely fucking bullshit!
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Posts: 2154
Location: Vikingland
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:36    Post subject:
that kind of tests shows jack shit how well the game will actually play.
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:41    Post subject:
swebarb wrote:
that kind of tests shows jack shit how well the game will actually play.

yep,the only way to realy test games is to download,install & play Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:43    Post subject:
d3rd3vil wrote:
Bullshit absolutely bullshit! This system was often posted and it is absolutely fucking bullshit!

lol so instead of fuck he says bullshit now. lol

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Posts: 329

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:47    Post subject:
Jesus Christ guys dont be so fucking hostile.. the guy is only trying to help. Besides, this test is meant to give you a general idea of performance(on your machine) based on developers system requirements. If you dont know the specs of your rig, this can be VERY useful.. so stop flaming the poor guy and offer up some constructive criticism of why this test does or doesnt work for you. Dont shoot the fucking messenger.

I helped a buddy piece together a rig not too long ago to play BF2. He has no idea whats inside the thing, he just knows it works. So when he started asking me the inevitable "will my system run ..." questions, I referred him to SRtest. He used it a few times, and eventually figured out what he had to work with.. and can now guess system performance based on the very specifications that the test uses.. which are printed on the boxes of retail games. So to say that something like this is worthless just shows how arrogant you are, and flaming the guy for posting it shows how ignorant you are.
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:47    Post subject:
|IcedFreon| wrote:
d3rd3vil wrote:
Bullshit absolutely bullshit! This system was often posted and it is absolutely fucking bullshit!

lol so instead of fuck he says bullshit now. lol

i noticed "fucking" there Laughing

Boognish wrote:
Jesus Christ guys dont be so fucking hostile.. the guy is only trying to help. Besides, this test is meant to give you a general idea of performance(on your machine) based on developers system requirements. If you dont know the specs of your rig, this can be VERY useful.. so stop flaming the poor guy and offer up some constructive criticism of why this test does or doesnt work for you. Dont shoot the fucking messenger.

I helped a buddy piece together a rig not too long ago to play BF2. He has no idea whats inside the thing, he just knows it works. So when he started asking me the inevitable "will my system run ..." questions, I referred him to SRtest. He used it a few times, and eventually figured out what he had to work with.. and can now guess system performance based on the very specifications that the test uses.. which are printed on the boxes of retail games. So to say that something like this is worthless just shows how arrogant you are, and flaming the guy for posting it shows how ignorant you are.

nobody flamed him we flaming Ze test Twisted Evil
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 23:13    Post subject:
Wow, has this been fun!

To clarify all, I myself do know my specs but some people have a hard enough time figuring out where c: is.

And thanx to Boognish, I was only trying to help the "unedumacated."

Quick ? I have a Radeon 9250 is this as good as it gets for PCI??

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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 23:52    Post subject:
harrytorta wrote:

Quick ? I have a Radeon 9250 is this as good as it gets for PCI??

good for throwing it & see if it flies like boomerang,inform us when u try Razz
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Posts: 208

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 00:25    Post subject:
I thought 9250 was AGP? or are there two different models of it?

nightlith wrote:
lol pirates pretending to be pirates...oh god the irony...

[quoted from Pirates of the Burning Sea thread]
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 00:28    Post subject:
Gee that helped!! Like I didn't know already...
Anywho thanx for the reply!

Well since I have PCI and im guessing you have AGP I guess they make both or....not.

"I need input"
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Posts: 47

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 00:38    Post subject:
oh my god...
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 00:50    Post subject:
CLDragon wrote:
I thought 9250 was AGP? or are there two different models of it?

Yes also a PCI version.

In regards to the hostility, oh well. Enough hostility can't be shown here. These sites are garbage, and mislead too many people who don't know better. You put together person A who has a dream machine, Person B who has a toaster, and these tests sometimes only give them a reading one slot apart, which makes Person B think their toaster will run the game just fine. When they try its another story. Everyone who tries to link to these should be publicly shamed, perhaps shaved, painted pink, and driven up and down the streets of their home town tied to a pole in the back of a truck.

Any behaviour that would discourage linking to these sites is to be encouraged, not berated.
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 01:04    Post subject:
lol shaved .. you hold him i'll get the bic
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Posts: 18053
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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 01:11    Post subject:
dze wrote:
lol shaved .. you hold him i'll get the bic

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Posts: 1692
Location: England - Manchester
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 02:10    Post subject:
5h4d3 wrote:
The link that you mentioned is a very common one and it shouldn't be reminded, also it isn't an accurate one.

i agree there
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Posts: 1471
Location: England
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 02:17    Post subject:
moving to tech Wink

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