Stupid bitch
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PDIP Member

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PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 19:06    Post subject:
Meh, bitches like this need to get knocked the fuck out..

I mean, you are so young and feel that noone loves you. At least if he dosn't have any grandparents n' stuff... Fuck its not easy when you're that young. Even if you're at my age and your mother hates you - i don't think it would be easy either.

My mom got a friend who was hated by her mother. She liked all the other kids expet her. How fucked up is that? :\
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PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 19:08    Post subject:
ChinUp wrote:
ok I see the will of the people .. but a word of advice I will leave with you ..

If you keep kissing womens asses .. don't be surprised when women keep shitting on you ..

ChinUp a macho man wow , yup your lady like objects for sure will love you ... Laughing

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PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 21:43    Post subject:

If you ever know what t is to be loved .. you will know it occurs in your heart .. where only honesty & respect can be felt truly .. kissing ass for sex .. is called lust Rolling Eyes ..

Without virtue .. honesty, kindness, sincerity .. you are scum .. & I don't want to hang with scum .. some of you hear the truth in this .. stay real cousins .. don't get sucked into the scum .

"Most of the change we think we see in life is due to truths being in & out of favor." ~ Frost
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PostPosted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:42    Post subject:
Man you tow do nothing but bitch bitch bitch.

Boohoo pistal ran away wah!.

Get some balls you faggots.

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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 00:09    Post subject:
Buddymander wrote:
Man you tow do nothing but bitch bitch bitch.

Boohoo pistal ran away wah!.

I still find it ironic that at one time Chinup was reprimanding you for potentially making her do just that.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 01:20    Post subject:
I haven´t been following this Chinup vs. Pistol -thingy at all, but if someone says something really bad or something, why should you leave because of that? Just use the ignore function.

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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 01:25    Post subject:
I know, i've never understood that attitude myself either. But she said it was because he posts in every section she does, and she would see people replying to him all the time and not know what was going on.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

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VIP Master Jedi

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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 01:26    Post subject:
nouseforaname wrote:
Bigperm wrote:
nouseforaname wrote:

lol man, no wonder you don't like your mom Wink

parents don't need to hit their kids to discipline them.

I beg to differ. I think there are so many little fucks out there now becasue parents cant discipline them enough. My mom used the wooden spoon on me many a time; and i still love my mother. And i think im a better person for it. She used to count to 5. After a couple of spoonings, and she never got past 3. Of course there are limits were discipline crossed over to abuse; and i didnt watch the entire video so im not sure on how far the mother went. Heck my mother has broken a wooden spoon on my ass before.

lol ... am I the only CDN who didn't get beaten with a wooden spoon? Razz

It seems so lol

Naw, thats not why i dont speak to my mother. Lots of other reasons

The wooden spoon didnt teach me any lesson, aside from my mother is a cruel bitch. She'd even take off her shoes and hit me with that if the spoon broke. Have had man wooden spoons broken on me, thats when it hurts

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VIP Master Jedi

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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 01:27    Post subject:
AnimalMother wrote:
I know, i've never understood that attitude myself either. But she said it was because he posts in every section she does, and she would see people replying to him all the time and not know what was going on.

I wasnt really even aware of a problem. I figured it was just normal person to person bitching.

I hope she comes back. Her and I had some good conversations

Sad Crying or Very sad

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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 01:32    Post subject:
I still don't fully understand the whole thing, or at least i don't think i do, it just doesn't make any sense to me.

They just had a mild mannered argument and then BOOM pistal left.


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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 02:01    Post subject:
People here often don't watch what they say. They think everything can be said. They think no one can get emotionally hurt on here because it's the internet. And they abuse that.

I see it here all the damn time.

Nothing seems to be taboo with you people. Ya'll will slander anyone for just about anything and think nothing of it.

Chin on the other hand does quite the opposite with some similarities. He knows what he shouldn’t say, he knows what will get people off and he will say it regardless of how it will affect them. He is a bully. There are other people here who also do that. I won’t mention them. Smile

And it is a problem. All of you, every single one, are incredibly selfish. If what’s being said does not affect you emotionally, you just go on and continue talking about it without caring what others might think. You only care if you hurt them, if you either a) know you’re hurting them, b) an admin tells you to stop (closing the thread) c) you’ve grown a certain bond with them and know what you shouldn’t say to offend them. C&A relate, but they’re rare.

If someone has something else to say that counters your perfect opinion, you get frustrated at them. Flame wars ensue. Name calling begins. And even though it’s done over the web where no physical harm can be done (unless you hack their computer and turn it into a bomb) you think it’s all aok. It isn’t. You can laugh off insults knowing that they mean nothing to you when they’re said through fingers of some scrawny nerd billions of miles away, but not everyone is like that. Most of you don’t care what people of you think in here. And that lets you express your vulgar self not matter who it can affect.

Sure it can be fixed with a simple… ignore feature. Neutral But you can’t really ignore people after the damage has been done, can you? Like a sharp knife entering ones back. Have any of you forgotten the first time something emotionally upsetting happened in your life? You can ignore everything afterward but the pain is still there. And even though you think you’ve done the right thing and ignored the person, others quote him/her, talk to him or her about that and the knife itself keeps re-entering the wound making it impossible to heal no matter how much time you’ve given it.

It’s all fucked up. This place was fucking awesome before we all started opening up and talking about our personal lives. We got too close to each other. Even though it doesn’t matter to any of you as ya’ll have a slim chance of meeting us (Rolling Eyes) there are some people here who took our vulnerabilities and used them for whenever they got bored.


I'll re-edit the above post once I’m in a good enough mental shape to create something coherent.

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 02:35    Post subject:
So what, you think you can open yourself up to someone and not get hurt?

Thats bullshit, your going to get hurt, the important thing is to not hold a grudge, because if you do your just fucking yourself.

Your going to offend people sometimes wether you like it or not, people do not have the right to not be offended.

If one of you guys says something against me, i won't like you for about a day, but thats it, in about a day its over, it doesn't mean we can't joke around anymore.

All it is is really petty shit in the long run, and i thought pistal was stronger than that.

I don't know if you've had a really easy life or not but your taking this stuff way to seriously.

BTW your a poo poo head.

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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 02:48    Post subject:
Buddymander wrote:
I still don't fully understand the whole thing, or at least i don't think i do, it just doesn't make any sense to me.

They just had a mild mannered argument and then BOOM pistal left.


The 'other' discussion they had was deleted.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

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VIP Master Jedi

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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 04:40    Post subject:
I hope Pistol comes back

She's a really good girl and she's one of the people who i enjoyed talking to on here

What was said to drive her away?

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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 04:57    Post subject:
yeah i'd like to know that too...

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Posts: 1834

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 08:57    Post subject:
I know what that kid is going through; he should go and live with his grand parents or dad.
I did and im better for it.
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PDIP Member

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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 09:03    Post subject:
Buddymander: Sounds like you had a hard time growing up, don't beat your kids please.
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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 10:47    Post subject:
haha the kid almost kicked the shit out of her niceee Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 21:37    Post subject:
Yeah but he lost heart, he should have put her in her place with his backhand and tell her to get into the kitchen and make him some pie, and kick her in the teeth when shes finished baking, and then slice her throat when shes asleep.


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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 21:42    Post subject:
with this topic the real sycos start coming up. and thats excactly why im replying Wink

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PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 02:53    Post subject:
I couldn’t stand to watch after the music started to play.

I would be the 3rd Canadian. We grew up with the wooden spoon too. My younger sister, came up with the idea of hiding the wooden spoon. Brilliant plan and it worked because my mom stopped using it because she got sick of having to buy new ones every week. She didn’t hit hard at all, my dad was more the out of control one.

You know I think it is really sad that some couples or single women would give their right arm to have a child of their own and can’t for whatever reason. And for some people it is so easy and they don’t appreciate what they have. They do drugs and smoke cigarets when they are pregnant. I see people open their car doors and smoke is billowing out and they have 2 toddles in the car. I see that as a type of child abuse. Or they are lazy, selfish, stupid. Stupid people with low self esteem that feel all big because they can beat and terrorise someone who can’t fight back.

My friend (sometimes) screams at her son (15) for nothing too and he is a good kid. She doesn’t hit him. He is bigger than both of us so it wouldn’t work. He comes downstairs and sticks his head out the sliding door and asks us what we doing, if we have plans. She has told him to fuck off, get the fuck outta the house, go find some friends, get outta my hair, I am sick of you. I have said to her “you don’t treat strangers and your friends like that, what gives you the right to speak to your son like that?” She makes excuses about how hard her life is as a single mom, really she has a good standard of living, spends more money than I do. Eats out everyday, smokes like 2-3 packs of cigs a day. Basically when I confront her it comes down to her saying she can’t help herself because she has depression. She uses the depression as an excuse to get out of a lot of responsibilities that everybody else has to deal with. I can except that but I don’t except it as an excuse for treating someone like shit. Don’t have kids than if you can’t handle it.

I have seen her at her worst too, when she has gone off the deep end. I think she is a bit manic too but I am not a doctor so I don’t really know. I take her to her doctor and I even go into the room with them. I don’t trust her when she is like that. I just take him home with me and he uses one of my spare rooms. LOL it is a baby room with bunnies on the wall. Poor kid. He is really mature about it too.
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 03:15    Post subject:
pistolshrimp wrote:
I would be the 3rd Canadian. We grew up with the wooden spoon too.

I'm starting to feel left out Surprised

I got spanked, and on occasion got the belt Sad No wooden spoon though ...

I don't think it did anything a well thought out non-violent punishment could have done.

Really, the only time I was a bastard was when I was ~17, and that's not even close to the age people hit their kids at.

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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 04:18    Post subject:
I never got the belt. I think a belt would more than a wooden spoon. A belt could cut the skin if the parent was out of control.

I totally agree with the well thought out non-violent punishment. Sometimes kids act out because they don’t have or know the boundaries or they need attention. Sometimes negative attention is better than no attention at all.

I got it at 12 ish -17. My dad had a really bad temper. He knocked my sister out once in the back of the car. She was snoring she was so out. My sister was always the one to press peoples buttons.

For me it stopped (and it was never that bad, very mild in comparison to some of the things I have seen.) at 17 maybe 18 because I called my dad an asshole and he went nuts. (but he really was an asshole) Totally lost control. Went after me and I kicked him to get him off. I broke 3 bones in his hand. He stopped because he was in pain and I think he realised what was happening because he walked away. I found out later what I did but I had no idea at the time.

Parents mellow out with age and he can still be an asshole if he is in a bad mood. We get along good now, we have his hobby in common and I am the only family member that supports him with it.
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 04:32    Post subject:
I only got the belt across the ass, and never really that bad.

My girlfriend asked me if I would even spank our kids (when we have them), and I said 'only if they're little bastards'. But the more I think about it, I doubt I'll ever raise my hand to my kids.

from what I can gather, parents who are assholes to their kids always regret it, so what's the point of doing it in the first place?

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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 05:03    Post subject:
I think spanking may be effective 1 or 2 times (not hard and out of control). After that it kinda losing it’s meaning. Exactly as you say. If the kid did something really bad it is the shame of the spanking more than anything else, but after the second time it has lost all meaning. I don’t think parents should ever let it come to that.

Personally I think lazy parents spank and the ones with serious problems, like the women in the video. Live by example, the kind of life you want your kids to lead. None of the ‘do as I say but not as I do bullshit’

nouse said: “so what’s the point of doing it in the first place?”

I think for a lot of parents their brains don’t even think that far. They just get pregnant and go with it. Some fumble along the way. And it can be really sad.
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PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 05:22    Post subject:
pistol hi Smile

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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 05:29    Post subject:
Dazz99 wrote:
pistol hi Smile

HI Very Happy Smile
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PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 05:35    Post subject:
you need your cow/dog avatar thing back

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PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 05:35    Post subject:
and waldoj

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PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 05:35    Post subject:
oops double post

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