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Posts: 1921
Location: Kalmar, Sweden
Posted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 05:41 Post subject: |
FroggerFragger wrote: | pussky85 wrote: | hey, enyone know if it's possible to make the helmets show that you equip your allies? becaus when i equip a helmet on the dwarf it dosent show. |
That's just a bug, one of many. Many. |
Actually it's intentional. The heads/hair/horns clip straight through the helmets. You can equip helmets to your npc's in the Toolset. But the bottomline is that the developers should just have made the helmets look correct on the npc's in the first place. Guess they just took the easy way out, like with ALOT of other things in this game 
Gaming - Intel Quad Q9450 @ 3.2GHZ | Radeon HD 4870 X2 2GB | SB X-Fi | PC6400 8GB | 300GB Velociraptor
HTPC - Antec Fusion Remote | AMD Athlon 7850 X2 | PC6400 2GB | 74GB Raptor
Server - Athlon 64 X2 4200+ | Radeon HD 3450 | SB X-Fi | PC5300 2GB | 4TB+ total space
XBOX360 Gamertag: javlarmate
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Posted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 06:08 Post subject: |
I have a nForce 4 board, and this is the way the game works for me:
1. Install game (Reloaded version or Procyon version)
2. Run game Update
2. Mount Poseden 3Gb Maxi Image from GCW with DT 4.06 all options ON
3. Run YASU from Procyon version (I put it in the game folder)
4. Run game executable and PLAY!
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Posts: 1921
Location: Kalmar, Sweden
Posted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 06:10 Post subject: |
Havent ranted much on nforce lately, mostly due to being stuck in wow and in rl-work i guess. But NWN2 sparked the "I-have-to-complain"-gene that's been dormant for quite a while.
I've officially given up on this game for the time being. Going to try it again in a month or two. I had really high hopes since i really enjoyed NWN and i loved BG1/BG2 (still play through them like once a year or so) as well as KOTOR1/2.
First of all i've been kind of lucky in the sense that the game plays almost flawlessly with everything maxed @ 1280x1024 with no FSAA (when i enable it i get distorted spell-effects for some reason). So i cant complain much about the graphics. Sure it could have been alot more but all in all im pleased with it.
What pisses me off is things like god awful npc ai, queued skills not firing off, npc's dissappearing, items dissappearing, warping forward when running normally and so on.
But foremost i fucking HATE that they've made the game so linear. I hate it. You get a quest to do something, you fast-travel there, do the quest, fast-travel back and repeat. BG2 was a perfect example on how a story-driven game can be open ended as well. You could run around doing side-quests all you wanted and those side-quests still had interesting stories. In NWN2 the main story is very well written and indeed interesting but there is nothing more. It feels very hallow. It feels almost like Fable (i actually love Fable, but just because i dont expect more than a linear game, with NWN2 i expected more).
And to be honest, they obviously tried to make NWN2 into a blend between NWN and BG2, considering that it allows you full control over your companions. But why, oh why, did they only allow 3 companions. They've implemented so many exciting items into the game and they limit you to only 4 classes, weak. I know that you of course can swap around between your companions but that just doesnt do it for me.
I want to be able to have two fighters, one pure damage-dealer (2h/dual wield weaponmaster) and one defensive (dwarven defender or paladin for example), a rogue/assassin, a marksman ranger, a mage of any sort and a druid/cleric. That way you avoid all those "Ah damn, that item rocks but i have no one to use it with"-situations.
But of course, this is NWN2 and not BG2 nor NWN1 or KOTOR. So the fact that you are allowed a max of 3 companions, ill deal with that. But the fact that your companions are so fucking stupid and lack alot of the behaviour-settings found in NWN1, that, i just find ridicolous. How about allowing me to just select all of my characters, clicking on one mob, and they will all use their default attack versus that mob? No. Now i have to individually select them all and then select the mob i want to target and then select what i want them to do with that mob. If i dont do that i will have my main char rushing in, my rogue running off towards a mob two streets away, leaving my sorceress and druid just standing there picking their teeth. This happens to me all the time. And i know i can put them into ultra-stupid-mode if i want to and that would be just dandy if i could select all characters at the same time. Cause atm it's just to much damn micro-management.
Blargh. I just get so fed up. I guess it's cause i expect too much or because we havent really had a "perfect" rpg in a long while and when the heavier titles are released i get my hopes up. Ah well, at least i can give SCDA all the attentionspan it needs now (that is, all the attention i can muster between working and raiding in wow )
EDIT: Oh and did anyone else notice that some of the music are exact copies from KOTOR? Hehe, class act Obsidian 
Gaming - Intel Quad Q9450 @ 3.2GHZ | Radeon HD 4870 X2 2GB | SB X-Fi | PC6400 8GB | 300GB Velociraptor
HTPC - Antec Fusion Remote | AMD Athlon 7850 X2 | PC6400 2GB | 74GB Raptor
Server - Athlon 64 X2 4200+ | Radeon HD 3450 | SB X-Fi | PC5300 2GB | 4TB+ total space
XBOX360 Gamertag: javlarmate
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Posted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 07:09 Post subject: |
I´m really enjoying this game, reminds me alot of the old baldurs gate games. Sure it have some problems but most of the people complaining probably dind´t play it long enough to notice the story is very good and gameplay also when you get used to controls and other things. I would give this game 8.5/10 because it has flaws otherwisw it would be a 9.5/10..
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Posts: 356
Location: Ireland
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Posts: 105
Location: northern sweden
Posted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 09:30 Post subject: |
I agree with javlar.
They sure took the easy way out on many things. The music, the AI. I've also had my rogue running away, across a trap, into a group of ten enemies, while I queue up fireballs and stuff to get a head start in the battle...
I'm actually installing BG2 as I write this. Let's just face it, there is never going to be another rpg like bg2, no matter how much we want it...
CPU: Athlon 64 3500+ RAM: 2048MB DDR GPU: ATI Radeon X800GT DISKS: 2x200Gb SATA
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Posted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 10:51 Post subject: |
Yeah that screenshot was nice, was still under development by Black Isle Studios back then, but interplay closed it down... Lotsa employees from Black Isle went to Obsidian and Bethesda though. Hope they don't make it a 1st/3rd person RPG like Oblivion was, cuz that would seriously ruin it. And as for the "Mature" rating, naked strippers in FULL 3D and monstrous mutant cocks xD
"YARR! We be stealin' yer games an plundrin' yer gold!" sez the pirate.
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Posted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 13:31 Post subject: |
good old days of BG2/fallout/planescape torment/<insert classic game> are OVER.
the geniuses forming the golden studios of past, could produce masterpieces with less staff and budget. those geniuses are now scattered all over the world, lost into less-than-genious teams led by mediocre project leaders. this is the consequence of the "hollywoodization" of the gaming industry.
NWN2, is symptomatic of that new trend, where time and budget constraints dictates when a game must be sold, even if its bug ridden/gameplay broken/light designed.
Instead of cashing for DnD patents , why not be inventive. Hell they even reused same music as kotor to cut costs lol. pathetic. Soon, thanks to uncle sam, gamers will have ads in their game, like on tv.
gaming is going down the tube i tell you !
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Posted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 13:37 Post subject: |
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Posts: 3141
Location: New york
Posted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 14:06 Post subject: |
1337.kelt wrote: | it will be GOTY imho =] |
Goty for sure
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Posted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 14:44 Post subject: |
A-A wrote: | 1337.kelt wrote: | it will be GOTY imho =] |
Goty for sure |
yeah , then i will nuke the developers , next time suck this game , then buy it , waste of my hard earned money , i feel more like a beta tester then a real buyer
lets hope that CD-Project will make a better use of this engine then OBSIDIAN in they new game "Witcher"
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Posted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 14:47 Post subject: |
it seems that 1.02 final patch is a no go with any image hack... it just wont work...
it says all the time security module something! i want to play!
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Posts: 49
Location: In the Hole
Posted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 15:15 Post subject: |
GuHi wrote: | it seems that 1.02 final patch is a no go with any image hack... it just wont work...
it says all the time security module something! i want to play! |
For me playing the game after this 1.02 patch become easyer, now i just need to emulate with DT with all options on and its done, no need procyon loader anymore.
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Posted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 15:17 Post subject: |
Then buy it
"YARR! We be stealin' yer games an plundrin' yer gold!" sez the pirate.
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Posted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 17:35 Post subject: |
1.02 works fine here with the 3gb image and no loader or yasu whatsoever.
pro image still gives me the disk cannot be authenticated or found error.
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Posted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 22:01 Post subject: |
Any idea where to get patch release notes?
Stupid me, they are in the game folder.
Regards, VodiK
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Posts: 334
Location: both dangerously delicious and deliciously dangerous
Posted: Thu, 9th Nov 2006 23:07 Post subject: |
GOTY my ass.
This game looks like shit, compared to the hardware it needs.
Has anyone played dungeon siege 2? well its looks fucking great and it plays a lot like NWN2, it also runs great on low end PCs, if anyone has ever gotten to the elven and Vai'kesh forest they know what i mean, its looks fucking beautiful.
Why does this game run like shit while looking like shit to?
System Requirements for dungeon siege 2
# Microsoft® Windows® XP SP1 or newer
# PC with 1.0 GHz equivalent or higher processor
# 256 MB of system RAM
# 4 GB available hard disk space
# Quad speed or faster CD-ROM drive
# ATI Radeon™ series 7000 or better/Nvidia® Geforce series/Intel Extreme Graphics 82845, 82865, 82915
The NWN2 engine totaly blows.
And why the fuck would they make such an high Requirement engine?
Don't they know that many people in their market for this game aren't hardware fanatics?
Many of the people who play these types of games like to play BG2 and PST.
Not only does obsidian lack the talent to make a good looking engine, or even an engine that runs well, but they also are to stupid to realise their blocking many people from there own market.
And thats what we call pathetic children.
Quote: | Take everything I say seriously or else |
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Posts: 105
Location: northern sweden
Posted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 07:45 Post subject: |
1.02 works for me, all emu-options on, mount the game and play via the autostart menu. no loader, no nothing. awesome.
CPU: Athlon 64 3500+ RAM: 2048MB DDR GPU: ATI Radeon X800GT DISKS: 2x200Gb SATA
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Posted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 07:50 Post subject: |
One question. The game runs pretty good on autodetected settings at 1280x1024 with my Geforce 7900 GTO 700/800, but when in a mission where I have to examine a certain ship in a certain city it's just a slide fest. Are you guys also having the same problem?
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Posted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 08:48 Post subject: |
Buddymander wrote: | GOTY my ass.
This game looks like shit, compared to the hardware it needs.
Has anyone played dungeon siege 2? well its looks fucking great and it plays a lot like NWN2, it also runs great on low end PCs, if anyone has ever gotten to the elven and Vai'kesh forest they know what i mean, its looks fucking beautiful.
Why does this game run like shit while looking like shit to?
System Requirements for dungeon siege 2
# Microsoft® Windows® XP SP1 or newer
# PC with 1.0 GHz equivalent or higher processor
# 256 MB of system RAM
# 4 GB available hard disk space
# Quad speed or faster CD-ROM drive
# ATI Radeon™ series 7000 or better/Nvidia® Geforce series/Intel Extreme Graphics 82845, 82865, 82915
The NWN2 engine totaly blows.
And why the fuck would they make such an high Requirement engine?
Don't they know that many people in their market for this game aren't hardware fanatics?
Many of the people who play these types of games like to play BG2 and PST.
Not only does obsidian lack the talent to make a good looking engine, or even an engine that runs well, but they also are to stupid to realise their blocking many people from there own market.
And thats what we call pathetic children. |
Yeah DS2 engine is awesome, finished DS2 and I know what you mean 
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Posted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 09:58 Post subject: |
For me it's deamon tools and asr downloaded from DT homepage and that's it... works patched. I have an asus nforce 4 board.
11th "Thou shalt not flash"
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Posted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 10:45 Post subject: |
I just saw that in nwn.ini I had.
;Enable Truform=0
;Enable AnisotropicFiltering=0
Setting those to 1 made it look better, doh. Might be worth looking at.
Also i updated to 1.02, using the old crack tho, just wanted to seee if it works at all wile i'll wait for the 1.02 or yet published patches to come. I noted that even with the wrong exe the load-times were much shorter.
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Posts: 1094
Location: Right behind you!
Posted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 17:03 Post subject: |
Buddymander wrote: | GOTY my ass.
This game looks like shit, compared to the hardware it needs.
Has anyone played dungeon siege 2? well its looks fucking great and it plays a lot like NWN2, it also runs great on low end PCs, if anyone has ever gotten to the elven and Vai'kesh forest they know what i mean, its looks fucking beautiful.
Why does this game run like shit while looking like shit to?
System Requirements for dungeon siege 2
# Microsoft® Windows® XP SP1 or newer
# PC with 1.0 GHz equivalent or higher processor
# 256 MB of system RAM
# 4 GB available hard disk space
# Quad speed or faster CD-ROM drive
# ATI Radeon™ series 7000 or better/Nvidia® Geforce series/Intel Extreme Graphics 82845, 82865, 82915
The NWN2 engine totaly blows.
And why the fuck would they make such an high Requirement engine?
Don't they know that many people in their market for this game aren't hardware fanatics?
Many of the people who play these types of games like to play BG2 and PST.
Not only does obsidian lack the talent to make a good looking engine, or even an engine that runs well, but they also are to stupid to realise their blocking many people from there own market.
And thats what we call pathetic children. |
Sorry but played that game as well and I have no idea how you can compare the two. DS2 was DS 1 engine with minor upgrades. NWN 2 is using a completely rewritten engine that is unrecognizable from the first game. You might notice this if you look at how NWN had flat surfaces mostly, compared to rounded in the sequel. Also there arent endlessly repeating square tiles this time around, so its more natural looking. And the trees are curtesy speedtree engine. So tell me how it blows, exactly? I am sure you are a graphics programmer and can tell me why...
Maybe you cant tell the difference because your hardware is so shitty? Did you think of that? And why you cant afford less than 300usd a year to keep a decent system upgraded like I do is beyond me. Maybe you have a drug addiction? If so, nobody can help you with your probs with running new games. If you got a job and dont do drugs, you can afford upgrades.
Finally, in case you didn't notice(living in a cave), these days ALOT of games end up being rushed. That's the publisher being greedy, not the dev fault. I don't know about you, but when I think about what a company should work on after release, optimization comes to mind more than story/features. I can really see Atari giving the 'OK' for a patch to make the story a few hrs longer and add a few things vs. a patch because joe schmoe's puter cant run the game well. NOT. It is a trade-off. It is a shitty one, but what are you gonna do? Not play any rushed games ever? Your hd would become very empty, very quickly, me thinks.
Oh and if you think that obsidian is "blocking" you and others with old hw from the market by not sticking with 2d sprites that every computer can run, obviously you havent seen sales figures of games using 2d sprites lately. They would die a short, quick death in the market if they stuck with ancient graphics. It's a shame, but its reality-deal with it.
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Posted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 19:34 Post subject: |
i don't find 1.2 patch with french version with autoupdate...
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Posts: 334
Location: both dangerously delicious and deliciously dangerous
Posted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 21:24 Post subject: |
upstart_69 wrote: | Buddymander wrote: | GOTY my ass.
This game looks like shit, compared to the hardware it needs.
Has anyone played dungeon siege 2? well its looks fucking great and it plays a lot like NWN2, it also runs great on low end PCs, if anyone has ever gotten to the elven and Vai'kesh forest they know what i mean, its looks fucking beautiful.
Why does this game run like shit while looking like shit to?
System Requirements for dungeon siege 2
# Microsoft® Windows® XP SP1 or newer
# PC with 1.0 GHz equivalent or higher processor
# 256 MB of system RAM
# 4 GB available hard disk space
# Quad speed or faster CD-ROM drive
# ATI Radeon™ series 7000 or better/Nvidia® Geforce series/Intel Extreme Graphics 82845, 82865, 82915
The NWN2 engine totaly blows.
And why the fuck would they make such an high Requirement engine?
Don't they know that many people in their market for this game aren't hardware fanatics?
Many of the people who play these types of games like to play BG2 and PST.
Not only does obsidian lack the talent to make a good looking engine, or even an engine that runs well, but they also are to stupid to realise their blocking many people from there own market.
And thats what we call pathetic children. |
Sorry but played that game as well and I have no idea how you can compare the two. DS2 was DS 1 engine with minor upgrades. NWN 2 is using a completely rewritten engine that is unrecognizable from the first game. You might notice this if you look at how NWN had flat surfaces mostly, compared to rounded in the sequel. Also there arent endlessly repeating square tiles this time around, so its more natural looking. And the trees are curtesy speedtree engine. So tell me how it blows, exactly? I am sure you are a graphics programmer and can tell me why...
Maybe you cant tell the difference because your hardware is so shitty? Did you think of that? And why you cant afford less than 300usd a year to keep a decent system upgraded like I do is beyond me. Maybe you have a drug addiction? If so, nobody can help you with your probs with running new games. If you got a job and dont do drugs, you can afford upgrades.
Finally, in case you didn't notice(living in a cave), these days ALOT of games end up being rushed. That's the publisher being greedy, not the dev fault. I don't know about you, but when I think about what a company should work on after release, optimization comes to mind more than story/features. I can really see Atari giving the 'OK' for a patch to make the story a few hrs longer and add a few things vs. a patch because joe schmoe's puter cant run the game well. NOT. It is a trade-off. It is a shitty one, but what are you gonna do? Not play any rushed games ever? Your hd would become very empty, very quickly, me thinks.
Oh and if you think that obsidian is "blocking" you and others with old hw from the market by not sticking with 2d sprites that every computer can run, obviously you havent seen sales figures of games using 2d sprites lately. They would die a short, quick death in the market if they stuck with ancient graphics. It's a shame, but its reality-deal with it. |
What are you fucking stupid?
Neverwinter Nights 2 Screenshots
Dungeon Siege 2 Screenshots.

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