Stupid bitch
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 05:44    Post subject:

OK Very Happy

Later. To much work to find it ATM.

If I post more so do you! Smile
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Posts: 7152

PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 10:44    Post subject:
Wow... I dont see any reason to beat your kids if you know how to educate them.
I never received beatings from my parents or grand parents, maybe because I was such a little angel. Very Happy.
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PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 11:26    Post subject:
mark322 wrote:
Wow... I dont see any reason to beat your kids if you know how to educate them.
I never received beatings from my parents or grand parents, maybe because I was such a little angel. Very Happy.

Razz well ive never ever hit my son, as you say theres no need. In fact exclusion works best.. if i send him out of the room to sit on the stairs he hates it.

I must admit sometimes he can be a little sod, and ive felt like whacking him. but never give in to it. he knows when hes pushed me too far and he knows what he can get away with. I wont tolerate rudeness to me or other people and i hate kids swearing. so thats a no no.

My sister hits her kids and i hate to see it.. cos she does it in a fit of anger.. my sis is a nice person. but her temper gets the better of her and she lashes out.

Maybe im so tolerant because my dad was a complete bastard.. he used to kick the shit out of all of us kids.. in fact my sister was 10 mins late home from a party once and he hit her so hard he knocked 2 of her teeth out Sad

imo there is no excuse to hit anyone ever! kids or adults.

The only time violence is justified is in defence.. if someone was hitting me or started on my son then i'd kill the bastard.. but other than that.. violence for violence sake is just the tool of ignorant morons..

ok rant over Very Happy
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 19:30    Post subject:
Reg67 wrote:
imo there is no excuse to hit anyone ever! kids or adults.

The only time violence is justified is in defence... violence for violence sake is just the tool of ignorant morons..

QFT Smile

asus z170-A || core i5-6600K || geforce gtx 970 4gb || 16gb ddr4 ram || win10 || 1080p led samsung 27"
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 19:39    Post subject:
I totally agree with mark. I think all kids want to make the adults happy, but as an adult you have to have patience and common sense and you have to talk to them. You have to start the kids out on the right foot too.

Exclusion works great too and it is a way a parent still stays in control.

For kids I think the time out chair is great. With an egg timer set to 4 mins or something. That way they can sit there and listen for the bell. It is fair for them too. They know exactly how long they are going to be there for. A clearly defined set of rules.
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Posts: 7152

PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 20:50    Post subject:
Grounding your kid, taking his video games or cutting in his pocket money is much more educative and less traumatic than beating as a punishing method.
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 22:16    Post subject:
mark322 wrote:
Grounding your kid, taking his video games or cutting in his pocket money is much more educative and less traumatic than beating as a punishing method.


But that approach takes time and energy and so many parents are too lazy, stupid, have too many problems of their own to think of creative ways to punish (in a healthy educational way)

I never got punished for anything that I should of, my sister and I even went through a bit of a pyro stage. Burning various materials on job sites, playing with gas. Not a problem. God help you tho if you showed up with a zit at the dinner table.
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Posts: 7152

PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 22:43    Post subject:
My mom also has this ideology regarding beating girls saying that you should avoid the use of physical punishment on them, so they will grow up and wouldnt tolerate violence towards them in their adulthood. Preserving them from beating husbands and such.

And @pistol... I didnt get the zit at the dinner table part...
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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 11007

PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 23:54    Post subject:

Beating either sex is bad. I don’t think one is worse than the other. Beat your boys and they will grow up to beat others, their families. Beat up your girls and they grow up to be beaten or they beat their kids like that nut job wacko women.

Just that I didn’t grow up with punishment really. Even for serious things. I didn’t really do anything all that bad tho. I wasn’t allowed to do much except go to school in the city anyway so getting into trouble didn’t really happen much.

But you show up at the dinner table with a zit on your face holy shit watch out. 2 hrs of screaming about what you ate that caused that. Or you would use the wrong soap and he didn’t like the smell of it. Walking too, if he could hear your feet, and I walk like a bloody moose. People are weird, different things set off different people. Now everybody gets along better.
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PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 04:04    Post subject:
pistolshrimp wrote:
But you show up at the dinner table with a zit on your face holy shit watch out. 2 hrs of screaming about what you ate that caused that. Or you would use the wrong soap and he didn’t like the smell of it. Walking too, if he could hear your feet, and I walk like a bloody moose. People are weird, different things set off different people. Now everybody gets along better.

What the hell?

Thats sounds nuts.

Take everything I say seriously or else
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2006 02:05    Post subject:
the doggy's back! Very Happy

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Posts: 1213

PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2006 16:09    Post subject:
Buddymander wrote:
pistolshrimp wrote:
But you show up at the dinner table with a zit on your face holy shit watch out. 2 hrs of screaming about what you ate that caused that. Or you would use the wrong soap and he didn’t like the smell of it. Walking too, if he could hear your feet, and I walk like a bloody moose. People are weird, different things set off different people. Now everybody gets along better.

What the hell?

Thats sounds nuts.
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