Why is life so unfair?
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PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 03:51    Post subject: Why is life so unfair?
Why do people die?
Why do people have to die?
Like, what the fuck! We got the ability to make shit

Why are some people weak? Why are people allergic to things others love? Why are some people diabetic? Why don’t people tell you they’re allergic until after you’ve done something awfully wrong? Why does it become your fault? They didn’t tell you. You didn’t know. And then something awful happens and you end up hating yourself.

Life is so fucking full shit!

I wish I was 7 again so I’d decide that I’d work on an antidote for death and allergies and diabetes. Now it’s too late. People just leave. They just crawl away and die and you can’t stop them. It’s always too late. and you can’t do a thing but just watch them.


This girl was allergic to peanuts. Well. She was diabetic. Or still is. I have no idea (I hope it’s still is and not was. I really hope its still is.) Two weeks ago. Well last Thursday. Not last. But the one before that. And I had no idea of her conditions. She never said a word. No one said a word. Anyway in class she just fainted and started convoluting. For the entire past week she hasn’t been in class. People are saying she’s in hospital and such. And it just awful! And it’s eating me up.

I can't take this guilt anymore.

I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I don't want to go in and see an empty chair where she used to sit. Fuck!

I'm such a horrible person for being so fucking stupid!!!!!!!

been drinking again tonight. A little bit. I'm really tired right now. I'm going to sleep. i'm really sorry for not being to articulate my thoughts more clearly. I’ll try to fix everything tomorrow. nite. Sad

Sin317 wrote:
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PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 03:59    Post subject:
Because of natural selection?

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PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 04:09    Post subject:
Whoa man.

Fuck that bitch, you did nothing wrong, not a thing.

The worlds fucking nuts, not you.

Take everything I say seriously or else
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PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 04:20    Post subject:
Thats how life is: Life Sucks then you die.
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PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 04:33    Post subject:
Life is unfair isn’t it.

Was she a good friend of yours?
Even if she isn’t you could kinda organise a donation of sorts to send her some flowers from the class. If you did something for her maybe it might ease the guilt

One of my guy friends is deathly allergic to nuts, chocolate, dairy, honey, bees. I am never conformable taking him kayaking because there is no medical help. All we have is a couple of epi pens. Honey ale closes up his throat as well. The poor guy is now allergic to his own hair. There is a name for it. His hair is falling out in huge patches. I think it is because he changed jobs and got stressed out. I feel so bad for him. His wife cried when he shaved his head. The poor guy looks just like a skin head without the symbols and tattoos. His wife is Chinese too.

She is probably just fine but needs some rest. She may be embarrassed too if what she fainted and had a seizure. It is completely normal for some to have a small seizure when they faint. Ask about her maybe.

Sometime it is your time and their is nothing you can do about it. Like my cousin.

We have to die so to make room for the new people, the babies. Without death we would appreciate life even less.

Download complete ---- yeaaaaaaa I get to listen to waldos train file that he made. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 05:01    Post subject: Re: Why is life so unfair?
WaldoJ wrote:
Why is life so unfair?

Some people call it 'karma' or the deeds that we do in our life. There is a theory in hinduism that says that we are the way we are (rich/poor, healthy/sick, etc) because of our good(or evil) deeds in our previous life. I don't know man. Or maybe god (if he exists) just likes to play dice with people. Sad

Go visit her or something. She might like that. It's better than not knowing how she's doing. Smile
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2006 00:44    Post subject: Re: Why is life so unfair?
swingman wrote:
WaldoJ wrote:
Why is life so unfair?

Some people call it 'karma' or the deeds that we do in our life. There is a theory in hinduism that says that we are the way we are (rich/poor, healthy/sick, etc) because of our good(or evil) deeds in our previous life. I don't know man. Or maybe god (if he exists) just likes to play dice with people. Sad

Go visit her or something. She might like that. It's better than not knowing how she's doing. Smile

I think you should visit her too. You caught her afterall. Very Happy

I used to like the idea of re-incarnation too.

Until a boss, that I had believed in reincarnation and decided to tell another employee (really nice girl) that the reason why her nightgown caught on fire when she was 6 and burned from her chin down to her knees, scarring her badly, was because she must of been a really bad person duringher past life. The girl started crying. If I didn't hear it with my own ears I wouldn't of believed it.

This boss then went on to say people with disablilties, or people impacted with serious accidents were all bad people in their past lifes.

The Boss was a Hari Krishna. The rest of the devotee's weren't like that. I think I will go with the dice, it's the luck of the draw. It is kinder.
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2006 01:04    Post subject:
She didn't come in today. Sad
Tomorrow I’m gonna see if I can organize something. Send flowers or something. Maybe a group visit session or something. Neutral I dunno. While watching old boy in movie class I’ll think of something I’m sure people will agree with. I hope.

I hope she comes in tomorrow though. Smile

Sin317 wrote:
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2006 03:16    Post subject:
Just some things to consider about a group visit.

- Can be disruptive (noice/talking, groups are always loud) to other patients.
- She might not feel confortable with a group of people around her when she isn't at her best. Eg. Sometimes people can’t bath as much as they like too, they do get stinky, esp people with metabolic disorders.
- Doctors and nurses are always coming and going doing 'things' of a private nature with with a thin curtain separating you from the rest of the world. (There is no dignanty went you are sick.)

You can call the hospital and ask if she is excepting visitors.

I bet she is at home and maybe wants to take the rest of the term off. She could of been burning the candle at both ends. I think that is how I would feel if I went hypoglycemic (diabetes) during class and had a siezer. She could have understanding parents that want her to take the time off.

I think is in good that you want to send flowers. Just call ahead if you want to visit and ask.
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2006 03:30    Post subject:
I think we, students, are mature enough to perform a... sophisticated quiet group visit. If anything of course we'll call ahead. But I think flowers are a must. With a get well soon card or summin. Y'know. Tomorrow I'll see. Smile

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2006 04:06    Post subject:
WaldoJ wrote:
I think we, students, are mature enough to perform a... sophisticated quiet group visit. If anything of course we'll call ahead. But I think flowers are a must. With a get well soon card or summin. Y'know. Tomorrow I'll see. Smile

OK Razz

I have faith in ya.

I have rarely seen quiet groups in the hospital, (by groups I mean 6’ ish or more, families are the loudest). They always want to talk above the next person, leading to quite a lot of noise. I think you know what you are doing. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2006 04:08    Post subject:
If anything there's always duct-tape in the glove compartment. Wink

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2006 04:42    Post subject:
WaldoJ wrote:
If anything there's always duct-tape in the glove compartment. Wink

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Posts: 3602

PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2006 05:56    Post subject: Re: Why is life so unfair?
pistolshrimp wrote:

Until a boss, that I had believed in reincarnation and decided to tell another employee (really nice girl) that the reason why her nightgown caught on fire when she was 6 and burned from her chin down to her knees, scarring her badly, was because she must of been a really bad person duringher past life. The girl started crying. If I didn't hear it with my own ears I wouldn't of believed it.

That's just mean.Sad I mean if someone believes in that kind of stuff it doesn't give him/her the right to judge people. And what about his own next life if he treats people like that in this life.

Personally I don't believe in karma or dice theory for that matter. Shit just happens. The manner in which we face the shit and rise above it that defines us.
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2006 11:10    Post subject:
pistolshrimp wrote:


Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2006 15:37    Post subject:
shit happens, do your best Smile
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2006 16:18    Post subject:
This year a guy from my School, same year as me same age, commited suicide. Jumped out in front of train. Didnt leave a note or anything.

I lived right next to time last year when i lived at the boarding school, talked to him sometimes. Wasnt really my friend though, he was kinda geeky.

And two years ago we got a new girl in my class, after a couple of months she tried to commit suicide, didnt see her again.

"Zipfero is the biggest fucking golddigger ever" - Mutantius
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PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 00:10    Post subject:
Life is what you make of it. Karma and all that shit is just stuff people make up so they can bring reason to why bad things happen and explain it to themselves that way without taking anything constructive from the experience.I think it's only a natural way to absorb bad shit, that happens, and deal with it on an emotional level. However sometimes you just have to accept you can't have control over everything while at other times you have to take responsibility for the outcome of your actions.

Shit happens and not generally for a good reason. Good things also happen but frankly you hardly ever hear anyone say: "Must be because you were a nun in your previous life". Why? See above (and the fact we don't have the emotional need to explain why good things happen, we just tend to enjoy them).

Anyway... fuck all this "I was a bitch in my previous life", "I wronged god by not going to church" "karma", etc. it's a piss poor excuse for not thinking about it and thus not giving yourself the chance to learn from past experience.
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PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 01:02    Post subject:
She was in today. She seemed a bit ill. But chipper. Very Happy Yaaay!

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 01:03    Post subject:
Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 01:18    Post subject:

She stayed in for the movie class and we watched old boy. Bad idea.

I like watching people cower in disgust. But not like this Sad

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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PostPosted: Wed, 15th Nov 2006 23:10    Post subject:
I don't know that one but it is one of those film noir types (google). Did she look upset when she was watching the movie. You know what she probably enjoyed being back.

Did you talk to her. I am curious to know how long she was in there for.
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PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2006 00:12    Post subject:
Oldboy is a pretty sickening movie. It’s quite gruesome to watch and psychologically disturbing. I think she enjoyed being back. For the most part. She was just disgusted watching the movie. Like there’s this scene where this guy removes this other guys teeth, one by one, with a hammer, and it’s quite vivid.

We talked a tiny bit. Nothing serious. Just small talk. Neutral

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2006 00:14    Post subject:
still need to see oldboy Very Happy

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PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2006 00:21    Post subject:
I recomanend it

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2006 01:12    Post subject:
WaldoJ wrote:
Oldboy is a pretty sickening movie. It’s quite gruesome to watch and psychologically disturbing. I think she enjoyed being back. For the most part. She was just disgusted watching the movie. Like there’s this scene where this guy removes this other guys teeth, one by one, with a hammer, and it’s quite vivid.

We talked a tiny bit. Nothing serious. Just small talk. Neutral

I heard the russian mafia do that. I want to see it too now.
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PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2006 01:21    Post subject:
You should. it's in korean. Might be hard to find. If you wanna download it. It's i think pretty much anywhere. But it's worth a rental. A rental and a copy Wink

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2006 01:55    Post subject:
WaldoJ wrote:
You should. it's in korean. Might be hard to find. If you wanna download it. It's i think pretty much anywhere. But it's worth a rental. A rental and a copy Wink

You know what asian film really cracks me up, Kung Foo Hustle. Have you seen that one?

Do you think this girl is pretty.
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PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2006 01:57    Post subject:
She is pretty. Well, she's very cute. Very Happy

Kung Foo Hustle is freakin' awesome. I own the dvd. Always makes me laugh! Laughing

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2006 01:58    Post subject:
WaldoJ wrote:
She is pretty. Well, she's very cute. Very Happy

Kung Foo Hustle is freakin' awesome. I own the dvd. Always makes me laugh! Laughing

I ripped the DVD. Razz

I have a another vid for ya. I am going to post it in the storm thread. That is kinda cute, She fainted and you catching her. Very Happy
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