Medieval 2: Total War
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Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 20:18    Post subject:
Just get the lectures from so much beats Wiki...belive me.

This one is brilliant:
Era of the Crusades
(36 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture)
Course No. 390
Taught by Kenneth W. Harl
Tulane University
Ph.D., Yale University

But there is sooooo much more stuff

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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 22:12    Post subject:
Yeah, if u can be bothered to watch/listen to 18 hours just to prove someone wrong on a forum Very Happy (which these guys obviously want, not to learn the actual history)

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 RAM: 4gb Kingmax DDR2 800mhz Video: Asus GeForce 250GTS 1gb Sound: Asus Xonar.
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Posts: 128

PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 22:17    Post subject:
damn this game is addictive.. making work days here
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Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 22:19    Post subject:
Baleur wrote:
Yeah, if u can be bothered to watch/listen to 18 hours just to prove someone wrong on a forum Very Happy (which these guys obviously want, not to learn the actual history)
I just put it on my Ipod and listen at work Wink ask me anything about Romans, Greeks , Egyptian or Medieval history man Razz
Its also great to go to sleep with, takes max 10 min and ur turned in.
And these guys lecturing are no clowns believe me, they are top notch historians/archaeologists.

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VIP Master Jedi

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Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 22:26    Post subject:
Is there a money cheat for this yet?

EDIT - Cheats are the same as previous games

add_money "amount" - Adds money
toggle_fow - toggles fog of war
auto_win "attacker/defender" - Makes one side win
process_cq "settlement name" - instant build for specified settlement
add_population "settlement" "amount" - adds population to specificed city

Last edited by SycoShaman on Sun, 12th Nov 2006 22:32; edited 1 time in total
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Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 22:31    Post subject:
Just get Cheat Engine. I am using 5.2
It takes 2 Alt Tabs and your in Wink
Attach it to the game and do a First Scan (put in current money value from game). Tab back in and buy something( you will now get less money right Wink ), now do a Next Scan with that new value and u have it. double click on the value in that address (normally only 1 after the Next scan) and change the value to whatever you want. Cheat engine is super easy to use and super easy to make trainers with for any game that works with Value, Money, Lifes or what have you. Games like COH, MTW II, ANNO etc etc.

EDIT! how you trigger those cheats...console? or some key combi?

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Posts: 118

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 00:27    Post subject:
the best game of the year. period.! Very Happy
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Posts: 609

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 01:27    Post subject:
AdslCable wrote:
the best game of the year. period.! Very Happy

yeah, till Armed assault is out Laughing
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Posts: 8823
Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 01:50    Post subject:
muhahaha playing at scotland.... destroyed england........ Very Happy

Made a fleet and force ... sent it down and destroyed portigual .... Very Happy now in a war with teh spanish + france D:!!!!!!
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Location: Not from my mouth!
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 02:00    Post subject:
T_T im Venice and been at war with Milan Holy Roman Empire from almost the begining. Now France and Byztian is also at war with me Sad and the mongol invasion has started.
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
muhahaha playing at scotland.... destroyed england........ Very Happy

Made a fleet and force ... sent it down and destroyed portigual .... Very Happy now in a war with teh spanish + france D:!!!!!!

Scotland Razz

Did you "free" all the other nations in the descr_strat file ? or just beat up scotland to play em ?

"Zipfero is the biggest fucking golddigger ever" - Mutantius
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PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 02:02    Post subject:
just destroyed scotland as the english ... and as soon as u eliminate a faction u can play as them when u start a new game Smile
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Posts: 38

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 02:34    Post subject:
i got excommunicated after i attacked scotland Mad
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PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 03:06    Post subject:
i allways get excommunicated... Very Happy
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Posts: 455

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 03:50    Post subject:
fraich3 wrote:
undataker wrote:
OMG... being allied with anybody doesn't mean shit in medieval age? Razz ... i had like 6 allies and they all attacked me ( not in the same time ) like the dogs they are .Jesus Christ i tought that we europeans must stick together and fight the East but noooooo we gotta hunt each other down ... . I have to start all over again now after 175 turns Neutral

You have to supress the filthy dogs! Make them Vassals! Cool

Seriously though, i've tried making other nations vassals of me, but to no effect. No idea what would make them accept it.

Tried it with a nation way smaller than me, before i launched a big ass invasion on them. (The troops were lined up on the border)

Tried it with a nation i've beaten down to one last city.

Tried it with the same nation, plus offered him to give all the conquered cities back in exchange for vassalage.

Tried it in conjunction with outrageous 'bribe' tributes.

None of the above seemed to work. All i got was 'firmly rejected'. Did anyone succeed in getting a vassal state? Is there a trick to it?
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Posts: 455

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 04:14    Post subject:
woozap wrote:

Anyway we better not reply on each other again because its obvious you cant be mature about someone else stating facts showing that he is right about some things without flaming.

Umm.. what facts exactly? That you know history? Well.. i certainly remember to have written, i was wrong in my assumption in regards of that. Other than that, you just told me that you are not going to argue about in game stuff, because you said what you wanted already. So excuse me please, but who is unable to be mature when facing arguments?


The fact that you base your opinion on me because i acted dissappointed in my first post in this topic shows your incapability to cope with words which dont have your approval. bye, vote bush moron.

First, i specifically avoided calling you names - or tried at least - so i would be glad if you wouldnt start going down that road.
Second, acting disappointed is one thing, dismissing a game and the developers because you didnt like their work is a different one. Going all public with your oh so mighty opinion is a completely different one. So instead of riding the horse i presented when i criticized your historical knowledge, try to answer the original question of my post: why / how do you think the game sucks because of the 3-4 points you mentioned initially.
Third, as much i would love to follow your voting advice, i live as far from the USA as it gets. So take your pathetic insult attemts elsewhere.


I dislike some options in MTW2 i already stated that way before you even joined in, however your first post in reply to me was your "you dont know history post" and that justifies a reply, so dont whine and leave me alone then, thanks in advance.

Rolling Eyes Uhumm.. yea. Then what about you check out first post on page 15? Because thats where i joined in. The history post is towards middle Page 16, and on Page 17 toward the end, i correct myself in regards of my history remark. (i even quote it for you)
csebal wrote:

One thing i stand corrected in regards of my original post: you do not need to learn history, as you obviously know it by now.

So before you start to lecture me, at least do your homework.
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Posts: 455

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 04:23    Post subject:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
i allways get excommunicated... Very Happy

I always bribe the papacy Smile give them a regular tribute of 500. It is change really, but ensures they like you more than the rest Razz

Though one must also play the nice christian to stay in his favor, or just have a lot of money to put in his pockets.. the pope has a bottomless pocket of holding, so no ammount of cash can fill that.

Not suprisingly i havent been excommunicated myself - not yet that is -, but i love calling crusades against those who are Razz

One interesting thing btw: I got my cardinals elected to pope, and they are just awfully lazy in naming new cardinals. There were times where 6 of the 13 seats were free... and no cardinals have died for many turns. The pope simply forgot to pick new ones.

I wonder: is being a cardinal, being allowed to become a cardinal tied to piety? So is it possible, that there were simply no priests good enough to qualify? Anyone got similar issues?
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Posts: 118

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 04:39    Post subject:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
i allways get excommunicated... Very Happy

ROFL Very Happy me too, i just can't live without war Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 05:01    Post subject:
csebal wrote:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
i allways get excommunicated... Very Happy

I always bribe the papacy Smile give them a regular tribute of 500. It is change really, but ensures they like you more than the rest Razz

Though one must also play the nice christian to stay in his favor, or just have a lot of money to put in his pockets.. the pope has a bottomless pocket of holding, so no ammount of cash can fill that.

Not suprisingly i havent been excommunicated myself - not yet that is -, but i love calling crusades against those who are Razz

One interesting thing btw: I got my cardinals elected to pope, and they are just awfully lazy in naming new cardinals. There were times where 6 of the 13 seats were free... and no cardinals have died for many turns. The pope simply forgot to pick new ones.

I wonder: is being a cardinal, being allowed to become a cardinal tied to piety? So is it possible, that there were simply no priests good enough to qualify? Anyone got similar issues?

I pretty much ignore religion in this game... the sword is my religion Very Happy

SO far in my scotland game i have wiped out England.. Portugal.. Spain.. Very Happy
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Posts: 408

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 09:17    Post subject:
CaptainCox wrote:
Just get the lectures from so much beats Wiki...belive me.

This one is brilliant:
Era of the Crusades
(36 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture)
Course No. 390
Taught by Kenneth W. Harl
Tulane University
Ph.D., Yale University

But there is sooooo much more stuff

The TTC made my day. Thanks a lot for this link.
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Posts: 108
Location: 2nd Ring of the 7th Circle
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 09:29    Post subject:
If you're excommunicated, can you bribe the pope so that all is well again or does it take more than that?
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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 10:45    Post subject:
bribe the pope? you must be kidding

you must prove your faith by building churches and stuff and joining crusades
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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 10:53    Post subject:
Surray wrote:
bribe the pope? you must be kidding

you must prove your faith by building churches and stuff and joining crusades

Wake up and smell the capitalism baby boy!! Rolling Eyes Very Happy Crying or Very sad

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 RAM: 4gb Kingmax DDR2 800mhz Video: Asus GeForce 250GTS 1gb Sound: Asus Xonar.
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Posts: 108
Location: 2nd Ring of the 7th Circle
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 12:27    Post subject:
CaptainCox wrote:

But there is sooooo much more stuff

Wow, they do have a shitload of lectures (that thankfully can be found on a certain torrent site )!
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Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 13:30    Post subject:
Narog wrote:
CaptainCox wrote:

But there is sooooo much more stuff

Wow, they do have a shitload of lectures (that thankfully can be found on a certain torrent site )!

Its all there...more or less Wink
I really really recommend the Egyptian stuff with Bob Brier...hes just awesome.

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Posts: 128

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 15:46    Post subject:
Baleur wrote:
Surray wrote:
bribe the pope? you must be kidding

you must prove your faith by building churches and stuff and joining crusades

Wake up and smell the capitalism baby boy!! Rolling Eyes Very Happy Crying or Very sad

haha i always bribe the pope, its "diplomacy".. especially after i beat down some fellow christians i need to improve the relationship with the pope, and he loves the gold.
i even need to bribe him when hes from my faction! corrupt scum
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Posts: 45

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 18:02    Post subject:
Anyone know if its possible to remap the middle mouse button to rotate the camera while pushed in rather than the zoom it uses by default?
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Posts: 558

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 18:38    Post subject:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
I wonder: is being a cardinal, being allowed to become a cardinal tied to piety? So is it possible, that there were simply no priests good enough to qualify? Anyone got similar issues?

In my game there are only 5 cardinals and 4 of them are Danish! I think it must be tied to piety as all my priests are useless, hence no cardinals. To keep the pope happy I just make sure to have a priest active in all my provinces, never had to bribe him yet.
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2006 04:30    Post subject:
Pity city sieges still fucking suck in this game (they did in all the other total war games aswell)

(When ur defending)

Half the time they either get stuck outside... or climb ur walls and just stand there

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Posts: 128

PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2006 05:03    Post subject:
you're right that a lot of sieges still sux, they stand outside and do practically nothing.. but it did get a lot better.. most battles i do now while defending the AI actually does something. Usually bombarding all towers and then do a rush with all units at once, a lot better than before imo
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Posts: 800

PostPosted: Tue, 14th Nov 2006 12:46    Post subject:
*Tip* If you want to get your priests to cardinals you need to take them to somewhere where there arent any catholics, this will get them alot of exp and after a few years they are all cardinals Smile

Do you guys know any good totalwar 2 community?
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