let's see
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Posts: 192

PostPosted: Sat, 4th Sep 2004 18:46    Post subject: let's see
the gfx card is half important. it handles all the effects , graphics & all in the game. but it needs the next half - cpu & ram - which are needed too.
you need cpu & ram for the rendering operation to be more smoothly

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Posts: 1686

PostPosted: Tue, 7th Sep 2004 00:50    Post subject:

and your monitor is there to wank on... Rolling Eyes

serious... if you are not sure about something; don`t post it...
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Posts: 192

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Sep 2004 12:33    Post subject:
AwE talkin to me ??

Punk 4 Life !
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Posts: 1686

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Sep 2004 12:43    Post subject:
yep... 2 you... Razz

what you told him there is simply bullshit...

It is not so simple... (It even differs from game to game)

you need cpu & ram for the rendering operation to be more smoothly

lol - this is utter crap...

if you want some infos - google is your friend; I´m sure you`ll find something there...
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Posts: 2402

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Sep 2004 00:26    Post subject:
My specs:
Intel 3.4 CPU HT, 2 GB of DDR 400, ATI 9800 Pro<---a healthy balanced diet!

RYZEN 5 2600|RADEON 570| |ASRock X370 Killer|DDR4@2800Mhz||Corsair SPEC-05 Case|AOC G2590FX 24.5''144hz 1ms|
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Posts: 1685
Location: US
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Sep 2004 01:29    Post subject:
AwE wrote:
yep... 2 you... Razz

what you told him there is simply bullshit...

It is not so simple... (It even differs from game to game)

you need cpu & ram for the rendering operation to be more smoothly

lol - this is utter crap...

if you want some infos - google is your friend; I´m sure you`ll find something there...

Well even though the 3D card is the most important thing you still need good ram and a cpu. Hell look at my comp. Even though I have a decent 3D card I can barely get away with games today. You need a decent cpu & ram to run a game smoothly.
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Posts: 192

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Sep 2004 09:49    Post subject:
AwE youre a huge bitch ... fo real ... any1 told u that till now ??
i tryed to help the guy now u come and say some crap here ... man get a life & girlfriend ....

uf oyure so smart why dont u tell him what u know about performance-based comp ?? come on

P.S : go back to the corner you came rom & suck my dick !

Punk 4 Life !
Parasite 4 Life !
Hate fueled by :
Benny Benassi|The Biz|4 Strings|A.T.B|Others
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Posts: 3

PostPosted: Sun, 12th Sep 2004 14:54    Post subject:
Well, here is my story.
I did an upgrade on my computer a couple of months back coming from an;
AMD 1.4Ghz
1GB 2100 DDR
GeForce2 GTS

to a;
P4 2.4Ghz @ 3.2Ghz
1GB 2100 DDR
ATI 9800XT

The problem here was that I went cheap on the RAM thinking it wouldn't affect the performance when playing games to greatly. This is where I was very wrong indeed, going by benchmarks from other people with similar setups the scores were almost triple what I was getting and still I could not play games in full detail, needless to say I was not to happy at all with it and went out and got some new RAM. I purchased 1GB of Corsair 3200 DDR memory and put it in, from that moment I noticed even the time it takes for my computer to boot had been cut in half and I was getting excited. Opened up Far Cry and pushed the details to the top and it ran smooth as silk and I was as happy as a pig in shit.

So, moral of this story - if your doing an upgrade its best to get the whole package in one go. If you don't have the money to do it, then just wait alittle longer until you can get it, it'll save you time & money in the long run.
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Posts: 804
Location: Motherland!
PostPosted: Sun, 12th Sep 2004 21:36    Post subject:
if u have a slow hdd, ur fucked too.

For the Motherland!
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