This is weird: sherlock holmes the awakened
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Posts: 2573
Location: Uranus
PostPosted: Fri, 8th Dec 2006 01:16    Post subject: This is weird: sherlock holmes the awakened
Ok, according to and other gaming sites, this game is supposed to be released in Q1 2007. But the game is apparently out in Australia, Japan, and Belgium?? (and that's the english version).

So, I'm wondering why we haven't seen a scene release.
What's your oppinion?


Here's a couple of links that indicates that it's released already.

And here's a link to a discussion about the game's protection, apparantly it's Tages and it's causing trouble for those lucky few who have purchased it Rolling Eyes[/img]
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Fri, 8th Dec 2006 01:39    Post subject:
then lets boycot TAGES Razz

anyway WTF are they fucking stupid or what ... they musted be pretty stoned to release the game in other countries ... or the BETA campaign has infected other devs ??!! /send to other third worlds country's a unfinished game in beta state and then patch it out and fix the bugs in the official US/GB release ... example Gothic3 , Arma , Deus Ex2 and others/

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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Fri, 8th Dec 2006 01:57    Post subject:
Australia, Japan, and Belgium are third world countries? could have sworn they were first world, but ill take your word for it.
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Posts: 367

PostPosted: Fri, 8th Dec 2006 02:06    Post subject:
azzman wrote:
Australia, Japan, and Belgium are third world countries? could have sworn they were first world, but ill take your word for it.

xD Yeah I just thought the exact same thing.
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Posts: 42

PostPosted: Fri, 8th Dec 2006 02:12    Post subject:
probably half of the shit in your house is from japan Smile
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Posts: 5432

PostPosted: Fri, 8th Dec 2006 10:46    Post subject:
They are not third world countries!

Third world countries, have a facist dictator who declares war on much weaker nations, the populace are ignorant and uneducated, gun law among the masses is normal, the authorites torture prisoners.. any word spoken out against the govt is stamped upon by his private army and brainless followers. etc etc..

Hey! I just described the U.S Laughing
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Fri, 8th Dec 2006 10:59    Post subject:

according to America they are Laughing

anyway did you know that Australia was a prison colony Razz

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Posts: 1221
Location: EU
PostPosted: Fri, 8th Dec 2006 11:13    Post subject:
Hfric wrote:
then lets boycot TAGES Razz

anyway WTF are they fucking stupid or what ... they musted be pretty stoned to release the game in other countries ... or the BETA campaign has infected other devs ??!! /send to other third worlds country's a unfinished game in beta state and then patch it out and fix the bugs in the official US/GB release ... example Gothic3 , Arma , Deus Ex2 and others/

Not thirld world countries indeed. In fact, all three countries mentioned have a higher quality of life than GB, and two of them have a higher quality of life than the US.
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Posts: 2573
Location: Uranus
PostPosted: Fri, 8th Dec 2006 11:53    Post subject:
Hfric wrote:

according to America they are Laughing

anyway did you know that Australia was a prison colony Razz

LOL!!!!! Nice drawing that really sums the whole thing up Razz Razz Razz
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Posts: 254
Location: A Brit in Sydney
PostPosted: Fri, 8th Dec 2006 12:19    Post subject:
yeah america says so, the fattest nation in the world has spoken. Ronald Macdonald for president.

X6800 Core Duo wasted within a shite DFI 975x/g,
2GB OCZ PC8000 XTC XE, X1900 Crossfire(have my own powerstation), Audigy 2, Z680 5.1
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