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Posts: 1201
Location: Québec
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Dec 2006 19:29    Post subject:
Update on my situation,.. I changed ultimate to business licence file, activated 120day with KMS, everything went fine.

Replugged internet, rebooted, guess what? Applications still can't create socket (use internet) except internet explorer... what's going on? I've heard on irc that it was a built-in protection in vista after 10day not activated, but they might have been wrong Sad.
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Posts: 522
Location: Rome, Italy
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Dec 2006 20:19    Post subject:
Markieman234 wrote:
vista is fuckin awesome, dont diss.
i dont run any AV on vista, win defender and firewall work great.. tbh I dont see the point of AV right now for vista, its new security measures prevent most worms, trojans and viruses from messing with system settings and files anyway.
my comps been running on vista enterprise now for 4 days straight, its rock solid and runs quickly and efficiently without any need for the odd reboot, unlike XP which would slow down to a slug after closing and opening programs consistantly for a couple of days.
and guess what?
ive got a pathetic (for vista) 512ram and 2800+. SATA HDD solves most speed probs tho Smile
aero works great on my 128meg 9600SE.. i can play the odd game of HL2, doom (classic Very Happy) and quake3 and all the old skool dosbox and genesis games im hooked to. MediaPortal runs better and more stabler than on XP (maybe due to .NET framework 3).
so far my only qualm is Volume Licensing 2.0, although 180days license is more than adequate, I format every 2 months.
And it installed in 20minutes.

Vista ownz!

Maybe you are right but for example now i can't get Nero working on Vista... All these things are quite annoying. They should have taken care about retrocompability of major softwares like Nero.
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Posts: 21

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Dec 2006 20:34    Post subject:
WalkerBoh wrote:
Markieman234 wrote:
vista is fuckin awesome, dont diss.
i dont run any AV on vista, win defender and firewall work great.. tbh I dont see the point of AV right now for vista, its new security measures prevent most worms, trojans and viruses from messing with system settings and files anyway.
my comps been running on vista enterprise now for 4 days straight, its rock solid and runs quickly and efficiently without any need for the odd reboot, unlike XP which would slow down to a slug after closing and opening programs consistantly for a couple of days.
and guess what?
ive got a pathetic (for vista) 512ram and 2800+. SATA HDD solves most speed probs tho Smile
aero works great on my 128meg 9600SE.. i can play the odd game of HL2, doom (classic Very Happy) and quake3 and all the old skool dosbox and genesis games im hooked to. MediaPortal runs better and more stabler than on XP (maybe due to .NET framework 3).
so far my only qualm is Volume Licensing 2.0, although 180days license is more than adequate, I format every 2 months.
And it installed in 20minutes.

Vista ownz!

Maybe you are right but for example now i can't get Nero working on Vista... All these things are quite annoying. They should have taken care about retrocompability of major softwares like Nero.

Nero released a vista compatible version in october or somewhere around that time, and nero works perfectly on vista x64.
I removed it though because I no longer need nero and rather just use a 1meg freeware program to burn iso and dvd.
You no longer need nero, nero has no special features that no other software have and there are very good alternatives now.
Sure if you have to make a hybrid cd or mixed mode cd or something more exotic nero might be better but try and avoid it if possible because it's just a load of shit these days.
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Posts: 522
Location: Rome, Italy
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Dec 2006 21:23    Post subject:
SBeaver wrote:

Nero released a vista compatible version in october or somewhere around that time, and nero works perfectly on vista x64.
I removed it though because I no longer need nero and rather just use a 1meg freeware program to burn iso and dvd.
You no longer need nero, nero has no special features that no other software have and there are very good alternatives now.
Sure if you have to make a hybrid cd or mixed mode cd or something more exotic nero might be better but try and avoid it if possible because it's just a load of shit these days.

I have tried my old 7.2 version. Downloaded 7.5 and works fine.
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Posts: 168

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Dec 2006 21:23    Post subject:
installed ultimate dutch,replaced with business files,activated using the vmare-kms server,all worded fine, used windows update and updated 5,6 updates,im sure the genuine tool wasn't on the list

disabled windows update

used it for couple days,blocked internet access the "software licensing" service,installed some software and all of a sudden i cant open network centrum,control panel, rightclicked computer and wtf not validated anymore, checked services.msc and service: "software licensing,SLUI? crap was not running, restarting the service wont do sh*t

cool OS though Very Happy
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Posts: 21

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Dec 2006 21:34    Post subject:
drugshond wrote:
installed ultimate dutch,replaced with business files,activated using the vmare-kms server,all worded fine, used windows update and updated 5,6 updates,im sure the genuine tool wasn't on the list

disabled windows update

used it for couple days,blocked internet access the "software licensing" service,installed some software and all of a sudden i cant open network centrum,control panel, rightclicked computer and wtf not validated anymore, checked services.msc and service: "software licensing,SLUI? crap was not running, restarting the service wont do sh*t

cool OS though Very Happy

If you activated enterprise and didnt reboot, you get reduced functionality after 3 days.
A reboot restores it to normal again, it happened to me

edit: it should be the same for business
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Posts: 488
Location: Denmark
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Dec 2006 21:48    Post subject:

£369.99 at for Vista Ultimate.

Don't care how good it is, they can keep Vista at that price then.
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Posts: 1201
Location: Québec
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Dec 2006 22:07    Post subject:
From what I saw, nobody had the same problem as me yet (all application can't access internet except IE). I guess this don't even have nothing to do with activation at all.... but what the fuck could have happenned?? I even tried to create an application to see what's wrong... call to socket() return an invalid socket, I check WSAGetLastError() and it return me 87, which is not even in the error code list..... wtf wtf wtf Sad
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Posts: 24

PostPosted: Mon, 18th Dec 2006 00:05    Post subject:
Dunge wrote:
From what I saw, nobody had the same problem as me yet (all application can't access internet except IE). I guess this don't even have nothing to do with activation at all.... but what the fuck could have happenned?? I even tried to create an application to see what's wrong... call to socket() return an invalid socket, I check WSAGetLastError() and it return me 87, which is not even in the error code list..... wtf wtf wtf Sad

Try, in cmd type: "netsh winsock reset" and reboot, I had the same error, took me ages to fix..
But I don't know how to make the problem disapear, happens when the pc have been on 2-3 days.
Anyway, good luck.
And btw, IE works because it is 64bit.. Different sockets.
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Posts: 1201
Location: Québec
PostPosted: Mon, 18th Dec 2006 00:45    Post subject:
OMG!!! It works! thx dude, I would have never thought about trying to reset winsock Smile

edit : You can delete my posts, nothing to do with vista
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Posts: 168

PostPosted: Mon, 18th Dec 2006 06:22    Post subject:
SBeaver wrote:
If you activated enterprise and didnt reboot, you get reduced functionality after 3 days.
A reboot restores it to normal again, it happened to me

edit: it should be the same for business

thx Wink, although i gave it a reboot after activate
its working again..178 days left to reactivate... Mr. Green

Last edited by drugshond on Tue, 19th Dec 2006 22:58; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 522
Location: Rome, Italy
PostPosted: Mon, 18th Dec 2006 11:03    Post subject:
Stupid Vista Medieval 2 does not work. "NAT negotiation failure" everytime i try to join a room. I have also disabled windows firewall. Stupid useless OS!!!!!.
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 18th Dec 2006 11:04    Post subject:
Vista isn't optimized with games yet. If you make a game work on vista you will get leak of FPS... so XP is still the ultimate gaming OS.
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Posts: 3127

PostPosted: Mon, 18th Dec 2006 11:16    Post subject:
WalkerBoh wrote:
Stupid Vista Medieval 2 does not work. "NAT negotiation failure" everytime i try to join a room. I have also disabled windows firewall. Stupid useless OS!!!!!.
All the games you may have are not designed for Vista, thus it is useless if not irrelevant to be exasperated on some malfunctioning features. Smile
At least the SP part of Medieval 2 works fine.
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Posts: 522
Location: Rome, Italy
PostPosted: Mon, 18th Dec 2006 12:12    Post subject:
$en$i wrote:
WalkerBoh wrote:
Stupid Vista Medieval 2 does not work. "NAT negotiation failure" everytime i try to join a room. I have also disabled windows firewall. Stupid useless OS!!!!!.
All the games you may have are not designed for Vista, thus it is useless if not irrelevant to be exasperated on some malfunctioning features. Smile
At least the SP part of Medieval 2 works fine.

Yes but i have bought medieval 2 only to play online Smile. Anyway all the games that are going to be released since January should be Vista ready, at least i hope so.
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Posts: 52

PostPosted: Tue, 19th Dec 2006 15:59    Post subject:
fuck you Bill 'Asshole' Gates!
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Posts: 55

PostPosted: Tue, 19th Dec 2006 16:38    Post subject:
Damn, this uoadet got me. Now my windows is not genuine Sad it says i can't use aero. no game works now.
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Posts: 522
Location: Rome, Italy
PostPosted: Tue, 19th Dec 2006 17:33    Post subject:
saaaaa wrote:
Damn, this uoadet got me. Now my windows is not genuine Sad it says i can't use aero. no game works now.

What crack did you use? RC1 activation or KMS server?

I have tried also Runaway 2 on Vista and it doesn't work. Direct Draw somenthing error....
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Posts: 3127

PostPosted: Tue, 19th Dec 2006 18:40    Post subject:
WalkerBoh wrote:
I have tried also Runaway 2 on Vista and it doesn't work. Direct Draw somenthing error....
They said that they will release a Vista update in an upcoming patch for this game. Smile
cf. (french)
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Posts: 55

PostPosted: Tue, 19th Dec 2006 18:51    Post subject:
WalkerBoh wrote:
saaaaa wrote:
Damn, this uoadet got me. Now my windows is not genuine Sad it says i can't use aero. no game works now.

What crack did you use? RC1 activation or KMS server?

I have tried also Runaway 2 on Vista and it doesn't work. Direct Draw somenthing error....

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Posts: 522
Location: Rome, Italy
PostPosted: Tue, 19th Dec 2006 19:22    Post subject:
$en$i wrote:
WalkerBoh wrote:
I have tried also Runaway 2 on Vista and it doesn't work. Direct Draw somenthing error....
They said that they will release a Vista update in an upcoming patch for this game. Smile
cf. (french)

They should have tought to it before the final release of the game. Vista is out in 40 days and a lot of people will buy the game after 30 January.
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Posts: 3127

PostPosted: Tue, 19th Dec 2006 20:41    Post subject:
WalkerBoh wrote:
$en$i wrote:
WalkerBoh wrote:
I have tried also Runaway 2 on Vista and it doesn't work. Direct Draw somenthing error....
They said that they will release a Vista update in an upcoming patch for this game. Smile
cf. (french)

They should have tought to it before the final release of the game. Vista is out in 40 days and a lot of people will buy the game after 30 January.
And by this day the patch will be available so what's the problem for the average user? (the one who don't try to play games on an OS not publicly available nor officially supported by the publishers of these games) Smile
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Posts: 46

PostPosted: Tue, 19th Dec 2006 23:13    Post subject:
LOL! If this list about vista and games compatibility goes on like this then wine will eventually be more compatible with older games then windows vista Razz

Game compatibility is definitely a reason NOT to switch to vista for me, ill stick with XP on my machine unless the compatibility with games gets improved drastically.
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Posts: 3127

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Dec 2006 00:10    Post subject:
olger901 wrote:
LOL! If this list about vista and games compatibility goes on like this then wine will eventually be more compatible with older games then windows vista Razz

Game compatibility is definitely a reason NOT to switch to vista for me, ill stick with XP on my machine unless the compatibility with games gets improved drastically.
Do you mean this list?

Games tested as working:

Versus Games non-working (at least without tweaks):


This is not that bad as a ratio of titles working with Vista.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Dec 2006 00:21    Post subject:
Guys, a word of advice: Make the KMS server's hdd independent and then nonpersistent. This should make it read-only and will protect the installation from getting non-genuine. In a test I had, I enabled internet in vmware, and the KMS server became non-genuine overnight.
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Posts: 21

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Dec 2006 00:26    Post subject:
lnatan25 wrote:
Guys, a word of advice: Make the KMS server's hdd independent and then nonpersistent. This should make it read-only and will protect the installation from getting non-genuine. In a test I had, I enabled internet in vmware, and the KMS server became non-genuine overnight.

And never delete the original rar file, just in case
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Dec 2006 00:32    Post subject:
Nah, I'll make my own with settings as I like (user name, computer name, network settings, etc) then build a custom Enterprise DVD with the VMX and the VMWare player. That should be the best way to go... Very Happy
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Posts: 62

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Dec 2006 05:02    Post subject:
hmm, my copy of Vista with the RC1 crack went kapoot, after that update.. although, i have a system restore file from about a week ago.. would restoring it, and the disabling updates works?
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Posts: 21

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Dec 2006 05:12    Post subject:
dvspriest wrote:
hmm, my copy of Vista with the RC1 crack went kapoot, after that update.. although, i have a system restore file from about a week ago.. would restoring it, and the disabling updates works?

you might wanna get something that works this time, get the kms server instead this time now that MS has repaired your files for you and all.
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Posts: 522
Location: Rome, Italy
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Dec 2006 07:15    Post subject:
lnatan25 wrote:
Guys, a word of advice: Make the KMS server's hdd independent and then nonpersistent. This should make it read-only and will protect the installation from getting non-genuine. In a test I had, I enabled internet in vmware, and the KMS server became non-genuine overnight.

I think that microsoft can simply blacklist the key used to install Vista. It's the same for everybody used the kms trick.
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