I'm bored, someone recommend a game.
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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Dec 2006 00:31    Post subject:
I suggest Might and Magic 6 Smile

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 962
Location: Din mamma
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Dec 2006 01:09    Post subject:
Delta Force Landwarrior online or in LAN. That's all you need. Smile
Doesn't matter that it's old, it's till one of the most fun multiplayer games there is.

And I love those audio taunts the game has. Nothing beats whispering things like "Hey, that's a nice watch you've got there!" just before you stab them with a knife in their backs. Or shouting things like "See that boys? You're next!" afterwards.

I fucking love that game.

Har knullat med Anne Frank.
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Posts: 11166

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Dec 2006 01:15    Post subject:
Anthirs wrote:
I suggest Might and Magic 6 Smile

MM6 & MM7 ==> ROX

I'm downloading Theme Park right now :]

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Dec 2006 11:04    Post subject:
If you got friends I suggest Fallout Tactics in Multiplayer.

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 1460

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Dec 2006 13:21    Post subject:
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines

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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Dec 2006 14:30    Post subject:
Try desperate housewives game.
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Dec 2006 16:52    Post subject:
Could bust out Deus Ex again Smile

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Posts: 12

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Dec 2006 21:10    Post subject:
I've just recently installed Quake 3 and finished Hardcore and now trying Nightmare.
That's a lot of fun.
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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Dec 2006 21:58    Post subject:
COH always is a treat. Or simply R6 Vegas Razz

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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Dec 2006 22:10    Post subject:
ph0rc3 wrote:
I've just recently installed Quake 3 and finished Hardcore and now trying Nightmare.
That's a lot of fun.

i thought Q3 has only multi Confused
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Posts: 11166

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Dec 2006 22:38    Post subject:
ELIZ wrote:
ph0rc3 wrote:
I've just recently installed Quake 3 and finished Hardcore and now trying Nightmare.
That's a lot of fun.

i thought Q3 has only multi Confused

In fact it's the multi game with bots.
You have to complete the maps with a certain score.

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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Posts: 12

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 03:04    Post subject:
What Z0Bman said...

I never play online, too many cheats, hacks, mods, patches, and people stealing credit card numbers. Razz
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 10:02    Post subject:
Liquidator was....different...reminded me ALOT of hexen, I still enjoyed it

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Posts: 114

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 10:48    Post subject:
CoH, Gothic 3, Medieval 2, Flat2, ArmA, BF2, (R6)

Or check Halflife 1, Map Crossfire on mp, lot of fun, hrhr.

Star Wars Galaxies, great for SW Fans Wink

Download the 14-day trial..


I'm on Europre Server Chimera, Nick: RevanI - see u there Very Happy
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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 11:02    Post subject:
Nah, SWG USED to be great for SW fans...but not anymore.

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 576

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 11:41    Post subject:
My list of time killers:

Deus Ex
Fallout 1+2
Vampire Bloodlines
Oblivion - With as many mods as you can
Lucas Arts' adventure games
Leisure Suit Larry Adventure games
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 11:48    Post subject:
Vampire Bloodlines coulda been game of the year if the combat system was worked on a little better, guns were pointless as all hell and the melee just seemed lacking, but that was the first time I ever saw a game still rock major ass with unoptimized combat. Then again that's a personal opinion. Im currently replaying Deus Ex Smile I only did the one ending where you became part of the machine.

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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 11:59    Post subject:
I have the original of SWG's. A friend sent it over from America before it came out here. It was a good game at the start, but when they brought out those two legged walkers and each person could have three. It spoilt it for me. It meant that the imperials were all but invincible. I saw a party of fourteen including myself done in but just a single imp.

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Evil Undead Dolphin

Posts: 226

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 17:24    Post subject:
GBA and PSX emulators ..then CASTLEVANIA and Final Fantasy series
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Posts: 432

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 18:40    Post subject:
I've been playing Divine Divinity for the last few days and it is an enjoyable RPG.
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Posts: 1732
Location: Belgium
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 18:55    Post subject:
Playing Armed Assault and Alpha Prime (czech but converted to english). Both great in their own way, Alpha Prime reminds me of Doom and Armed Assault obviously of Op FP.
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Posts: 709
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 19:38    Post subject:
maxiepaxie wrote:
Playing Armed Assault and Alpha Prime (czech but converted to english). Both great in their own way, Alpha Prime reminds me of Doom and Armed Assault obviously of Op FP.

where did u find the converted alpha prime?
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 20:29    Post subject:
You cannot ask that, it's against the rules. Smile

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Posts: 709
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 20:40    Post subject:
yeah it didn't come out right I was asking for the patch or the thing that modified the czech subtitles and menu...not the game

Sig too big.
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 21:13    Post subject:
I see, then you are hereby pardoned. Wink

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Posts: 709
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 21:38    Post subject:
Thank you Razz
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Posts: 254
Location: A Brit in Sydney
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 21:56    Post subject:
bt has the translation crap pack all over. Wink

alpha prime is pretty good like doom3 and fear rolled into one.(more doom though)

does SWAT4 and GTA SA both have mod addons?im sure I heard something about them or maybe it was teh drugs.

X6800 Core Duo wasted within a shite DFI 975x/g,
2GB OCZ PC8000 XTC XE, X1900 Crossfire(have my own powerstation), Audigy 2, Z680 5.1
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 21:56    Post subject:
*eyes tear up* oh everyone getting along...it just makes me.....OOOHHH GAAAWWWDDD *runs into other room crying*

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Posts: 254
Location: A Brit in Sydney
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 21:58    Post subject:
SpykeZ wrote:
Vampire Bloodlines coulda been game of the year if the combat system was worked on a little better, guns were pointless as all hell and the melee just seemed lacking, but that was the first time I ever saw a game still rock major ass with unoptimized combat. Then again that's a personal opinion. Im currently replaying Deus Ex Smile I only did the one ending where you became part of the machine.

vampires with all the user mods(many many) really improved big time on combat system.
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Posts: 254
Location: A Brit in Sydney
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Dec 2006 21:59    Post subject:
SpykeZ wrote:
*eyes tear up* oh everyone getting along...it just makes me.....OOOHHH GAAAWWWDDD *runs into other room crying*

new years resolution: to get on with everyone on nforce..........except Boake and his re-incarnates of course. Laughing
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