[XBOX] sc:pt booster maps
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Posts: 8

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Jun 2004 22:15    Post subject: [XBOX] sc:pt booster maps
Hey, I'm guessing the the two new Splinter Cell multiplayer maps will be hacked and released, but how big do you think they will be? And will they be playable online with the modchip turned off?
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Posts: 2446

PostPosted: Fri, 11th Jun 2004 05:33    Post subject:
If by online you mean system link and xlink/xbconnect then yes.

If by online you mean xbox live then no.

Im a cockfag
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Posts: 8

PostPosted: Fri, 11th Jun 2004 08:29    Post subject:
Ok, that's fine there's no Live support. I want to download the maps because I don't have XBL in my summer home, but still want to explore the 2 new maps so when I get back I can kick some ass.

I read the maps are available on XBL now, how long till you can download the hacked ones? Does nforce even post nfos for this type of stuff, cuz it would be nice to know the filename to search for.
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Posts: 8

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jun 2004 10:12    Post subject:
Here is a way to transfer the new maps from one Xbox to another ( all credit goes to revello from this Xbox-Scene forum post )


-The Game has to be on your HDD, otherwise it won't work

-the $c Folder from E:\TDATA\55530019\ is needed

Alright, here we go:

- open any FTP programm, load the $c folder from you xbox HDD onto you PC
- now you take all files, that are in this folder, and copy/paste them onto (e.g.
your second xbox, in the following game directory of Pandora Tomorrow:


- If you've just played SC2, delete the Cache on x,y,z partitions, restart and have
fun with your maps on systemlink
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