Silent Hunter 4:Wolves of the Pacific
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Posts: 1692
Location: England - Manchester
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 04:15    Post subject:
my gfx card is fooked i need a new 1 artefacts all over the place ffs Sad
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Posts: 12

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 04:38    Post subject:
I have been having that problem lately too! Damned Nvidia 7900s. Thank god it is still under warranty.
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PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 04:57    Post subject:
what were they trying to do with number 4 ??

I dont understand how they could release this.....
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Posts: 43

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 05:36    Post subject:
Well the new 1.1 crack is just as bad as the 1.0 crack for me. Evil looks,big eyes, and the counting of numbers again.. Back to the mini image for me..
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 05:36    Post subject:
i'm pretty sure the crack is bad. i ran the original release using daemon and yasu, no crack. and it ran fine and i wasn't experiencing a lot of the bugs people were complaining about. i couldn't get 1.1 working without the crack so i'm using the vitality crack. it runs mostly fine, but i've started to have some of those issues, like the crew spitting out numbers at random. that never happened before and now with this crack it is..

i really wish i could get it to work without the crack.
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 06:34    Post subject:
i've tried everything. re-install, redownloaded the patch, disabled drives, enabled drives, reboot, disable, start, then enable and retry.. etc etc. i can't get it going.

guess only a new version of yasu is going to help.
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 07:00    Post subject:

i believe i have resolved this problem. this worked for me -

Uninstall DAEMON-Tools...
go to \Program Files\DAEMON-Tools\ delete any exsisting files...
Download SPTD Uninstaller, run it...
Reboot your computer...
Download SPTD 1.42 Installer (32Bit) or SPTD 1.42 Installer (64Bit) depending on your O/S
Install latest SPTD driver (above)
Install DAEMON-Tools 4.08 (in the downloads section)
Reboot your pc again...

(this information was found at - follow it and scroll down so you can click on the links)
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Posts: 55
Location: Left corner of Bedroom
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 07:08    Post subject:
Or just get it from here and run it, no need to delete or uninstall anything, this just updates your existing SPTD to 1.42.

Dident realize that some of you might not have downloaded and installed this, and that could be why mine works perfecamondo while some of you are experiencing difficultys.
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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 09:01    Post subject:
Nope, updating the SPTD don't work here. I am running with the Crack at the mo, but getting the game today anyway so... Wink

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Posts: 333

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 09:06    Post subject:
captaincox, can you see the improvement in the AI in the 1.1? I seriously can. It's almost frightening to need to go to periscope level.
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Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 09:12    Post subject:
To be 100% honest I have not had the time to really play 1.1 yet. I was busy trying to find a way to make a Bearing Overlay for SH4, if you played SH3 you know what I am on about. Its that Compass Bearing Circle with distance and bearing you see in Map mode overlaying your boat. Its such a good tool as it gives you info at a glance, no idea why the Devs did not include that from scratch. Will get playing tonight but, and give that Bearing tool another shot, the prob there is the way these files are packed in SH4 compared to SH3.

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Posts: 118

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 11:37    Post subject:
I just read an explatnation for all the visual crappiness (jaggies etc) we are seeing in the official ubi forums. The resolution setting is simply fake!

You can set a high resolution but it will only effect the user interface. If you'll do you'll get a sharper interface, smaller buttons and easier to read fonts etc. But the world around you will still look extremely jaggie. That is because the interface and 3d-world are seperated, the 3d-world is locked to 1024x768 (as was SH3) and will not run at a higher res not matter what you set. If you set 1600x1200 for example, the interface will use the higher res and look better. The 3d-world though will simply be upscaled from its locked res of 1024x768 to fit your 1600x1200.

The 3d-world will not get sharper or visually better. Try resizing a 640x480 image to double the size, the image will be larger but still have the same amount (or lack thereof) detail.

So it seems the romanian devs have made some very questionable decisions here locking the res of the 3d-world and block out AA. That find corresponds to my findings, at 1024x768 the game looks better than using the native res of my LCD. That is because the algorythm used by my GPU to stretch an "under-res" image to the native res works better than the upscaling of the SH4 3d-world engine.

I also don't gain a single fps going from my native res to 1024x768 because SH4 simply computes visuals at that lower res anyway. Increasing the res only leads to a smaller interface and even more jaggies because the upscaling in SH4 does a bad job.
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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 11:50    Post subject:
There is a DX9 mod that modifies the res in SH3. I guess one could take a look at that and make it suit SH4. Its called "dx9res". Could not find a god location to dl it at the mo, am at work, could upload it when home I guess. EDIT Managed to get the read me

·: DX9res v1.0 :·

This DLL attempts to override the screen resolution set
by a Direct3D 9 program. To install, extract this archive
to the directory the program is installed to. Do NOT
install the DLL into any system directories.

Edit the cfg file for resolution and other settings.

Note that some games have copyprotection systems that
block this DLL from working, so if you want to use this
with such games you need to remove the protection first.


Made by Kegetys <>

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Posts: 118

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 12:34    Post subject:
Ah let me help ya out here: (Password is "SilentHunter" without the quotes)

That the Dx9res too. I havent tried it with SH4 though. In SH3 it works wonderfully, esp. in Vista.
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Posts: 1234

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 12:58    Post subject:
blackhand wrote:
i'm pretty sure the crack is bad. i ran the original release using daemon and yasu, no crack. and it ran fine and i wasn't experiencing a lot of the bugs people were complaining about. i couldn't get 1.1 working without the crack so i'm using the vitality crack. it runs mostly fine, but i've started to have some of those issues, like the crew spitting out numbers at random. that never happened before and now with this crack it is..

i really wish i could get it to work without the crack.

yeah same here m8. wish they would let them know the crack is dodgy
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 13:14    Post subject:
Found this on another forum

A message from the Silent Hunter IV Dev Team:

“We are working hard to correct the bugs discovered by the community or the testing team. Already patch v1.1 corrects many of the issues, and we’re at work on the next one. We have strong hopes it will include both Anti-Aliasing and a fix for the issues experienced when running the game in very high resolutions.

However, some issues pointed out, like for example the 2D appearance of crewmembers, the random counting by the crew or the eyes popping out from the men’s heads are actually part of the protection scheme. Playing a cracked version of the game or even using a no-cd crack over a legal install of SH4 game triggers this protection.
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Posts: 412

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 13:33    Post subject:
just returned from the store with this game. they had like 5000 copies of stalker there (which is utter shit IMHO), and only 10 of sh4. poor romanian devs hehe. i have sh3 original too so i`m pretty confident the next 2-3 patches will make this game playable, just like they did with sh3 lol Very Happy

anyway, back on topic:

the 1.1. patch added a few (nice) features but also added some new bugs Sad
for example when trying to use the stadimeter i sometimes get a CTD. stopwatch still doesn`t work. the devs said they're already working on the next patch so i guess we just have to wait
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Posts: 15

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 14:20    Post subject:
The Unleashed crack isnt cracked properly. The protection scheme will break the game, causing things such as endless repeats of voices, 2D character models and detached eyes.
This has been stated by the developers.

“We are working hard to correct the bugs discovered by the community or the testing team. Already patch v1.1 corrects many of the issues, and we’re at work on the next one. We have strong hopes it will include both Anti-Aliasing and a fix for the issues experienced when running the game in very high resolutions.

However, some issues pointed out, like for example the 2D appearance of crewmembers, the random counting by the crew or the eyes popping out from the men’s heads are actually part of the protection scheme. Playing a cracked version of the game or even using a no-cd crack over a legal install of SH4 game triggers this protection.

Obviously, running a legit version of the game should not produce these problems. Since we have found at least one documented case where such behavior was experienced by the owner of an actual copy of the game, we have contacted the company producing the protection used by the game.

We will track down the issue and sort it out. In the interest of helping us do so, please post here if you are seeing these issues, while running a legit version of the game."

Thank you,
The SHIV dev team

I havent tried the Hatred, crack, as now im using the 1.1 patch with an image. (detached IDE drives and YASU)
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Posts: 1234

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 15:00    Post subject:
i thought there was only a vitality crack out

Intel Core2 Quad Q8300
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Posts: 2075

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 15:14    Post subject:
lol, i guess Securom is using FADE again, like in Armed Assault. Maybe in future games also...

chill out man, life is beautifull...
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Posts: 107

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 15:48    Post subject:
Anach wrote:
The Unleashed crack isnt cracked properly.

What on hell are you talking about? A crack? Unleashed is a clone, not a cracked version.
Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 1234

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 15:55    Post subject:
to get the unleashed one working good, the only way is for a new updated yasu maybe... otherwise we gotta use a dodgy crack and have chance of the weird eyes n 2d crew ect...

Intel Core2 Quad Q8300
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Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 16:17    Post subject:
Got my copy now as well...PHEW!. Finally some piece and quiet, no chasing solutions trying to hide this drive or that Wink

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Posts: 455

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 18:07    Post subject:
Anach wrote:
The Unleashed crack isnt cracked properly. The protection scheme will break the game, causing things such as endless repeats of voices, 2D character models and detached eyes.
This has been stated by the developers.

“We are working hard to correct the bugs discovered by the community or the testing team. Already patch v1.1 corrects many of the issues, and we’re at work on the next one. We have strong hopes it will include both Anti-Aliasing and a fix for the issues experienced when running the game in very high resolutions.

However, some issues pointed out, like for example the 2D appearance of crewmembers, the random counting by the crew or the eyes popping out from the men’s heads are actually part of the protection scheme. Playing a cracked version of the game or even using a no-cd crack over a legal install of SH4 game triggers this protection.

Obviously, running a legit version of the game should not produce these problems. Since we have found at least one documented case where such behavior was experienced by the owner of an actual copy of the game, we have contacted the company producing the protection used by the game.

We will track down the issue and sort it out. In the interest of helping us do so, please post here if you are seeing these issues, while running a legit version of the game."

Thank you,
The SHIV dev team

I havent tried the Hatred, crack, as now im using the 1.1 patch with an image. (detached IDE drives and YASU)

Well, personally i'm against this kind of protection. After all.. you are legally allowed to keep a backup of your original game, to preserve the original discs. This might depend on your location, but still.

I would not mind protections if they would be removed from the game say - after the first few weeks. Those who are potential buyers of the game, and can't get their hands on a working cracked copy will buy the game in that time anyway. Those on the other hand, who are not going to buy the game will
a) either not play the game, which hurts the developer in the long run, or
b) play the game using a clone or some other kind of trickery.

Anyway, protections like this make me mad:
I sometimes wonder how developers can be this blind. Even a "non-paying-customer" is good for one thing: being a player of the game. That means: potential member of the game's community, potential mod maker, fansite creator, multiplayer opponent, etc.

Every player counts, no matter if he has the game legally or not. Ironically enough, i would say that a too zealous copy protection on a game like SH can actually kill the game. If there is not enough interest in the game - and i doubt that submarine simulation is a very popular or wide spread field of interest - then the community will stall, and without it a game can not succeed on the long run.

I dont even mention the fact, that these kind of protections also make legal customers unable to protect their investments, and force them to use both the discs and their drives for the sole purpose of authenticity verification. Nah.. wouldnt buy a fade protected game, not even if threatened with a gun. Same goes for SF probably. I still regret the day when i brought my one and only SF protected game.

ps. The fact that they had time to code pranks into the game that are supposed to ruin the life of those using cracks, and havent had the time to finish the game properly is ridiculous. They should have spent their time better.
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Posts: 142

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 19:11    Post subject:
How can i take a bloody picture??? I've got this mission to take a picture of an asian port ... i'm there and i tried everything - the "take picture" button doesn't appear Neutral
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Posts: 100
Location: NYC
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 19:18    Post subject:
Sorry to hijack the SH4 page but it seems all the vets are here Smile .

In SH3 at night time how can you tell if a ship is enemy or foe? Also how do I know if anything is enemy or foe, they are all gray to me. I sunk what had a British flag on it and in my stats it said it was netrual...
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Posts: 497

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 19:39    Post subject:
so the only way to install the crack is to your IDE cables? or unistall en new install ?

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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 19:58    Post subject:
Tit@n wrote:
Sorry to hijack the SH4 page but it seems all the vets are here Smile .

In SH3 at night time how can you tell if a ship is enemy or foe? Also how do I know if anything is enemy or foe, they are all gray to me. I sunk what had a British flag on it and in my stats it said it was netrual...
Well this is a bit like "cheating" but I normally go in to "free camera mode" and just fly out to the target and take a closer look before I start the attack run Wink . Now if you playing all set to reality you can't do that and that's just how it have to get up close and pray... ALAAAAAARM!!!!!! ZERSTÖRER!!!!! TAUCHEN!!! Scheiße, ASDIC! Razz

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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 20:01    Post subject:
I finally managed to convert the 360 Bearing Tool for SH4.

I will not take credit for any work other then for the conversion to SH4.

I simply used what already was there in SH3/GWX. If any creds should be given,

it should be given to the people that did the original data. I only take credit

in converting it.

This works with JSGME!


My recommendation, use JSGME.

If you chose to manually install this replace the "shp" files in

C:/Program Files/Ubisoft/Silent Hunter 4 Wolves of the Pacific/Data/Submarine/NSS_Gato etc etc.

You have to replace each "shp" file for each Submarine type.

Download Link

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Posts: 1234

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Mar 2007 20:18    Post subject:
nice work m8!!

also just seen here maybe a similar protection to what SH4 has... and its now been cracked proper...

Maybe they will work on SH4 next as it sounds very similar protection.

Intel Core2 Quad Q8300
Asus P5N-E SLI
Asus ENGTX 480
4GB 6400
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