Need For Speed Underground 2
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Posts: 442

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Jun 2004 19:33    Post subject:
Hitman02 wrote:
when does it come out

Winter 2004.

Mandeep I bought my 2001 Skyline for $57K, with very low miles, I put extra $4K in it, and it added another 300hp to the already 300 that came stock.
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Posts: 50

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Jun 2004 19:38    Post subject:
TiTaN_KGB wrote:
When its done
LOL , no shit... btw how ya been mr. ruska guy ?
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Posts: 50

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Jun 2004 23:19    Post subject:
SkylineGTR wrote:
Hitman02 wrote:
when does it come out

Winter 2004.

Mandeep I bought my 2001 Skyline for $57K, with very low miles, I put extra $4K in it, and it added another 300hp to the already 300 that came stock.

i could do 600hp on another car for more than half of what you paid
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Posts: 442

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Jun 2004 23:38    Post subject:
Mandeep wrote:
SkylineGTR wrote:
Hitman02 wrote:
when does it come out

Winter 2004.

Mandeep I bought my 2001 Skyline for $57K, with very low miles, I put extra $4K in it, and it added another 300hp to the already 300 that came stock.

i could do 600hp on another car for more than half of what you paid

Riight, anyways stick to the topic.
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Posts: 2052

PostPosted: Fri, 1st Oct 2004 05:13    Post subject:
i just tested the demo for ps2 and even though this game shuld really be played on the pc (better viewdistance for example) i can say its alot cooler than the first game. and the reason why its cooler is the free roaming in the city. the rest seemed quite the same as far as i noticed.

midnight club3 has a strong contender in nfsu2 thats for sure. but i put my money on midnight club3, part 2 was really great.
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Posts: 37

PostPosted: Fri, 1st Oct 2004 17:11    Post subject:
Any news about Juiced ?

Saw in a belgian pc magazine (Netwerk) a review of the game with a price (€ 45 if you care Wink), and saying available: Now !
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Posts: 508
Location: Montréal,QC, Canada
PostPosted: Fri, 1st Oct 2004 17:21    Post subject:
Is there any muscle cars or Mustangs Corvettes in this version ?
I hope so, i'm tired of rice mobile.
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Posts: 114

PostPosted: Fri, 1st Oct 2004 17:40    Post subject:
I dont understand how can anyone say it was fun online, this is THE WORST online player matching concept I ever saw!!!!

Everytime a 2 minutes race finish you must reconnect to EA server and find another lobby, you can't even chat after a race and you can't rematch with the racer you just raced against unless you are able to find them within the hundreds of lobbys online. This is all caused by the PS2 network compatibility they tried and this is a total failure IMO, I couldn't enjoy multiplayer a all, I got pissed off after 30 minutes of this shit, it suck balls big time!
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Posts: 150

PostPosted: Fri, 1st Oct 2004 17:47    Post subject:
The online mode of NFSU was very bad because of its "compatibility" with PS2 online players.
So there were not much options, chat was limitated etc...
races were fun online, but all this interface was pure crap.
The developpers were flamed about this on EA boards...Laughing
I just hope they'll stop this compatibility mode with console users, and make a REAL online interface.
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Posts: 874
Location: Trrism
PostPosted: Fri, 1st Oct 2004 18:56    Post subject:
Hahaha JBrow, Im so sleepy.. sleepy mexican. that episode rules.
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Posts: 90

PostPosted: Fri, 1st Oct 2004 20:09    Post subject:
SkylineGTR wrote:
Mandeep wrote:
SkylineGTR wrote:
Hitman02 wrote:
when does it come out

Winter 2004.

Mandeep I bought my 2001 Skyline for $57K, with very low miles, I put extra $4K in it, and it added another 300hp to the already 300 that came stock.

i could do 600hp on another car for more than half of what you paid

Riight, anyways stick to the topic.

haha, what a dick. First of all you say he knows nothing about cars (from one sentence), then you quote something he never made up(thats what "" mean), then after he retorts you tell him to get back on topic...

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Posts: 24

PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Oct 2004 01:05    Post subject:

I just wanna drive it! If by default there are no BMWs then i hope it"ll be possible to create cars easily for the game...

Its soooo beautyful!
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Posts: 804
Location: Motherland!
PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Oct 2004 10:33    Post subject:
I wasnt an RX8 and thats about it.

For the Motherland!
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Oct 2004 11:34    Post subject:
Can't wait to drive the Audi A3.

Or how about a Mustang?
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Posts: 12
Location: Denmark
PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Oct 2004 12:41    Post subject:
Car list:

1.1995 Mazda RX-7

2.2004 Mazda RX-8

3.2002 Lexus IS3000

4.2004 Subaru WRX STi

5.2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 8

6.2004 Nissan 350Z

7.2003 Poeget 206 S16

8.2003 Honda S2000

9.1999 Mitsubishi 3000GT

10.2004 Cadillac Escalade

11.1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX

12.2003 Toyota Celica

13.1993 Toyota Supra

14.1987 Toyota Corolla

15.1999 Nissan Skyline GT-R

16.2004 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec-V

17.1992 Nissan 240SX

18.2004 Infiniti G35 Coupe

19.1999 Mazda Miata MX-5

20.2004 Hummer H2

21.2003 Audi TT

22.2005 Ford Mustang GT

23.2003 Ford Focus ZX-3

24.2003 Volkswagen Golf GTI

25.2004 Hyundai Tiburon V6

26.2004 Lincoln Navigator

27.2004 Pontiac GTO

28.2001 Acura Integra Type-R

29.2004 Opel Corsa

30.2005 Audi A3

31.???? Acura RSX Type-S

32.???? Honda Civic
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Posts: 150

PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Oct 2004 13:06    Post subject:
7.2003 Poeget 206 S16

It's "Peugeot", not "Poeget" Very Happy
Anyway, this game looks great!
I hope there will be some "hidden" cars, or some custom cars like the one that were unlocked on the first game (with custom decals etc... but sadly these cars were useless in NFSU)....please EA make them powerful this time Mad
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Oct 2004 16:33    Post subject: Please
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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Oct 2004 17:54    Post subject:
::qcx: wrote:
It will certainly be fun for let's say... 2 weeks. Eviltronic arts really sit too much on their franchises, they were puting way more effort in developpement a couple of years ago (ie: NFS porche unleashed). C'mon, there's no content and no attention to details in their games anymore. I won't buy it for sure, fuck them, I'll play if I can have it warezed, otherway I'll stick to Juiced or whatever other cool racers around.

Over that it seems they will stick to this PS2/PC online formula, witch destroy completely the multiplayer experience, I'm really getting more and more anti EA.

YES!! Juiced will own so bad...... soooo so bad.... rrawr, is it just me or is the Juiced beta demo better than the Juiced official demo? lol, just seems to be more of a "RrrraaaawRRR!!!!" in the beta, o well Very HappyVery Happy
Just feel tha bass!! rawr
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2004 05:41    Post subject:
I'm really looking forward to it.

Hopefully, a Street Legal-like game that actually works!
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Posts: 24

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Oct 2004 05:55    Post subject:
There is a sick gameplay video out for the Coal Harbor track. If your a huge NFS Underground fan like me then its a must see. Check out the rain effect!
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Posts: 2154
Location: Here today, Hell tomorrow!
PostPosted: Thu, 21st Oct 2004 09:53    Post subject:
You can cruise around in the city and challenge other racers, thats pretty cool to! Some features look very much like midnight club!

Of all the things i've lost, i miss my mind the most!
"Ozzy Osbourne"
_ _ _ _ _
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Posts: 3156

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Oct 2004 10:27    Post subject:
Movie is also available at gamershell for those without a fileshack account

Dont mess with God, he can impregnate your girlfriend/wife without taking his pants off!
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Posts: 150

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Oct 2004 11:32    Post subject:
I want a demo !
Crying or Very sad
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Posts: 160

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Oct 2004 12:29    Post subject:
I like Poeget, have fun & good look from france.
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Posts: 22

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Oct 2004 20:28    Post subject:
Sweet 3000gt is in the game, if that was the official list, what they really shoulda put in this game other than the better user interface (which was horrendous in the first one) They shoulda have included cops, like in hot pursuit, that would have made the game 2x better with the free roaming city, but I'm pretty sure their holding it off for the next Underground, at least they better be.
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Posts: 192

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Oct 2004 21:21    Post subject:
this game ( after whta i've read about it & other sites ) its a Midnight Club 2 clone , just different graphics & you can tune cars.
the same go out there & challenge ppl . this game would be cool with a story-line Smile

Punk 4 Life !
Parasite 4 Life !
Hate fueled by :
Benny Benassi|The Biz|4 Strings|A.T.B|Others
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PostPosted: Thu, 21st Oct 2004 21:26    Post subject:
hey man i bet i can you beat you with my super fast car
ok you're on

the two men race along a desert highway

oh no! police!
O shit

the two men engage in a police getaway

The two men are caught

listen punks! we'lll let you go if you do us a favor
blah blah blah

ok oficer
yeah sure

the two men become undercover officers and become members in an underground race tourney

women, drugs and sex and cars lots and lots of cars

final 20 minutes

the two men are chasing the kingpin

the kingpin is gettting away his car is super fast the two men will never catch up then poof out of nowhere a wall stops the kingpin
the two men drive up and arrest the kingpin...

high score
put your name
credits with some hipidy hop music
hot chicks dancing and udnressing then a quick cut to some cars driving

and then start menu Surprised

yeah a racing game with a story line Razz

driver1 owns! Razz
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Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 21st Oct 2004 22:56    Post subject:
Oh god, I really wanna try the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo and The Subaru impreza wrx sti edition. Sadly the latest movie didn't impress me that much.
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Posts: 397

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Oct 2004 01:13    Post subject:
Yeah, that last movie was so lame.. What they showed us is that the game will be same as the first NFSU.. But still, that was pretty kewl racing track and the cars were awesome Smile
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Posts: 10

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Oct 2004 01:35    Post subject:
did someone say 3000gt? that is the most overweight POS ever. It cant even compare to other japanese 6 cyclinder sportcars (+RX7). Even with 4wd blah. Right after that would be the 300zx. blah blah.
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