Terminator 4
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Posts: 776
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PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Jul 2007 20:22    Post subject:
chiv wrote:
dont worry.. it'd take a soulless bastard with no redeeming qualities whatsoever to not cry during that part... there are only 2 acceptable times when a man can cry... dick caught in zipper being the other one.

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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Jul 2007 00:30    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Jul 2007 10:42    Post subject:
I like Terminator, but if no arnold no terminator
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Jul 2007 15:17    Post subject:
Armin.Van.Buuren wrote:
I like Terminator, but if no arnold no terminator

don't know if they can sleek his body at that age:p

updated info:

On July 19, 2007, the film news site Dark Horizons revealed that the Terminator 4 project is currently in legal limbo due to a lawsuit between MGM and Halcyon subsidiary T Asset.[2]. According to the article, MGM has an exclusive window of 30 days to negotiate for distribution of the Terminator films. When negotiating for Terminator 4, Halcyon rejected their initial proposal, and MGM suspended negotiations. After the 30 days was over, MGM claimed that the period during which negotiations were suspended did not count and their exclusive period is still open. Halcyon is now asking a court for an injunction allowing them to approach other distributors.

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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Jul 2007 16:35    Post subject:
arnold can do whatever the hell he wants. not kidding, if he truely wanted to buff up, i have no doubt in my mind he could do it, he has that kind of attitude... just look at all the guy has accomplished...

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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Jul 2007 18:24    Post subject:
i bet that's what he is thinking, yes. but i suppose at that age anatomy is going to play its role.

by accomplishment? yes, that's true - because he candidated for fovernor, and of course stupid american people chose him, because he is "cool" - an former athlete and actor.

but i think the very past was pretty cool for him also:

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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Jul 2007 18:40    Post subject:
hahahahah, i wanted to post the same shit when i read his reply but was too lazy. Thanx cnZ Very Happy
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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Jul 2007 18:43    Post subject:
<3 adblock, arnie penis pic gone for good Razz

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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Jul 2007 18:49    Post subject:
nouseforaname wrote:
<3 adblock, arnie penis pic gone for good Razz

once you have seen the pic, it can never be unseen Shocked
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Tue, 24th Jul 2007 20:17    Post subject:
The thing I like about Arnold, is he's made so much money from acting he's told the state he doesn't want to be paid for govenor. He's doing it for "free" pretty much. Not often if at all you see someone in the american government do something that noble.

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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Jul 2007 20:30    Post subject:
Just please don't let him become president, evar Laughing

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PostPosted: Tue, 24th Jul 2007 20:57    Post subject:
SpykeZ wrote:
The thing I like about Arnold, is he's made so much money from acting he's told the state he doesn't want to be paid for govenor. He's doing it for "free" pretty much. Not often if at all you see someone in the american government do something that noble.

The money politicians make by "consulting", "stock options", "deferred salaries" or going into "lobbying" while their particular party is out of power probably dwarfs their government incomes Wink

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PostPosted: Wed, 25th Jul 2007 07:58    Post subject:
the reason i said he was admirable is because look at what hes achieved... he said fuck it, wanna be a body builder... he became pretty much the universal definition of the strong man... said fuck it, wanna be an actor... he became THE greatest action hero anyone has ever seen, and damn it, i dont know if we'll ever see such a great action icon EVER again... said fuck it, wanna be a politician, and he did that too... the guy is god damn f**kin admirable as far as im concerned.... apart from him liking bush, but meh... people make mistakes..

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PostPosted: Wed, 25th Jul 2007 09:43    Post subject:
chiv wrote:
the reason i said he was admirable is because look at what hes achieved... he said fuck it, wanna be a body builder... he became pretty much the universal definition of the strong man... said fuck it, wanna be an actor... he became THE greatest action hero anyone has ever seen, and damn it, i dont know if we'll ever see such a great action icon EVER again... said fuck it, wanna be a politician, and he did that too... the guy is god damn f**kin admirable as far as im concerned.... apart from him liking bush, but meh... people make mistakes..

He's the "Last Action Hero" Sad

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PostPosted: Wed, 25th Jul 2007 23:07    Post subject:
Dont worry he'll be back Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jul 2007 00:07    Post subject:
though shalt be struck down for such a corney'th joke!

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Posts: 223
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jul 2007 14:19    Post subject:
T1 is the best film of the series followed by the sequel.

T3 doesn´t even exist for me, female terminator?
The T1000 could pose as a woman years before, nothing new!

The whole movie is like a really bad commercial. I hate it.
And I will hate T4.

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PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jul 2007 14:41    Post subject:
T3 was just fucking awful... the guy who played Conner should be shot.

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PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jul 2007 15:24    Post subject:
bangalter wrote:
T1 is the best film of the series followed by the sequel.

T3 doesn´t even exist for me, female terminator?
The T1000 could pose as a woman years before, nothing new!

The whole movie is like a really bad commercial. I hate it.
And I will hate T4.

i think if you were unbiased, youd think t2 was the superior film. personally i tend to think originals are best, indeed i used to think t1 was far superior because it was much darker and more 'raw' than the sequels, but then i watched t2 again, and realised that it was the superior film... much more emotionally powerful and complex than the first one... one of the only few sequels i believe is better than the original.. only ones that spring to mind are aliens and x2.
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PostPosted: Thu, 26th Jul 2007 23:52    Post subject:
i agree totally
and dawn of the dead for the list aswell
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PostPosted: Fri, 27th Jul 2007 00:36    Post subject:
chiv wrote:
only few sequels i believe is better than the original.. only ones that spring to mind are aliens and x2.


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PostPosted: Fri, 27th Jul 2007 08:08    Post subject:
yeah my bad, empire belongs on that list too.

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Posts: 4052
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PostPosted: Fri, 27th Jul 2007 08:43    Post subject:
This will not be a terminator film, if its not Cameron its not terminator. I live in hope that one day he will return, and add another installment to the T universe and get over his obsession with sunken wrecks.
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PostPosted: Fri, 27th Jul 2007 08:57    Post subject:
he has gotten over it, hes allready well into avatar, and battle angels next. i doubt he'll ever do another terminator film, because im sure as far as he's concerned, it should have ended with t2 and i agree... i think this franchise will sink into the depths the crow one has eventually...

i mean we saw what happened when you removed camerons masterful skill of storytelling and directing from the project, and now what.. you want to remove arnie as well? replace the actors? what the hell is left? a generic sci-fi film about robots. ooooh. seriously, theyd be better off making this film under another name and just marketing it as a future sci-fi post apocalyptic robot film.
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PostPosted: Fri, 27th Jul 2007 09:04    Post subject:
a man can dream Smile
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Posts: 776
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PostPosted: Fri, 27th Jul 2007 09:31    Post subject:
I agree with Chiv, the second T2 was far far better,much more gripping.
A mastepriece of its time.
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PostPosted: Fri, 27th Jul 2007 15:40    Post subject:
hey, i don't mind if cameron isn't involved
the man isn't infallible - he did make that godawful titanic movie
i'd just prefer someone take the job that really understands and loves the subject matter and isn't a complete fuckup
currently it's just the suits hiring random people that seem to do films that sell and grab a random script that arrives appropriately and run with it
the same thing ruined the alien franchise
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PostPosted: Fri, 27th Jul 2007 22:21    Post subject:
ok for all the people that hated titanic, id just like to point out

highest. grossing. movie. ever. sorry, but just because you an i didnt particularily LIKE the genre or whatever, you cant call titanic a cock-up by ANY measure... i mean shit, even films like spider-trash 3 and the pirates and lotr movies havent eclipsed it yet... i repeat, just because it wasnt our type of film, doesnt mean you can count titanic as a failing on his part.

and i will forever make a firm stance on alien resurrection being the failing of the alien franchise. i still enjoy alien 3, and while it does have failings, finchers direction makes it watchable, and the atmosphere completely suited the franchise. the problem was the producers fucking everything sideways... finchers version of the film is totally superior to the theatrical butchered release fox ended up releasing... resurrection was where it all went to shit. that big white human'ish alien freak thing, and super-ripley... fucking COME ON! BUT... huge 'but' here, alien resurrection is like terminator 3.. not up to the standards of previous films, but still not shit enough to be unrecoverable from... if they ever make another alien film, it could possibly revive the series.

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PostPosted: Sat, 28th Jul 2007 18:12    Post subject:
don't confuse popularity with quality
it was a cheap chick flick with a bloated budget
disasters are always fun, but please, make a disaster film or a chick flick and not try merge the two for a calculated buck

yea, next to resurrection A3 is a masterpiece
especially the recut special edition you get in the quadrology box - the story actually makes sense now
but it still fucked over the previous film in a serious way
it's all fox' fault though
i have a lot of respect for fincher for doing it as well as he did with the material available
should have been left as the last episode in a brilliant trilogy
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PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Dec 2007 17:35    Post subject:
Bale is rumoured to play John Connor, that cant be bad right.
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