[Wii] Trauma_Center_Second_Opinion_PAL_MULTi5_Wii-WiiERD
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PostPosted: Thu, 9th Aug 2007 01:42    Post subject: [Wii] Trauma_Center_Second_Opinion_PAL_MULTi5_Wii-WiiERD


Heart surgery and tumor removal might look easy from the morphine end, but how do you think the doctor feels? Well, you’re going to find out! In Trauma Center, the patients’ lives are in your hands!


This robust “Wii-make” of Under the Knife features new graphics and animation; new and remixed musical themes; new surgical implements and operation types; a second playable character with all-new missions; multiple difficulty modes for gamers of all skill levels; and a revised control system that takes full advantage of the revolutionary Wii Remote.




PAL at last! It's about goddamn time! Can't wait to play this! Smile

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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Aug 2007 12:39    Post subject:
anyone get this to work? i burnt this at 16x to a tdk disc using clone cd, i get the start screen in the wii browser but when i select start the screen goes blank and the system locks up. help is greatly appreciated

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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Aug 2007 13:41    Post subject:
Use Imgburn and burn at 2,4X and it works flawless, atleast with Verbatim DVD+RW.
With Wiikey.
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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Aug 2007 13:58    Post subject:
shuvit82 wrote:
anyone get this to work? i burnt this at 16x to a tdk disc using clone cd, i get the start screen in the wii browser but when i select start the screen goes blank and the system locks up. help is greatly appreciated


Sounds like you are trying to run the NTSC version on a PAL console. Thats exactly what happened to me after Id patched it to PAL. Of course it still didnt work afterwards lol. I got the actual PAL release but have still yet to try it but I have no doubts that it will work! Smile

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Aug 2007 14:27    Post subject:
nah it's the pal version on a pal console, that's why i posted in this thread... will try now with 2.4 speed on a verbatim dvd-r, will post an update
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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Aug 2007 14:33    Post subject:
lol. you burnt it at 16x?! I would never do that. I burn Wii games at 4x with Ridisc. Had no problems so far unless there is something wrong with the iso. Do you need an update for the console? Connect to Wiiconnect 24 and check?

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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PostPosted: Sat, 11th Aug 2007 00:01    Post subject:
Burned it today. Tried it with a WiiKey modded Wii, with both 2.1E (or whatever came before 3.0E) and with 3.0E. Both worked fine. Use ImgBurn.
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PostPosted: Sat, 11th Aug 2007 14:24    Post subject:
yeah i fixed it applying the update from big brain academy, as i stated before, i'm a noob in the wii community, didn't know that... is there any website to check what version of the system software you need to run specific games? because i've heard there's updates that will brick your wii.

thanks for your help guys, have a good one Smile
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PostPosted: Sat, 11th Aug 2007 14:40    Post subject:
shuvit82 wrote:
yeah i fixed it applying the update from big brain academy, as i stated before, i'm a noob in the wii community, didn't know that... is there any website to check what version of the system software you need to run specific games? because i've heard there's updates that will brick your wii.

thanks for your help guys, have a good one Smile

You'll only brick your wii if you try to patch your wii with a wrong region patch.
But I would be careful updating beyond 2.2e until more info is posted.

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Posts: 84

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Aug 2007 23:30    Post subject:
CraweN wrote:
shuvit82 wrote:
yeah i fixed it applying the update from big brain academy, as i stated before, i'm a noob in the wii community, didn't know that... is there any website to check what version of the system software you need to run specific games? because i've heard there's updates that will brick your wii.

thanks for your help guys, have a good one Smile

You'll only brick your wii if you try to patch your wii with a wrong region patch.
But I would be careful updating beyond 2.2e until more info is posted.

Today I updated a modded Wii (WiiKey) from 2.2E -> 3.0E, playing Trauma Center and modded a Wii with the 3.0E update and played Trauma Center and Big Brain Academy on it. No worries.
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