[PS2] ntsc games on pal machine and vice versa ?
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 21:19    Post subject: [PS2] ntsc games on pal machine and vice versa ?
Is it possible to play them on what I say in the subject line?
And is this depends on the TV at all or in the console, or maybe them both?
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PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jun 2004 00:39    Post subject:
I have a PAL machine, and it plays NTSC just fine. I think it does have a lot to do with the TV, otherwise it plays in black and white (from a distant memory I have somewhere!). I think I also needed a full RGB lead, otherwise it played in a rather attractive green tinge.......

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Posts: 33

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jun 2004 07:56    Post subject:
It only depends on the TV. If you tv is multisystem then you should have no problem.

I also saw a toll that converts PAL to NTSC and vice verse, the name of the prog was NTSCONV.
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PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jun 2004 21:08    Post subject:
If you have a modchip called DMS3 you can force the game to play in you're region or get a converter or a NTSC/PAL TV the best is to get a NTSC/PAL TV
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PostPosted: Wed, 16th Jun 2004 17:58    Post subject:
as TheGuvnor said u need a rgb cable to play ntsc games on ur pal console properly (has to do with the additional Hz), else it will only be black and white. those cables are better anyways and get rid of the green shishi when watching dvds..
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