[Wii] Where the hell is Ultimate Duck Hunting?
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Wed, 24th Oct 2007 06:31    Post subject: [Wii] Where the hell is Ultimate Duck Hunting?
Supposed to release 10/17, haven't seen it anywhere. To me, other than sports games, shooting is where its at for the wii, why hasn't this been released yet??? I've been waiting for this game since I bought the damn console.
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Posts: 4863
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PostPosted: Wed, 24th Oct 2007 06:41    Post subject: Re: [Wii] Where the hell is Ultimate Duck Hunting?
appzz wrote:
Supposed to release 10/17, haven't seen it anywhere. To me, other than sports games, shooting is where its at for the wii, why hasn't this been released yet??? I've been waiting for this game since I bought the damn console.

Well for a first post, you didnt quite do a good impression...you're probably a Hip Hop fan...so anyway, if you have checked around the net, you would have notice the game has been delayed till November 15
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PostPosted: Wed, 24th Oct 2007 11:18    Post subject:
Wouldnt it need a light gun too which isnt yet available?

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Wed, 24th Oct 2007 12:06    Post subject:
headshot wrote:
Wouldnt it need a light gun too which isnt yet available?

Theres a few where you insert controller in it

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PostPosted: Wed, 24th Oct 2007 13:12    Post subject: Re: [Wii] Where the hell is Ultimate Duck Hunting?
Kommando wrote:
appzz wrote:
Supposed to release 10/17, haven't seen it anywhere. To me, other than sports games, shooting is where its at for the wii, why hasn't this been released yet??? I've been waiting for this game since I bought the damn console.

Well for a first post, you didnt quite do a good impression...you're probably a Hip Hop fan...so anyway, if you have checked around the net, you would have notice the game has been delayed till November 15

You seem to be really depressed by hiphop?

Did no1 like you at school?

You are one of those "loners" ROFL...

with those gay metal t-shirts?

And now you try to get back at those people on the INTERNET safe from your PC?

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Posts: 549
Location: USA
PostPosted: Wed, 24th Oct 2007 21:54    Post subject:
Actually...since this is the "Where the hell is it thread"...

Where is Tomb Raider Anniversary.
Suppose to be out today.

Just getting in before the lock. Smile
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Posts: 962
Location: Din mamma
PostPosted: Wed, 24th Oct 2007 21:58    Post subject: Re: [Wii] Where the hell is Ultimate Duck Hunting?
TheGame110011001 wrote:

You seem to be really depressed by hiphop?]

Doesn't everyone get depressed by that crap?

Har knullat med Anne Frank.
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Posts: 144

PostPosted: Thu, 25th Oct 2007 00:50    Post subject:
"I will use Google before asking dumb questions"

My 2cent
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Posts: 418

PostPosted: Thu, 25th Oct 2007 01:14    Post subject: Re: [Wii] Where the hell is Ultimate Duck Hunting?
thompa wrote:
TheGame110011001 wrote:

You seem to be really depressed by hiphop?]

Doesn't everyone get depressed by that crap?

QFT Very Happy
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Thu, 25th Oct 2007 01:19    Post subject:
Not going to get into a flame war, but since its my first post an all :0

Checked IGN said it was released 10/17/07 http://wii.ign.com/objects/906/906204.html

Then checked mfg website:
To this day says it's coming in October.

So I checked around the net and didn't notice the delay, but thanks for answering my question. Rolling Eyes
Not a hip-hop fan, hard rock & metal mostly.

And no, I don't believe it needs a light gun, you can just use the remote.
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