Need some help with
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Location: Here today, Hell tomorrow!
PostPosted: Thu, 1st Nov 2007 00:06    Post subject: Need some help with
I'm trying to learn my nine year old god daughter some basic programming so never mind the cheesy "log in". How do i get the to open the credence.html in an iframe or in "itself"?

Thanks dudes!

function passWord() {
var testV = 1;
var pass1 = prompt('Skriv in ditt lösenord',' ');
while (testV < 3) {
if (!pass1)
if (pass1.toLowerCase() == "foggerty") {
var pass1 =
prompt('Access Denied - Lösenordet var felaktigt, Var snäll och försök igen.','Lösenord');
if (pass1.toLowerCase()!="password" & testV ==3)
return " ";

Of all the things i've lost, i miss my mind the most!
"Ozzy Osbourne"
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Posts: 1914

PostPosted: Thu, 1st Nov 2007 00:24    Post subject: is for opening popups

i cant remember exactly but the JS for opening in the current window would be something like:

getURL('url here');

and the code for an iframe would be something like:

iframename.src = 'url here';

with the iframe declared with a name, for eg:

<iframe name="iframename" src="url before click">

now i can guarantee that these are not right, but hit google up and u should find ur answers.

Cohen wrote:
I'm a troll! well done, you caught me lying my ass off on a forum. I post pictures so that it makes you angry and that you wish you could have my awesome material things Smile Cool
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VIP Member

Posts: 2154
Location: Here today, Hell tomorrow!
PostPosted: Thu, 1st Nov 2007 00:42    Post subject:
KaiKo wrote: is for opening popups

i cant remember exactly but the JS for opening in the current window would be something like:

getURL('url here');

and the code for an iframe would be something like:

iframename.src = 'url here';

with the iframe declared with a name, for eg:

<iframe name="iframename" src="url before click">

now i can guarantee that these are not right, but hit google up and u should find ur answers.

Thanks man!

Any suggestions on how to implement it in the code, i'm at a complete standstill here and have been googeling for hours (been 7 years since i last programmed JS) LOL

Of all the things i've lost, i miss my mind the most!
"Ozzy Osbourne"
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