GeForce 8800 GT
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Posts: 2248
Location: City Of Compton
PostPosted: Tue, 6th Nov 2007 22:50    Post subject:
Is that Zotac GTX mis-labeled? I thought that was a GT round up?
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Posts: 5409
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PostPosted: Tue, 6th Nov 2007 23:23    Post subject:
KrAzY-KaMeL wrote:
Is that Zotac GTX mis-labeled? I thought that was a GT round up?

it's a comparison to show how good 2 8800 GTs in SLI are compared to a single GTX which costs about the same as 2 GTs.
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Posts: 2248
Location: City Of Compton
PostPosted: Wed, 7th Nov 2007 01:01    Post subject:
Yeah I know, maybe I'm reading it wrong. But the single XFX GT is pwning the GTX?
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PostPosted: Wed, 7th Nov 2007 01:13    Post subject:
KrAzY-KaMeL wrote:
Yeah I know, maybe I'm reading it wrong. But the single XFX GT is pwning the GTX?
XFX 8800 GT Alpha DOG Edition at 670MHz core and 975MHz memory speed (...)
it seems that either the drivers are optimized for 8800 GT or the game just likes faster Shaders (...)
Although 8800 GT’s average frame rate was better than 8800 GTX’s, 8800 GT had a lower minimum FPS. Geforce 8800 GTX’s minimum FPS was 22 FPS while Geforce 8800 GT’s minimum was 17.5 FPS.
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Posts: 2248
Location: City Of Compton
PostPosted: Wed, 7th Nov 2007 03:30    Post subject:
Ah I see, thanks.
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PostPosted: Wed, 7th Nov 2007 07:25    Post subject:
Was just checking some prices here in Germany. The XFX 8800GT Alpha Dog or (8800GT XXX) will be out the 14th of Nov and the cheapest price I found is 276 Euro. That's 552 Euro (808$) for 2 in SLI!, thinking hard here. Or...wait for the 9800...that could take months but.

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PostPosted: Wed, 7th Nov 2007 07:39    Post subject:
CaptainCox wrote:
Or...wait for the 9800...that could take months but.

Don't expect it to come out this year. nVIDIA usually releases their cards in November, and this time it's the GT, not the 9800. That means it should be out in April-May next year maybe.

Depends if you want to wait or not, but after the 9800 there is another series coming, so you could end up waiting infinitely for the next big thing - in a manner of speaking.

Personally I have a 1900 at the moment, and the GT is a godsend. So I'll be upgrading sometimes this month or maybe next month. Wink

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PostPosted: Wed, 7th Nov 2007 07:51    Post subject:
Yea, its the old game of "buy now, or wait forever"
Or hold on a bit and get the new Penryns 45nm coming in Jan, with the new NV 790i mobo...
Dam!...There will also be a release of a hotter GTS ...probably in December

And NV will also launch this in Q1 2008

Sure the price tag will be higher...but that will again beat the GT etc etc.

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PostPosted: Wed, 7th Nov 2007 07:58    Post subject:
CaptainCox wrote:

*spins the rumour mill* Laughing

Of course you could always wait. Heck, I would love to wait indefinitively, but I can't. Mainly because there are shitloads of high-profile games coming out this month, and my machine is practically from the stoneage (4000+, 1900...) Wink

I think this is the longest time I have gone without upgrading my machine. About 2 years for the rest of the hardware, and around 1 year for the graphic card. Laughing

However, somewhere around $1300 is not a lot for upgrading to me, all things considering (which country I live in as well Razz).

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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Thu, 8th Nov 2007 22:59    Post subject:
damn these things are so hard to get ahold of.

I was going to buy one and a friend of mine as well at a hardware store near me.
So Last week I called em and asked when they'd have the 8800 GT.

They said next week (this week now) and told me to just check the online price list to see if they're available or not.

so sure enough, I checked it every day.. but they never had it.

Today I called em again, and they said... "yeah we had em already this week, but they were all gone again the same day that they arrived".


That really sucks.. first you gotta wait for new hardware to be released, and when it's released you still gotta wait until they're actually available. Sure, you might get lucky and get one from the first batch, but after those are gone you gotta wait weeks for more to arrive. that just sucks.

Likot Mosuskekim, Woodcutter cancels Sleep: Interrupted by Elephant.
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Posts: 12108
Location: Cybertron
PostPosted: Thu, 8th Nov 2007 23:29    Post subject:
lol, you cant get one in sweden either, afaik. all the incoming orders are also pre-ordered Laughing

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PostPosted: Fri, 9th Nov 2007 00:08    Post subject:
Damn, I feel kinda bad for ppl who can't get them. I told my brother about the card and we went into Best Buy the day they came out and snatched one up. Now sold out there, as well. Craziness. It's like this card is the deal of the century or something, which it just about is... Hell, I tried to convince him to buy 2 and I'd trade my GTX for em Very Happy

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PostPosted: Fri, 9th Nov 2007 02:36    Post subject:
Seems easy to get here...

Also, 8800GTS is coming out in the G92 very soon. May want to wait for those, I know I am. You're probably looking at 8800Ultra type performance from a $300 card.

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Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Nov 2007 06:49    Post subject:
Hold on to your horses Smile
NVIDIA's GeForce 8800 GT might be one of the best performance-per-dollar cards since the Radeon 9800, but things are moving fast at NVIDIA and there's a lot more on the way from the company between now and next Summer.

Over the last quarter, the company moved away from the old "Gx" designation for its core names, instead opting to switch to a more descriptive system. NVIDIA's new codenames follow:

D8M: Eighth generation mainstream, previously named G98
D8P: Eighth generation performance, previously named G92
D9M: Ninth generation mainstream
D9P: Ninth generation performance
D9E: Ninth generation enthusiast

This is the best bit
Early NVIDIA roadmaps claim D9M, the first ninth-generation NVIDIA component, will replace the GeForce 8500-series lineup. There's no retail designation for these D9x parts, but it would be a safe bet to say these will be the GeForce 9xxx-series cards.

D9M will add PCIe 2.0 support, DirectX 10.1, wider memory controllers (up to 128-bits) and will be based on a 65nm silicon. D9P, the likely 8600-series replacement, adds the same features as D9M, but the memory controller width will top out at 256-bits.

D9E, the enthusiast component slated to replace the GeForce 8800-series, will incorporate all of the features of D9P and add a 512-bit memory bus. NVIDIA is holding its cards close on D9E, and has not provided any other guidance or release date.

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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Nov 2007 08:42    Post subject:
yeah.. but who knows when D9E comes out.

The G92 8800 GTS would be pretty cool, and I'd get that one if it would come out sooner because I'm willing to pay about 350€ for a good graphics card, so the GT is well below what I normally buy price wise. But the G92 GTS is only coming in december or something and that's too late.
I need to play Crysis on high settings than medium but my 7900 GTX can't handle it Sad
Gotta go with the GT for now and get a D9E when it's released to replace it or something.

Likot Mosuskekim, Woodcutter cancels Sleep: Interrupted by Elephant.
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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Nov 2007 08:47    Post subject:
Yea, sound like a good plan. I will at least wait until Jan-Feb before buying any new stuff. New Penryns and the X48 + 790i is due then. Maybe I am lucky and NV launches their D9E around this time as well...wishful thinking no doubt.

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Posts: 1961

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Nov 2007 19:20    Post subject:
Its true, pretty hard to get a hold of one. I caved in and decided to buy one, went to every electronic store near me, and none have them. So i decided to buy from evga website (since people say they are oh so awesome), when i was buying it said "IN STOCK" (I bought on Sunday 11/04) but i guess they ran out of them because im still waiting and the website says "waiting to ship", but they took my money already Sad . So no money and no card, but im not alone, people on the forum are complaining too, and it is expected to ship next week. It wouldnt be bad if they just said pre order now, but when i was buying it said in STOCK, so i expected a quick delivery.
Well but i guess its worth a wait, since the card seems to be pretty good for a price.

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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Nov 2007 21:01    Post subject:
Okay this is kinda on topic and offtopic:

I just ordered MSI 8800 GT OC and gonna order more new pc parts in the next few days, do you think this case and psu is good enough to hold E6850, 4gb ram, the mentioned video card, 4x HDD, 1x burner, 2x pci cards? it got 500W psu

C2D E6750 @ 3.2Ghz, 4GB 800MHz DDR2 4-4-4-12, GeForce GTX 260 c216 OC 896MB, 3.2TB, Windows 7 Ultimate x64

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PostPosted: Sat, 10th Nov 2007 04:19    Post subject:
Glottis wrote:
Okay this is kinda on topic and offtopic:

I just ordered MSI 8800 GT OC and gonna order more new pc parts in the next few days, do you think this case and psu is good enough to hold E6850, 4gb ram, the mentioned video card, 4x HDD, 1x burner, 2x pci cards? it got 500W psu
The minimum recommended is a 450 Watt PSU for SLI with the 8800 GT, 500W may be enough, the PSU being seasonic made and not just a generic crap. The problem with this case is that you can't update the psu if needed later... Give a try at some "PSU calculator" to have a better idea, e.g.:

n.b.: The E6750 is only 12.5% downclocked while 30% cheaper than the E6850.
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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Sat, 10th Nov 2007 08:47    Post subject:
Yeah i'll be getting E6750 instead Smile

C2D E6750 @ 3.2Ghz, 4GB 800MHz DDR2 4-4-4-12, GeForce GTX 260 c216 OC 896MB, 3.2TB, Windows 7 Ultimate x64

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Posts: 64
Location: Bat Yam , Israel
PostPosted: Wed, 14th Nov 2007 00:57    Post subject:
today its the 14 of Nov.
Very Happy i realy hope they will sent me my 8800gt today
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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Wed, 14th Nov 2007 10:08    Post subject:
I'm still trying to get one for me and one for a friend of mine.

The shop I want to buy em at was supposed to get some gigabyte cards yesterday but the order was pushed back to december 4th. Today they're supposed to get some MSI ones I think.. I sure hope that they'll get em today.

I hope that the launch of the new radeon cards will help the situation. they are pretty cheap and offer good performance as well (although none of the new radeon cards are as good as the GT, but close). I hope some people will just decide to go for the cheaper radeons, leaving more GTs for us Smile

Likot Mosuskekim, Woodcutter cancels Sleep: Interrupted by Elephant.
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Posts: 64
Location: Bat Yam , Israel
PostPosted: Wed, 14th Nov 2007 10:43    Post subject:
lol , indeed
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Posts: 177
Location: Belgium
PostPosted: Wed, 21st Nov 2007 21:23    Post subject:
Belgium here, ordered a evga 8800GT superclocked 512MB yesterday.

Tomorrow they deliver at my house Smile

couldnt be better Very Happy

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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Wed, 21st Nov 2007 22:09    Post subject:

I've been waiting to get one for 3 weeks now, but it's still not in stock anywhere in Austria.

Likot Mosuskekim, Woodcutter cancels Sleep: Interrupted by Elephant.
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Posts: 893

PostPosted: Wed, 21st Nov 2007 22:28    Post subject:
Just ordered mine yesterday got one in time Smile.Getting this week for sure.
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Posts: 7155
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Wed, 21st Nov 2007 22:58    Post subject:
Im not sure if I want an 8800GT or a new monitor :/

There arent really any games to my interest now until 2008, so seems pointless me paying 0day price for the 8800 when im hardly gonna use it for the next 4 months, when the price lowers by about 30%

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Posts: 893

PostPosted: Wed, 21st Nov 2007 23:58    Post subject:
watergem wrote:
Im not sure if I want an 8800GT or a new monitor :/

There arent really any games to my interest now until 2008, so seems pointless me paying 0day price for the 8800 when im hardly gonna use it for the next 4 months, when the price lowers by about 30%

Maybe you should wait for the new GTS 1GB Very Happy
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Posts: 21306
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PostPosted: Thu, 22nd Nov 2007 00:01    Post subject:
they are in stock where I live:

and that's a big chain...

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Posts: 5219

PostPosted: Thu, 22nd Nov 2007 00:33    Post subject:
got a little question..i've got an ASUS P5K Deluxe with Wi-Fi AP (thou i dun use the WiFi)

Would the actuall ASUS or XFX 8800 GT/GTS/GTX and the newest 512mb cards work on my mobo?

ASUS X570 TUF GAMING PLUS, 32GB DDR4@2666 ,RYZEN 5800X3D (NO OC),GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Super GAMING OC, Western Digital Blue 4TB 5400RPM + SAMSUNG 860 EVO 500+1TB GB SSDs , OEM SATA DVD 22xNoctua NH-D15 Chromax Black, BenQ XL2420T Case: Be Quiet! DARK BASE PRO 901. PSU CORSAIR RM1200 SHIFT
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