The Suffering -- technical problem plz help
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Über-VIP Member

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Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 03:26    Post subject: The Suffering -- technical problem plz help
Whenever I start The Suffering, the main menu looks screwy .... but when I start the game all I hear are the voices and the screen remains black. Pressing esc brings me back to the menu, which does show up. I have AMD 2000+, 512 mb RAM, ATI Radeon 8500 LE 128mb (some dude in other forum sounds like he has the same prob with radeon 9200).

Any suggestions?
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Über-VIP Member

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Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 04:11    Post subject:
OK .... change of question. The above only applies to 1024x768 ... it works fine on 800x600. I haven't played a game on this shit ass resolution in a while, so any help to get it to run at higher res would be appreciated!
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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 21306
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 04:15    Post subject:
aww shit ... flushed a toilet and now the game is fucked. Even starting a new game, the graphics are going bananas. What a POS.
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PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 06:11    Post subject:
lol same problems and i have to agree its a POS console port one of the worst ive ever seen, THE GAME DOES NOT EVEN HAVE A README FOR CHRIST SAKE!
maged to get it working at 800x600 just dont flush any toilets if you do press escape go to the graphic options and switch the filtering around and it should go back to normal.
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Über-VIP Member

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Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 08:01    Post subject:
snop1050 wrote:
lol same problems and i have to agree its a POS console port one of the worst ive ever seen, THE GAME DOES NOT EVEN HAVE A README FOR CHRIST SAKE!
maged to get it working at 800x600 just dont flush any toilets if you do press escape go to the graphic options and switch the filtering around and it should go back to normal.

Yeah ... I though the lack of a readme was a little strange ... thanks for the tip about switching filtering around ... I was just going to delete the damn thing and forget about it ...
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PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 08:47    Post subject:
game works fine for me.. running at 1280x1024 with AA on

no probs what so ever
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Posts: 76

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 14:58    Post subject:
also runs fine for me in any rez with AA on, until i flush a toilet that is!
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Posts: 170

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 16:39    Post subject:
runs fine for me. 1024 rez on a crappy mx 440 loool.

the guy Yo'momma "act" like she don't know.
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PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 19:56    Post subject:
Nope mine is running perfect even when i flush any of the toilets, my only prob is that when trying 1600x1200 i get a blur line down the right hand side of the screen, switch back to 1280x1024 and it's fine. I'm using a radeon 9700 pro W/ cat 4.5 drivers (worked the same with the 4.4 as well) Very Happy

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Posts: 76

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 20:08    Post subject:
im running it on 9800 xt with cat 4.5 so why can't i flush the toilet without gfx screwing up? man, i feel like im missing out on so much
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Posts: 14

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 20:23    Post subject:
Is there any way to actually edit/change the starting config file?

have tried reinstalling, etc, natta, there is no file that I can see, and I was unable to locate any config file within the registry, etc... but even after a fresh install - still uses the same options, IE, sound, 3d sound, EAX, and non windowed mode.
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Posts: 76

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 20:35    Post subject:
u can change the setup by going to start > all programs > the suffering > the suffering setup! This allows you to choose the gfx rez, AA, sound options etc. Is that what u are after?
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PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 20:39    Post subject:
Ahhh, well, I was actually wondering about the config file itself, detail texturing, etc... but I guess the file is just deeply hidden... there is a src ini file listed under the one cfg file... but can't locate it anywhere

Thanks though!
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Posts: 286
Location: Pless
PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 20:44    Post subject:
nouseforaname wrote:
OK .... change of question. The above only applies to 1024x768 ... it works fine on 800x600. I haven't played a game on this shit ass resolution in a while, so any help to get it to run at higher res would be appreciated!

i think it's a problem with R2XX core.. on my R9100 same shit happend.. and my friend with R9000Pro got this problem too.. now you just add your R8500 and that R9200 you mentioned and we have a winner..

I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had.
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Posts: 9

PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jun 2004 04:18    Post subject:
xxxMrGreenxxx wrote:
im running it on 9800 xt with cat 4.5 so why can't i flush the toilet without gfx screwing up? man, i feel like im missing out on so much

Mine does the same thing.. but if i toggle vsinc onn oand off in the in-game config menu it resets it back to normal. I'm running on a GForce 4 and an Athlon 2400+
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PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 12:43    Post subject:
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