Computer is f*cked up
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Posts: 709
Location: USA
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Jun 2004 23:20    Post subject: Computer is f*cked up
my computer is totaly fucked up. it is really slow and it freeces constally, it takes hours to open a program even a small one like winzip or winrar.
i think everythgin started when the fan on the power supply went dead. it stoped working. and the computer shout down of the overheat. i changed the fan and now it is fine. i cleraned it up, from memory to CPU, etc. the computer was back to normal. i installed some programs, like i alwasy do just to test them , like tweak xp and some other tweaks and speed ups. now the computer is really slow. the main problem i am having tho is the the mouse freezes. it wont move for like 5 seconds. sometimes it takes longer like 10 -15 seconds. i am not sure if the mouse freezes or the whole computer freezes and goes back to normal. help waht should i do. i am thinkg of upgrating in the near future. my specs.
intel 1.7
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Posts: 1622
Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Jun 2004 23:42    Post subject:
back-up, then format, sounds like a good time to start fresh.


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Posts: 183
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland.
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jun 2004 12:59    Post subject:
check your psu rails, your components might not be getting enough power to operate properly.

same thing happened to me, had a cheap crappy psu and the fan stopped, and i smelt burning plastic *_*, turned off, opened it up and got rid of all the dust ect then everything was fine.

but my pc was alot slower than usual, and i checked my 3.3 + 5.5 + 12v rails and they were really really low = my crap wasnt getting enought power Sad

had to replace.

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Posts: 709
Location: USA
PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 01:33    Post subject:
ok i think the powoer supply has the problem thanks a lot Midget85--^
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Posts: 576

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 15:22    Post subject:
Or you might have caused damage to the mother board. my friend had the same symptoms as you describe just before his mobo was toasted.
Check the power supply and the reformat. If the problem consists i suggest you check the mobo and maybe replace it.
Btw if you are getting blue screens write what they say and might help you more.
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