Need for Speed Underground 2 Demo Out!
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Posts: 67

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Oct 2004 21:30    Post subject:
Orcman wrote:
i have too agree with meszrum the gfx in nfsu1 are better than nfsu2 so u ThierryHenry should prolly get your eyes checked Smile

and no i dont have a crappy mx cards Smile

try remove the fsaa in gfx option and the cars looks like shit

Like I said, just cause you have a shitty card, dont blame it on the game.
The game looks 10x better then the 1st NFSU, not only that, it runs about 100x better.
My FPS never drop below 70fps at anytime on 1280x1024 4xaa 4xaf, everything on/high, motion blur off, the game looks life like.
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Oct 2004 21:32    Post subject:
been there done that had it already! MUHAHAHA

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Posts: 6061

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Oct 2004 21:44    Post subject:
well i read they had to have the cars less detailed because the city is so much larger...
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Posts: 1440

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Oct 2004 21:47    Post subject:
Orcman wrote:

try remove the fsaa in gfx option and the cars looks like shit

there you go!, no wonder its shit, 1st one was the same!.

who runs games without aa/af if the card is capable (me runs as everyone says they don't use aa/af)

8x AA & 16xAF at 1280x1024 and it runs 100% perfect -no slowdown and no crappy looking graphics this end, lol
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Posts: 2411
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Oct 2004 22:11    Post subject:
the game is running at 30-40 fps is that normal with my system.

im playing in a res 1024x768 with fsaa on full and everthing on high.


Asus p4p800
p4 2800 (800 FSB)
1024 mb ddr
geforce 6800 GT newest drivers
windows xp sp1
directx 9.c
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Posts: 95

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Oct 2004 22:35    Post subject:
well my point isnt if u can run the game in 640x480 or 2048x2048

my point is : nfsu2 gfx are not improved over nfsu1

and sure i dont have top of the line gfx but i think 9700 can handle the game just fine with everything maxed @ 1024 without any problem byut like i said that's not the point
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Oct 2004 22:36    Post subject:
Best 2 things they added to the game is built in AA & 1 resolution for menu & in game so your screen doesn't flicker anymore to goin from menu to game i guess it's first game from EA that support it,finally & maybe for the first time i can say good job EA! instead drope dead Rolling Eyes
In all words it's one very qualty big update from nfsu Exclamation
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Posts: 211
Location: Evrope
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Oct 2004 22:48    Post subject:
This game rocks! think it's gonna be great! any specific release date yet?
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Oct 2004 23:02    Post subject:
cardamage Confused

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PostPosted: Wed, 27th Oct 2004 23:08    Post subject:
skidrow wrote:
cardamage Confused

not from what i saw. i ran into everything i could althought i havent played for very long so maybe someone can back me up or counter this.

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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Oct 2004 23:11    Post subject:
Esel_Gesi wrote:
skidrow wrote:
cardamage Confused

not from what i saw. i ran into everything i could althought i havent played for very long so maybe someone can back me up or counter this.

stupid that i didnt looked for it:

4. Will there be a visible/performance affecting damage model?
This game is built on having a fun and entertaining racing experience, the production staff felt that by introducing gameplay elements like physical damage impacting the players ability to control the car could result in an overall negative racing experience. This is especially true for the online environment where collisions are generally frowned upon by many players in our online community. To that end the cars will show signs of damage, but this will in no way take away from the player’s enjoyment of racing. Online mode will also feature the ability to turn collision detection off on cars so players can enjoy racing each other without the risk of being hit or hitting other cars if they so choose


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Posts: 398
Location: Greece
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Oct 2004 23:39    Post subject:
Awesome game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cant wait until the release date Crying or Very sad
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Posts: 29

PostPosted: Thu, 28th Oct 2004 00:57    Post subject:
ROFL still no car damage bwahahaha Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

More prove this game is pure arcade shit that just thrives on 13 year olds that apparently have no real car or think this is the shiznit because it mentions tuning or spoilers somewhere. Basically the same people that like a craptastic movie like 2 Fast 2 Furious, that Paul Walker made a baby cry with his acting 'performance'.

Anyhow, again no substitute for any real racing game... Well than again it always was pure arcade but still too bad to see a half-decent arcade racer go downhill more and more since NFS 4 Rolling Eyes

shivamib wrote:
When NFSU first came off, It came out of blind to me, didn't see it coming, nor I was into the tuning culture, so everything was new and so cool. But now, being more of a Gearhead, I don't, know, it's not the same appeal anymore.

There are budget games like Street Legal which, even being crappy, allow so much customization and fiddling with the car, and NFS feels so... arcadey...

Laughing Einstein lives...
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Posts: 21306
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Thu, 28th Oct 2004 01:18    Post subject:
I for one enjoyed the demo. I'm more of an arcade-type racer myself, so simulation type games aren't really my thing. Runs pretty good considering I only have an AMD 2000+ and a Radeon 8500 LE 128mb ... no antialiasing of course ... but I'm not all that picky. I think it looks great.

Actually ... one complaint. The Chingy song sucks balls Laughing
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Posts: 22

PostPosted: Thu, 28th Oct 2004 05:47    Post subject:
that song wasent too bad, its no Get Low thats for sure. I like the feel of this game much better than the first, the sound is really good, shifting seems more realistic, as well as the handling seems less arcade like. I admit I have a older system that probably pumps out 15-30 fps on the lowest settings Embarassed that said the first underground ran at the perfect speed with great graphics, compared to the lowest setting on this one, so the first one on my old system looks better unfortunatly, I'd really like to see what it this game would look like at max.

Off topic... but here are my specs
1.2 athlon
512 ram
GeForce 2 GTS
Creative Live

Any ideas on what to start with... on the cheap. Sad
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Posts: 211
Location: Evrope
PostPosted: Thu, 28th Oct 2004 06:47    Post subject:
maybe video card?
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Posts: 37

PostPosted: Thu, 28th Oct 2004 07:10    Post subject:
The demo seems to divide opinions and I belong to those who weren`t that impressed. I absolutely devoured the first NFSU, just for the record. The new drift mode is not good. It`s much less fun, but much more complicated. I got bored with it. The graphics are too plastic and I have to say that the graphics in the first game were actually better. Otherwise it`s shaping up pretty well. Controls work fine, FPS is good even with my machine and I had a blast with the circuit in the demo. Sad that the free-roaming is pretty dull.

Won`t be buying this until I d/l this. Could be hazardous move Very Happy

AMD Sempron 3200+
1 gig Kingston DDR400
MSI Radeon X1950 Pro 256mb AGP
Windows XP Home
Seagate 160 gig HD
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Posts: 3028

PostPosted: Thu, 28th Oct 2004 12:39    Post subject:
Better wait for the real game, then judge it, this demo probably isn´t 100%.

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Posts: 37

PostPosted: Thu, 28th Oct 2004 14:05    Post subject:
Pizda2 wrote:
Better wait for the real game, then judge it, this demo probably isn´t 100%.

Hehe...I know, that`s probably why I want to d/l the whole game first before purchase Wink

AMD Sempron 3200+
1 gig Kingston DDR400
MSI Radeon X1950 Pro 256mb AGP
Windows XP Home
Seagate 160 gig HD
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Posts: 2580

PostPosted: Fri, 29th Oct 2004 20:47    Post subject:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
why aint mods closing these threads...

There is already a proper one...

Does it matter? lets call it a nfs u2 playable post Razz

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Posts: 1

PostPosted: Fri, 29th Oct 2004 22:18    Post subject: 2nd gear won't work?
anyone have any idea why second gear won't work?
the only way i can take off is if i rev it in neutral, then change to first and it takes off real slow, and then once i get to hi revs i change to second and the car just gets no power and slows down. anyone else seen this?
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Posts: 381

PostPosted: Fri, 29th Oct 2004 22:47    Post subject:
what? what? what?...demo? underground2? lets play some rap music.

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Posts: 738
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Oct 2004 23:52    Post subject:
what? what? what? Queen Of The Stone Age ? not hip hop at all.
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Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 30th Oct 2004 21:06    Post subject:
Hmmm was it the 9th november it was coming out? I can't barely wait for this. Unfortunately the lack of damage on the cars and environment kinda irritate me. Other than that it looks great.
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Posts: 88
Location: Lithuania
PostPosted: Sat, 30th Oct 2004 23:28    Post subject:
The game is much better than the 1st one....well comparing demo vs demo Smile
Just imagine how great it would be: Toca race driver car damage system + nfsu2 cars, graphics etc. etc....
Though it would be pretty hard driving the car at such speeds in such environments and not damaging it Smile
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Posts: 186

PostPosted: Sun, 31st Oct 2004 05:05    Post subject:
was any1 playin NFSU:2 online right now? i dunno who it was but me n this guy did sum crazy shit on it.. i was DranzerKai, wanna thank him for da FUN.. lol
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