[XBOX] driv3r_xbox-pal-aoc.
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Posts: 2059

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Jun 2004 22:57    Post subject:
copywrong wrote:
I just can't wait until Splinter enlightens us with his next thoughtful, intelligent, relevant and most of all FUN post !
Hmm, you might have to wait a while for that one. If it's anything like his last post he'll have to string at least 3 whole words together...which could probably take him all night Laughing
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Posts: 476
Location: Far Far Away
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Jun 2004 23:17    Post subject:
why is everone here so mad at me Sad ? + im new on nforce so if iv been a pain in the ass tell me Rolling Eyes sry in advance ( and im not that good at english 2
Sorry again guys Razz
ps: i got the game now and its funn Very Happy
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Posts: 719
Location: Upside down in chair
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Jun 2004 23:34    Post subject:
Splinter wrote:
why is everone here so mad at me Sad ? + im new on nforce so if iv been a pain in the ass tell me Rolling Eyes sry in advance ( and im not that good at english 2
Sorry again guys Razz
ps: i got the game now and its funn Very Happy

Look at your posts, most of them are one liners which contain not a lot of information, brain farts(pffft, as an example) or ask "stupid questions" which have allready been pointed out before.
I can understand that the language is tricky for some, but you still need to try to make post which are informative or can't be translated as partially insulting to a person. I know we all have our moments with less then succesful post, but try to read some of the other post and see how they flow.
Stick around and have fun.

Hardware: Ryzen 3700x, B450 MSI Gaming Pro carbon AC, GTX1080, 32 GB 3200 Mhz cas 14, 256 EVO SSD, 1 TB EVO SSD and 4 TB HDD.
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Posts: 874
Location: Trrism
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Jun 2004 23:46    Post subject:
This game is fun as hell, but yes its a bit choppy at time tho + it's pretty hard sometimes to aim with the gun. The car physics is wounderful, and so is the damage you can do to them. Just about to start on the 7th mission.
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Posts: 476
Location: Far Far Away
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Jun 2004 23:58    Post subject:
ok tested driv3 now the game is funn and the car chases is realy cool , i experience that its realy hard to aim whit the gun 2
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Posts: 2059

PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jun 2004 00:15    Post subject:
Yeah the aiming can be a bit twitchy, but i'm sure if we all soldier on we will get used to it Wink
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Posts: 225
Location: sLappland
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jun 2004 00:30    Post subject:
the aiming is f****d up, and overall the game is way too hard.
that's my opinion so far, mission 2.
Put that aside and its a cool game, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay and Driv3r will be what im playing for a while.

"I distinguish between maniacs and crazy people. A maniac will beat nine people to death with a steel dildo. A crazy person will beat nine people to death with a steel dildo, but he'll be wearing a bugs-bunny suit at the time." -George Carlin
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Posts: 12

PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jun 2004 00:30    Post subject:
is all game modes fulling working?.. no video glitches?

and is there a free roam mode.. my favorite type of play is these kinda games.

1x burning sucks

thanks guys

happy gaming!!!!!
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Posts: 707
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PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jun 2004 00:49    Post subject:
Yup, everything is working and there is a free ride mode. Miami and Nice.
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Posts: 12

PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jun 2004 00:56    Post subject:
cool deal

thanks for info!
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Posts: 1267
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jun 2004 09:43    Post subject:
For you who have been able to play it already,how is the cop AI on this one?
i think i remember that Driver 1 had the cops after you if they saw you drove on red light,same for this one?
Getting it now Smile
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Posts: 1440

PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jun 2004 11:05    Post subject:
well,i grabbed this,the image file wouldn't burnt to dvdr ,so used Craxtion to unpack the iso and rebuild it,then it allowed me to burn it fine.

My thoughts on the game,currently on 8 mission.

Game is overhyped for sure for a game that had such a following,graphics ain't that much better than the last Driver,certainly not onpar with todays release's,me thinks that is because its also on PS2 so they had to compremise so that the ps2 could handle it.

Driving sections are just like last driver,fun,but the onfoot sections totally ruin it,clunky animation and crap aiming,they shouldn't of added that to the game,it detracts from what the game should be about,driving.

IMHO they have tried to make it to much like Grand Theft Auto (the king of this style of game) and have failed to deliver what should of been more about driving.

Yes there is free roam and yes the cops chase you if you steal cars ect,ect

My verdict,
A POOR MANS GTA but still worth a play in small doses

Its a shame the game has fallen into the GTA trap as that
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jun 2004 12:47    Post subject:
I loved driver 1 & 2 and was really looking forward to driver3. If i had to compare GTA3 vs. driver1, i'd go for driver anytime because of the car handling. GTA has som fun elements but the driving part is to "flat". In driver you can do really cool powerslides with thoose saggy 70's american cars, and feel that you control the slide all-the-way.

But unfortunately this isn't the case in driver3. If this isn't a beta-build or something that is. It stutters to much, wich make cars harder to control in intense moments. And the cutscenes where choppy and it frooze once while playing. So i'm not really sure that this is the final build?

Driver3 is what some people already described, mostly running around shooting, gta-style but with worse ai and control. And the driving part is more like GTA3, with not so controlable powerslides as were used to see in the driver series.

So i would have loved driver3 if they kept to what they were good at, but they have traded the good/fun car-control for bad running/shooting and bad car control...
Hope this is not the case for the PC version. I will buy this game if it's anything like driver series used to be... If not, what a shame they messed up the great thing the driver series is/was known for...
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Posts: 1267
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jun 2004 15:30    Post subject:
Reading alot of the feedback i think i might get dissapointed about this game,but theres a side of me that is still optimistic about it....don't know why.
I do hope for the best atleast for the PC version,i will have to wait and see
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Posts: 1038
Location: NL
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jun 2004 19:34    Post subject:
I Finished The Game Aready Smile
Was a good Game , Little Short Tho

I had no problems with this release only 2 freezes,
One @ the Car Bomb , and another one I dont remember.
Worked fine when restarted the game.

/me Expect's DRIV4R Razz
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jun 2004 21:56    Post subject:
Just installed original Driver on my PC. Ooohhh, sweeet! Thoose powerslides just makes you wanna drive some more! Driver3 has totally lost the great feeling of the original driver.

Why 0 Why couldn't they just stuck to the same physics as they invented for the original!?!?! It's a shame....
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Posts: 12

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 03:57    Post subject:
running enigmahX final "yeah old but works"
ntsc xbox
get dirty disc error right away no boot

any patching needed i tried craxtion said already patched any help please
. and yes im using AOC version

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Posts: 12

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 03:58    Post subject:
oh and this is burned to dvdr since enigmahX dont allow flashed bios.
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Posts: 62

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 04:33    Post subject:
I'm not liking it so far. On foot movements seem almost as rigedy as True Crime, and so far it seems way too similar to said game. Vehicles are too hard to control. You try to slowly turn a corner and the car skids into an "L"-shaped route hurling you straight onto the sidewalk. It's as if it's too easy to skid out.

Maybe it'll get better further along.

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Posts: 60

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 09:16    Post subject:
One thing that is missing I think is in the original Driver u could set manual handbrake or have it on automatically, the automatically was useless and made u oversteer every turn but when u switched to manual handbrake it was alot easier to make powerslides. In Driv3r it seems that auto handbrake is on all the time and theres no way to switch to manual(like in Driver). Which makes it almost impossible to use either brake when turning, only option is to slow down then do a powerslide (which works ok). But it would have been nice to have been able to use the handbrake is crossings and turns without the car turning and sliding uncontrollable and awy too much. Anyway after playing this game 6-7 hours I still think its a very good game.
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Posts: 1506
Location: Japan
PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 21:09    Post subject:
Why does it say not fully cracked on the nforce Xbox release page? Confused
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Posts: 90

PostPosted: Sat, 19th Jun 2004 01:37    Post subject:
I have this release as well, and the cutscenes are a little stuttery on my xbox (playing from HDD), but I was wondering if this release has the proper music. It says there are 12 liceneced tracks, how do you select between or hear them?

I see there is a jukebox mode in the sound options, but I cannot turn it to on!? Any idea whats this all about?
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Posts: 137
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 19th Jun 2004 02:25    Post subject:
i doubt this ones a retail one...

no jukebox, eg no soundtracks, the damn laggy parts even from hd!
and most of all the physics are a joke Sad

abit hard too on someparts.. but that not a version issue..

well i gonna check some other release too i think but all get nuked it seems...

Corvette - Simply The Best...
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Posts: 12

PostPosted: Sat, 19th Jun 2004 04:21    Post subject:
nm on previous question!

got it working fully.

extracted iso and broke it down with xiso and burned as data disk using xbe's patched by qwix.

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