CC3 : Kane's Wrath
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Posts: 22230
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PostPosted: Thu, 27th Mar 2008 04:13    Post subject:
wrathamon wrote:
Whats the fix for the crashing skirmish ? Very Happy

You have to set the usel355_dvlpr variable to 0

to :

As a side effect the EA logo will not show up anymore.
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Posts: 231

PostPosted: Thu, 27th Mar 2008 04:37    Post subject:
where do i find the above variable?

TheBugulous wrote:
There is only 1 Mega Awesome title coming & that is Chris Taylor's latest opus ... <drum roll>
S U P R E M E C O M M A N D E R !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Thu, 27th Mar 2008 05:44    Post subject:
miragui wrote:
shimec wrote:
I have just one question. Is FPS limited to 30 like it was in the original C&C3, or EA was smarter and didn't put limit on the FPS count

There's a fix to remove the fps limit.

You have to edit "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Command & Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath\Core\1.0\Misc.big"

Simply removing the limit is useless, as entire game is linked to 30 fps, so if you remove it and your PC is good game will become ridiculously fast Embarassed

C2D E6750 @ 3.2Ghz, 4GB 800MHz DDR2 4-4-4-12, GeForce GTX 260 c216 OC 896MB, 3.2TB, Windows 7 Ultimate x64

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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Thu, 27th Mar 2008 16:30    Post subject:
I got the expansion to work as a standalone... and since I don't own CnC3 TW, I was wondering if anyone had thoughts on if I bought Kanes wrath... did the registy tricks to say I got CnC3.... could I polay online with a real KW serial?

In other words does it look/ask for a CnC3 serial to play online? I knoiw you need to register KW, but not an issue if I bought it.

Thoughts? It would save me $30 bucks or so.

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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Thu, 27th Mar 2008 17:22    Post subject:
EA Accounts are bound to the cdkey used to make them. I.E. you can play with your account using ANY cdkey, but you do need a legit one to create one. So i don't think you could play w/o having a legit cnc3 tw cdkey used to create the account in the first place.
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Thu, 27th Mar 2008 17:36    Post subject:
Sin317 wrote:
EA Accounts are bound to the cdkey used to make them. I.E. you can play with your account using ANY cdkey, but you do need a legit one to create one. So i don't think you could play w/o having a legit cnc3 tw cdkey used to create the account in the first place.

And I can't create an account with just a legal Kanes Wrath key?

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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Thu, 27th Mar 2008 18:53    Post subject:
i highly (99.999999%) doubt that EA is as dumb as to let people create accounts for a game that requires the Original to make an account ...

just a thought ...
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Thu, 27th Mar 2008 19:16    Post subject:
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Thu, 27th Mar 2008 20:15    Post subject:
thats the register your game page ...
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Posts: 2212
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Thu, 27th Mar 2008 22:58    Post subject:
As much as i despised this game for being recycled and EA-ish.. it's actually fun.. in multiplayer, but:

Anyone experiencing constant out of sync error in hamachi net games?
Me and a buddy are playing each day and it's quite often.. and our connections are good enough..

Per aspera ad astra
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Posts: 518
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PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2008 04:21    Post subject:
2008-03-28 01:21:38 Command.And.Conquer.3.Kanes.Wrath-RELOADED.NUKE:protection.not.removed.securom.active_get.proper.crack.only


Last edited by Ancient78 on Fri, 28th Mar 2008 08:32; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 908

PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2008 06:26    Post subject:
Can't find the above mentioned crack anywhere
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2008 07:31    Post subject:
Sorry, but I Can't Find %Command.and.Conquer.3.Kanes.Wrath.PROPER.CRACK.ONLY-ViTALiTY.
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Posts: 2304
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PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2008 18:11    Post subject:


Behold his GLORY! Bow for the technical master!
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Posts: 5877

PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2008 18:35    Post subject:
and yet another lame nuke by the scene favorite Vitality with they rebuild reloaded crack yuppie wave kids
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Posts: 6617

PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2008 18:48    Post subject:
To tell the truth, Vitality's crack is much better. It's times smaller and gives better performance. It also removes various crashes in skirmish and conquest modes.

And I don't care about any scene bans etc. Every group does its best and results speak for themselves.

i5 6600k @ 4.3 GHz | MSI z170 Gaming M7 | 32GB Kingston HyperX Fury | 850 Evo 500GB | EVGA 1070 SC | Seasonic X-660 | CM Storm Stryker
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Posts: 5877

PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2008 19:48    Post subject:
yeah i know but like they say every one has they own method of doing it and Vitalitys cracks still have securom on they "cracked file in a different way no way ripped from reloaded" Laughing ,for me the old scene was better "first working one wins" , the same was with Sam & Max when RITUEL popered RAZOR with another lame argument that sounded like Vitality bitching

now the scene is more gayzor they only want more score to get more affis or fame from a quicky or make lame nuke wars (example dvd scene or should i say R5 nuke wars now with they gey nukes "cam/TC sound" duh its a R5 stupid what did you expect )
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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2008 19:56    Post subject:
BlueSkyz, what the hell are you blubbering about?

C2D E6750 @ 3.2Ghz, 4GB 800MHz DDR2 4-4-4-12, GeForce GTX 260 c216 OC 896MB, 3.2TB, Windows 7 Ultimate x64

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PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2008 20:16    Post subject:
VITALITY cracks are much better in performance and execution wise coz RLD cracks still uses the SecuROM protection, Instead of rebuilding the game code, RLD add the VM at the end of the executable resulting into decreased performance coz parts of the gamecode runs at approx 200 mhz.

BUT both cracks works....u only choose what u want to use.

For me i go always with vitality cracks .
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Posts: 5877

PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2008 22:12    Post subject:
all say they are a specialist when they read they group nfos , but yeah i love the drama
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Posts: 908

PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2008 23:03    Post subject:
Their specialisation becomes laughable when they write "coz".
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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2008 23:04    Post subject:
BlueSkyz wrote:
ok they released a stand-alone LOL guess they read Nforce , now they should release a 3.8gig Eng only version or 2.2gig when you compress the movies to 640x240 , did that with C&C3 and it takes only 2.7gigs


How did you do that?

Thanks in advance
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Smurf Stomper

Posts: 391
Location: Texas
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Mar 2008 17:30    Post subject:
you can download resized videos for Kane's Wrath @ gamecopyworld's fileforums Smile

piracy isn't a hobby, it's a way of life
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Mar 2008 18:46    Post subject:
btw about the whole vitality vs reloaded thingy ... sure you can say vitality is lame ... but the ones really lame are reloaded ... its not like they wouldnt know what they are doing (they are way past 1st offense lol) .. yet they keep on going and make the same mistake again .. and again ... and again ....

oh and yes .. again ...
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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Mar 2008 19:49    Post subject:
Smurf Stomper wrote:
you can download resized videos for Kane's Wrath @ gamecopyworld's fileforums Smile

Thanks. I found out how to resize em.
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Posts: 293
Location: Dutch HigH Lands
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Mar 2008 22:04    Post subject:
I think the right game to compare this with is: Supreme Commander.
Well i just like the CnC style how it works a little better likee the golden
stuff u can get to make money. It just better the supreme commander
with the 2 thingy bars u need to handle for a good speed of build up of
your base. This game is pretty fucking addictive. I fiire it up and was
Playing for a straigt 3 and a half hour. I finished 4 missions. I made
FAR 2 BiG base and to big army.. but it was nothing but FUN!

I will play some more soon. Pretty good expansion for this.
Waiting for REDALERT3.... Very Happy

New laptop: i7-3630QM / 8GB / Nvidia 650M 1GB / 500GB

NPiracy wrote:
If I buy the game I actually on my way the little mine helpful and contribute to the company to develop. (GTA4/360)
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Posts: 7155
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Mar 2008 22:30    Post subject:
bllllaaaaaaaa blabla!

Roll on Starcraft 2 Rolling Eyes It will mop the ground with these mediocre imba / spamn00b style RTS's..

And it will also be available for mac Razz

troll detected by SiN
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Posts: 5877

PostPosted: Sun, 30th Mar 2008 03:33    Post subject:
watergem wrote:
bllllaaaaaaaa blabla!

Roll on Starcraft 2 Rolling Eyes It will mop the ground with these mediocre imba / spamn00b style RTS's..

And it will also be available for mac Razz

and yes the mac argument , what type of mac do you have ? i know they are great for making movies and ripping Blue-rays
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Posts: 908

PostPosted: Sun, 30th Mar 2008 05:59    Post subject:
r0fl Starcraft fanboys.

If only starcraft's graphics didnt look like LEGO.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Sun, 30th Mar 2008 09:13    Post subject:
wrathamon wrote:
r0fl Starcraft fanboys.

If only starcraft's graphics didnt look like LEGO.

Troll; a. (sing.) (Tro~ll) Trolls (pl.)

a being of lesser intelligence that feeds upon reactions to his posts. Usually his posts have no connection what-so-ever to the actual topic, but are usually filled with 1337-speak and anti-"x" speeches and hate statements with no solid foundation or any valid background or even reasoning.

Usually lurks around in Games and Movies Forums and can be found anywhere around the globe. There are 2 known ways to actively deal with trolls. Either to ban them on sight or , more individually, add the troll to ignore.

But one thing to remember is, never .. NEVER EVER enter in an discussion with a troll and/or his made statement.

additional note:

And usually can found luring around his posts for SEVERAL HOURS* and even DAYS to jump on anyone passing through (or quoting him, replies or otherwise interacts or uses his posts).**

*For example : see next post

**Note from editor : Trolls have no life ...

Last edited by Sin317 on Sun, 30th Mar 2008 09:26; edited 1 time in total
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