For some reason, when lets say Im trying to download a file lets say the file is MPG, it tries to save it as mp2, when I try to download AVI again it tries to download it as mp2, so I manually have to change it, what causes this ? how can I set it back to normal ?
Are you using any download acceleration program? If so check the options of that program or try downloading without that program through your browser.
Moreover it might be a spyware or some malicious shit trying to change your settings so check for adware/spyware.
Nope, I dont use anything, just what windows provides.
My PC is 100% free of spyware, I check it daily with about 3 spyware appz, Im very anal about my computer.
Windows XP SP2
Asus A7N8X Deluxe 2.0
Athlon XP2500 @ 2.4GHz (overclocked)
1GB Corsair XMS DDR400 (overclocked)
Radeon 9700 Pro (overclocked)
2x60GB Maxtor 7200/8MB
TDK CD/RW 52x32x52
TDK DVD Burner 8X/8X
10MBit Cable
sexyjesus is the only person on this forum, that cuts down his own, so-called country.
The only one.
Never once anything positive, only negative.
And you people fall for it hook line and sinker.
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