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[Moderator] Elitist
Posts: 8374
Posted: Fri, 4th Jun 2004 22:26 Post subject: Webservers |
I wasnt too sure where to put this, I feel as it concerns most aspects of computing so I though I should place it here. To the point, Im looking to build a new website, Im far from new to running webservers at home but I usualy use various linux distro's. My opinion on the matter is "If its a server, it should be linux" but, due to limited funds and resources Im stuck. I have one machine (this one) running windows xp although I dont play games a huge amount of the time I still want that option, so installing linux as my main OS is pretty much a none option. Duel boot could work but it would mean me having to restart my PC quite often and would leave site down time while I was messing around on windows .
Has anyone used apache for windows, whats it like to install? Stability? Usability? Or does anyone know of a free webhosting service that gives MySql and PHP support (I can dream cant i ?). For now Im not too sure on the topic of the site, its just something to pass the next month until I begin a new job, Im thinking it will be some sort of quirky flash ran site which makes little sence but is mildly entertaining. Any help would be appriciated.
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[Moderator] Elitist
Posts: 8374
Posted: Sat, 5th Jun 2004 05:28 Post subject: |
I went ahead and installed apache/mysql on my windows XP box, a friend has offered to host me on a dedicated webserver they just built for a new website they are working on (well no, its actualy a new website they're going to ask me to work on haha). Ive built most of the data structure, now to get on with the actual web layout. Ill let you know how things went.
Does anyone know how to check if a module is installed properly on apache 2 under windows?
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Posted: Sat, 5th Jun 2004 08:57 Post subject: |
well, I have apache 2 with latest version of php installed as a module just fine on my windows xp server pc...never crashed or had any problems with it...
and if apache starts fine without giving any errors, it means the module was installed properly... (that or you forgot to make apache use the module)
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Posts: 66
Location: Canada
Posted: Sat, 5th Jun 2004 21:01 Post subject: |
If you've heard of VMware that might be an option for you. Run at Linux box in VMware with onyl 64mb of ram. Should work ok.
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[Moderator] Elitist
Posts: 8374
Posted: Sun, 6th Jun 2004 02:23 Post subject: |
FiZi wrote: | If you've heard of VMware that might be an option for you. Run at Linux box in VMware with onyl 64mb of ram. Should work ok. |
yeah I use VMware, but the idea of running a server on VMware is worrying hehe. Either way the website is up now, its half built just need my host to set me up with some databases and I can get on with the rest of the work. Wooo!
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[Moderator] Elitist
Posts: 8374
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Posts: 532
Location: Sweden
Posted: Thu, 10th Jun 2004 16:04 Post subject: |
ofcourse we want to take a look, at least i would..
u could have also tried this one, to have awebserver on your pc
Never argue with an idiot...he will drag you down to his level, and then beat you with his experience...
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Posted: Fri, 18th Jun 2004 08:36 Post subject: apache2trial |
try to google for it , i got it installed and works fine on w2k machine.
it contains: php4/mysql/apache and alll things u need to setup website like on *nix machines.
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[Moderator] Elitist
Posts: 8374
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