[Wii] Best and easist to install modchip
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Harry Potter

Posts: 598
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PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jul 2008 19:41    Post subject: [Wii] Best and easist to install modchip
Like the subject says im looking to mod the wii but would like to know my options.

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PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jul 2008 20:00    Post subject:
I assume people would need to know your Consoles version.

kogel mogel
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Harry Potter

Posts: 598
Location: Under the stairs
PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jul 2008 20:17    Post subject:
Well its a launch console ( had it since day one )
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Steve-O 2004

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PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2008 01:53    Post subject:
probably WiiKey. I have had one in for ages and its fine Smile

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Posts: 30

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2008 04:23    Post subject:
I've had a Cyclowiz in my launch Wii and apart from having to update the chip for SMG and SSBB, it's worked without a hitch.
I'm sure Wiikey is also working but at the time of these "releases", the Wiikey team was a bit behind in their updates and support work arounds for these particular games.
That means alot when a team can back up their product.
And, at the time, i was thankful to have installed a Cyclowiz.

They're available here
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VIP Member

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Location: in a place with fluffy towels
PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2008 04:25    Post subject:
The people who modded a friends Wii were very confident in Wiikey, but thats all i can say.

kogel mogel
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Posts: 1948

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2008 05:37    Post subject:
The best and easiest way to get a console modded is to hire a professional.
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PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2008 06:16    Post subject:
go the wiikey. Its cheap, it works, and so far the updates have done the job. I have installed heaps, no problems at all
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Posts: 5432

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2008 07:39    Post subject:
Ive not looked into Wii modding at all but am thinking of buying my son one for his upcoming birthday.. So I also have a few questions

Are any 'plug and go' or do they all require a bit of soldering?

Anyone know a good place in the U.K that flogs ready modded units?


and soz to the original poster for hijacking the thread with my questions Smile
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Posts: 1686

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2008 12:34    Post subject:
If you buy one now, its not so easy.
The newer consoles are harder to mod. modchips have ~16 wires min.
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Posts: 144

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2008 13:27    Post subject:
@Awe: WRONG! Not anymore!

If you are unsure what chip you have in your Wii (Nintendo chip that is), go to www.nintendo-scene.com and choose the "WiiTracker", fill in your serialnumber there.

If you really want a all-around chip to go with your wii is Wasabi or D2Pro.

Wasabi is the best option, since its easy to upgrade and D2Pro aint.
If you want to mod your Wii without Solding you can get a Wii-clip, solid the chip to the wii-clip and just put it on over the wii, you will still need to de-assamble the wii but its easy as pie with a tutorial.
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Posts: 1686

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2008 15:38    Post subject:
well... didn`t know about this wii-clip. does it work well? or is it some shit like these push pin xbox chips?
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Posts: 30

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2008 16:52    Post subject:
I agree with previous posts re: newer wii = wasabi/D2Pro.
But, out of curiousity, i did get a wiiclip for one wasabi i did ($25 extra) and it wasn't any help so i went the traditional route.
Maybe it was fooked? Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 144

PostPosted: Thu, 17th Jul 2008 00:13    Post subject:
actually what I have read on other forums they work extremely well, I myself got a solid Wiikey so I got a old Wii Razz
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