I just graduated university :D
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Posts: 829
Location: Slovakia (not Slovenia :)
PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Jul 2008 12:14    Post subject:
anarxist would be proud of you Wink

congrats anyway Very Happy

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Posts: 137

PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Jul 2008 13:37    Post subject:

Just out of curiosity you live in Cairo or somewhere else?
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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jul 2008 23:54    Post subject:
pistolshrimp wrote:
Sometimes I think those in power can't think past what is best for them. They make their choices based on votes and Campaign money. I see it all around in my own Country. I wonder about the future of everything.

From Compu's description it seems Egypt has some good ideas about education. Reward those with good marks. Making it more affordable. Money, while in school helps. (altho I am sure small). I wouldn't have less respect for someone if they got financial help. I wish Canada got more involved with that.

Our system has many flaws, mainly lack of funding, but it guarantees everybody a chance for a better life.

pistolshrimp wrote:
I was wondering what your salary expiation's are? If it too personal a question no prob. Or you can pm.

Congrats on your bachelor. I bet you will go back to get your masters.

I'm hoping for $12,000 a year, which may not sound much, but when you factor in the fact that the average Egyptian family makes about $1,200 a year, then it's very reasonable Wink

As for the masters, i may be tempted just to keep up with the rest of my family, whom pretty much all got PhDs or MDs Razz
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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jul 2008 00:01    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jul 2008 01:01    Post subject:
compubrain3000 wrote:
pistolshrimp wrote:
Sometimes I think those in power can't think past what is best for them. They make their choices based on votes and Campaign money. I see it all around in my own Country. I wonder about the future of everything.

From Compu's description it seems Egypt has some good ideas about education. Reward those with good marks. Making it more affordable. Money, while in school helps. (altho I am sure small). I wouldn't have less respect for someone if they got financial help. I wish Canada got more involved with that.

Our system has many flaws, mainly lack of funding, but it guarantees everybody a chance for a better life.

pistolshrimp wrote:
I was wondering what your salary expiation's are? If it too personal a question no prob. Or you can pm.

Congrats on your bachelor. I bet you will go back to get your masters.

I'm hoping for $12,000 a year, which may not sound much, but when you factor in the fact that the average Egyptian family makes about $1,200 a year, then it's very reasonable Wink

As for the masters, i may be tempted just to keep up with the rest of my family, whom pretty much all got PhDs or MDs Razz

I know someone who is managing a pharmacy at a large scale grocery store. She is making about $200,000. She had to move to a smaller town. It is a good wage here.
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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jul 2008 01:23    Post subject:
pistolshrimp wrote:
I know someone who is managing a pharmacy at a large scale grocery store. She is making about $200,000. She had to move to a smaller town. It is a good wage here.

That's why most pharmacists love Canada Wink

I'm more into hospital pharmacy myself.
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Posts: 4911
Location: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jul 2008 01:43    Post subject:
I'll be starting my first year of University this fall, after a 3 year hiatus after high school !

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Posts: 3807
Location: Internets
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jul 2008 07:19    Post subject:
Congrats. , now go make some money and spend it all on booze and T&A Wink

damn , i barely made it into my 2nd year \m/ , hopefully i can pay some of the exams rather than studying for them , cause like man , i suck at physiscs and math badly and that's fucked up since my profile is Mechatronics and Robotics

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PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jul 2008 07:40    Post subject:
She was the manager so I don't what the other pharmacists make. Hospitals are more interesting that is for sure.

We have basically 2 divisions which control a handfull of hospitals each. One is Frazer health an the other is Vancouver Coastal Auth.
hospital pharmacy wages are:
Clinical pharmacist is $38.24/hr to $47.71/hr

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist: $42.78/hr to $53.37/hr

You get overtime too which is time +1/2


http://careers.fraserhealth.ca/vacancies.asp?action=postings&sub_cat_id=779&search=GO (their site is down it looks like)
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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jul 2008 11:13    Post subject:
pistolshrimp wrote:
She was the manager so I don't what the other pharmacists make. Hospitals are more interesting that is for sure.

We have basically 2 divisions which control a handfull of hospitals each. One is Frazer health an the other is Vancouver Coastal Auth.
hospital pharmacy wages are:
Clinical pharmacist is $38.24/hr to $47.71/hr

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist: $42.78/hr to $53.37/hr

You get overtime too which is time +1/2


http://careers.fraserhealth.ca/vacancies.asp?action=postings&sub_cat_id=779&search=GO (their site is down it looks like)

Canada has the reputation of being a great place for pharmacists. A lot of Egyptians immigrate there.

But i'm not thinking of moving anywhere right now Smile
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jul 2008 17:07    Post subject:
so damnit comp, where are my free painkillers? fedex em to me Very Happy Wink

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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jul 2008 18:26    Post subject:
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jul 2008 19:29    Post subject:
compubrain3000 wrote:
SycoShaman wrote:
so damnit comp, where are my free painkillers? fedex em to me Very Happy Wink

Name your drug Wink Razz

Oxy's, 80mg's please Very Happy

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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 11007

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jul 2008 20:28    Post subject:
compubrain3000 wrote:
pistolshrimp wrote:
She was the manager so I don't what the other pharmacists make. Hospitals are more interesting that is for sure.

We have basically 2 divisions which control a handfull of hospitals each. One is Frazer health an the other is Vancouver Coastal Auth.
hospital pharmacy wages are:
Clinical pharmacist is $38.24/hr to $47.71/hr

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist: $42.78/hr to $53.37/hr

You get overtime too which is time +1/2


http://careers.fraserhealth.ca/vacancies.asp?action=postings&sub_cat_id=779&search=GO (their site is down it looks like)

Canada has the reputation of being a great place for pharmacists. A lot of Egyptians immigrate there.

But i'm not thinking of moving anywhere right now Smile

I know you are happy where you are. It helps to know what is happening in other countries jobs markets tho. I always found it interesting.

Last edited by pistolshrimp on Mon, 28th Jul 2008 06:24; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 3127

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Jul 2008 21:51    Post subject:
One week late but still congrats. Smile
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Posts: 2958
Location: Belgium
PostPosted: Mon, 28th Jul 2008 19:26    Post subject:
i graduated bio-engineering Very Happy

going for PhD the coming years Smile
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Posts: 4094
Location: Egypt
PostPosted: Mon, 28th Jul 2008 19:34    Post subject:
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