Need For Speed : Undercover
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Posts: 2602
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 19:03    Post subject: Need For Speed : Undercover
Need For Speed : UNdercover

Short Preview ( ty Leftos ):

* open world with free roam
* cops
* damage (visual)
* day only driving
* action driving model
* circuit, sprint, canyon, highway battle gaming modes (no drag and drift)
* big hollywood-like story
* visual customization with Autosculpt and separate bumpers and side skirts
* performance tuning
* NOS, speedbreaker

Site : ( Direct Link : )
Genre : Racing
Publisher : Electronic Arts
Developer : Black Box Games
Release Date : 18/11/2008

Debut Teaser :
Trailer :
Productor Interview :

First Impression from French Review

- Totaly Arcad Game ( Wohh what a surprise )
- Story is about : Infiltrated GANG
- Movie / intro with real Actor.
- Environnement : City in Palm Harbor, mountain in Gold Coast , sea in Cost Port Crescent and Sunset Hill ( Rural > dont know word in english :/ )
- Environnement/Zone are join by Highway
- No Real-time weather

- They saw one MOde : Highway Battle > pursuit 1vs1 on highway
And an another one : Cops vs you. > better feeling

They also said that GFX engine is pretty the same than NFS pro street.
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Posts: 627

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 19:11    Post subject:
They've taken the road of Fast n the Furious, haven't they? Go undercover, root out some criminals, get caught, stay alive.

Let's hope this one's better than the last few titles!

"YARR! We be stealin' yer games an plundrin' yer gold!" sez the pirate.
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 19:13    Post subject:
I want to play this game so bad that I can't stop jerking myself off!! Very Happy
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Posts: 3091

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 19:14    Post subject:
i read it's taking transporter movies style and you can shoot other people while driving - just LOL. ea has lost it

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Posts: 8061

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 19:17    Post subject:
Make Most Wanted 2 already.
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Posts: 2273
Location: Estonia
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 20:03    Post subject:
i liked the old need for speed 2 and 3 hot pursuit
new ones are made wannabe cool gangsta style which i despise

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Posts: 893

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 20:15    Post subject:
I wonder if there will be damage like NFSPS.
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Posts: 155
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 20:47    Post subject:
kazemaky wrote:
i liked the old need for speed 2 and 3 hot pursuit
new ones are made wannabe cool gangsta style which i despise

need for speed: porche was good aswell!
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Posts: 1159
Location: Patras, Greece
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 20:49    Post subject:
Impressive trailer. No signs of damage yet, at least none in the trailer posted. But they're going with a story that seems decent, and the same old same old tuner culture. The FMVs for one look impressive, but it's all about what teasers do to you.

I guess no of the NFS oldie-lovers here will like that NFS isn't back to its roots, but it has been announced a long time ago, so I hope we'll avoid posts like "This is not NFS 3 or 4" and "Give us exotics back" or "Give us the sequel of THAT installment" or whatever. This is an announced game, and I'd rather we'd comment on what we know about it and post news.

The feature list is still TBA, so we don't know anything about level of customization, carlists and the rest. That's the important stuff. Still, if anything, although it'll be one of the same, if it doesn't have the extremely short length of Carbon, I'll be playing it through. Once.

EDIT: Wait, there is a preview here. And here's what NFSUnlimited posts as the main info one can take from it.

* open world with free roam
* cops
* damage (visual)
* day only driving
* action driving model
* circuit, sprint, canyon, highway battle gaming modes (no drag and drift)
* big hollywood-like story
* visual customization with Autosculpt and separate bumpers and side skirts
* performance tuning
* NOS, speedbreaker

I have to say I'm disappointed about the fact that it lacks drag, but since it was so poorly implemented in Most Wanted, maybe it's a good thing. I couldn't care less about drifting though, since I'm getting all the drifting I want from GRID. I wouldn't imagine NFS reaching the same level on its Drift Mode.

We'll see how it turns out.

EDIT 2: For those that are actually interested, this page will be updated with any info that comes out on NFS:UC, so instead of going through the bitching, moaning and flaming that will be going on here to find a newspost, keep looking there. [/blatant advertisement of site I have nothing to do with]

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Posts: 3156

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 21:37    Post subject:
New nfs = new soundtrack which is perfect for finding new music. Cant wait for the cd, the game I dont give 2 cents about but nice that they're trying something new.

One thing i cant stand with nfs games are those arcade style arrows on the side of the road signaling a turn. Just kills all realism for me and looks so 90'ish.

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Posts: 1159
Location: Patras, Greece
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 21:40    Post subject:
I know. They could've used a better way to show you the way around the predefined course. Midnight Club did it first, allowing you to use any route to get to the next checkpoint. Test Drive Unlimited had the GPS telling you the way to the next checkpoint, but you could use another route. Maybe they should have it too. I mean the city is there, use it. Have a GPS show you the best route to the next checkpoint, but let the players be able to get to the next checkpoint another way if they want. Invisible walls suck, period.

[ i5 2500K (@4.2GHz) / GIGABYTE Z77MX-D3H / 8GB Corsair XMS / GIGABYTE GTX460 1GB OC / 640+750 GB WD Caviar Black ]
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Posts: 526
Location: TM, RO
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 22:08    Post subject:
yeap. they really should try a new idea regarding this matter. anyway, i really wonder if it will be at least as good as NFS Carbon was....

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Posts: 13302
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 23:02    Post subject:
the only NFS i found was an unbearable piece of crap was Pro street
others were okay , average , most wanted was really good underground aswell
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Posts: 893

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 00:41    Post subject:
FireMaster wrote:
the only NFS i found was an unbearable piece of crap was Pro street
others were okay , average , most wanted was really good underground aswell

Yeah I agree also. NFSPS was crap and so was Carbon. But the rest was fine I guess.
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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 01:06    Post subject:
Well Carbon wasn't something spectacular, but not even miles close to the horrific generic shite that was Pro Street. At least Carbon had some NFS with story thing in it that I grown to like, and Pro Street was just generic, dull, lifeless and boring.

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Posts: 956

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 01:17    Post subject:
Pro Street sucked, so did Carbon. The only decent NFS game in recent years is Underground2, I'd say, because of the very neat tuning system and the great in-doors racing. Most Wanted was passable, too, but cut out too much stuff.

Personally I'd be happy if they went with Underground 2 as a base, but included day-driving and lots of Ferraris, Porsches and Lamborghinis; the car selection in recent years has been horrible. Driving physics could really need some tweaking too, to make it more like NFS Porsche.
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Posts: 5877

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 01:57    Post subject:
Raap wrote:
Pro Street sucked, so did Carbon. The only decent NFS game in recent years is Underground2, I'd say, because of the very neat tuning system and the great in-doors racing. Most Wanted was passable, too, but cut out too much stuff.

Personally I'd be happy if they went with Underground 2 as a base, but included day-driving and lots of Ferraris, Porsches and Lamborghinis; the car selection in recent years has been horrible. Driving physics could really need some tweaking too, to make it more like NFS Porsche.
You forgot to add NFS:Most Wanted for secret LADA add on

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Posts: 1159
Location: Patras, Greece
PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 02:22    Post subject:
@Spiderman: Don't break the forum. Use a thumbnail or size down your pic. I'm on 1280x1024 and I have to scroll right to read the full messages now.

@Raap: I don't think they're going NFS Porsche physics anytime soon. That was just "too hard" and "boring" for the "average gamer".

P.S. Overexcessive use of quotes intended. That's just how marketing goes.
P.S.2 I know that "over" and "excessive" in one word combined is just a bit too much, if not overexcessive.

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Posts: 1433

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 02:25    Post subject:
ok, maybe its just been too long since I played most wanted......but

wasn't free-roaming, cops, day only driving, and damage already in most wanted......are there any other features i'm missing out on?
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Posts: 1159
Location: Patras, Greece
PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 02:28    Post subject:
I guess Undercover is just another swing at making Most Wanted, with updated graphics and more money on the story, FMV and actors, along with some of the good elements of UG2 that MW missed.

I for one enjoyed MW a lot, so I think I'll have a good time playing UC through.

P.S. I was tempted to just use MW the first time I thought of Most Wanted, but I thought that would be a bit overexcessive.
P.S.2 OH yah, I love P.S.'es!

[ i5 2500K (@4.2GHz) / GIGABYTE Z77MX-D3H / 8GB Corsair XMS / GIGABYTE GTX460 1GB OC / 640+750 GB WD Caviar Black ]
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Posts: 2248
Location: City Of Compton
PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 02:39    Post subject:
Ah man another theme change which they consider a new game.

When is this damn franchise going to move in a different direction. So much potential, but again the Dev's spend their sleepless nights fine tuning on "Autosculpt." Laughing
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Posts: 6617

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 13:05    Post subject:
NFS game and a marked feature is NOS? Laughing
But hey, at least bumpers are separate from bodykits as I understand?
I hope they won't make the city open step-by-step. That's one thing I really hate about NFS "free roam" system.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a BMW M-style rim seen in the trailer?

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 13:09    Post subject:
KrAzY-KaMeL wrote:
So much potential, but again the Dev's spend their sleepless nights fine tuning on "Autosculpt." Laughing

Heeeee~y, Autosculpt was an awesome feature! ^_^
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Posts: 6617

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 13:15    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:

Heeeee~y, Autosculpt was an awesome feature! ^_^

The idea was awesome... but it was still too limited. There were only so many pre-made bodykits and only 5 or 6 zones you could "sculpt."

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Mostly Cursed

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PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 13:17    Post subject:
Which is why I posted this in the NFS-Undercover thread in the 360 section;


I'm hoping they finally do it right! Take the best bits from all the games!

NFS-Porsche Challenge's "Test Drive" feature. That was awesome that was. Test-driving all the different Porsche cars throughout the years.

NFS-Hot Pursuit's "Pursuit" game mode. Being chased by the police, or even BEING the police and chasing other drivers online.

NFS-Carbon's "Customisation" settings. Carbon had the absolute best customisation on the cars, with Auto-Sculpt topping the cake!

NFS-MW or ProStreet's "Graphics" These were easily the best looking of the series.

As for the music? I honestly don't care as long as it's not another DVD full of "gangsta" rap shite.
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Posts: 870

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 13:59    Post subject:
djaoni wrote:
Make Most Wanted 2 already.

this pretty much is most wanted 2.. imo what they need to make is underground 3.
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Posts: 627

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 14:00    Post subject:
no not another underground gangsta pimp bling bling game plz.

"YARR! We be stealin' yer games an plundrin' yer gold!" sez the pirate.
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Posts: 870

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 14:19    Post subject:
Flowmo wrote:
no not another underground gangsta pimp bling bling game plz.

i liked underground because of all you could do with your car. the spinners and shit like that were pretty gay and useless, but everything else was nice.
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Posts: 627

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 14:22    Post subject:
The best thing about Underground was "Get low" from lil john xD

"YARR! We be stealin' yer games an plundrin' yer gold!" sez the pirate.
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Posts: 291

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 15:17    Post subject:
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