[PS3] Afrika
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 14:45    Post subject: [PS3] Afrika

I recommend you watch the video for it at; gametrailers. It seems genuinely great, but it's dangerous to infer too much from just a trailer, so I'm not sure how representative it is of real gameplay. Still, colour me very interested, as we definitely need more games like this and I'm excited about its potential.

Does anyone know more? Not sure whether it is a PSN only title either.

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 14:48    Post subject:
The textures look horrific, but seeing as it's a PSN game.. that's not too bad at all. Great concept too! We need more games like this, they sure as hell make a huge difference to the generic trash we always seem to get.

Probably not something you've already seen, but the Wiki page has more info;


The wiki states it's actually a BluRay game, so I guess it's not just PSN afterall.
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Posts: 12390
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 15:10    Post subject:
Yeah there are already a few games out like this for the PC, would be nice to see one on the 360 too.

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Posts: 3550

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 15:17    Post subject:
looks nice, but I might as well download some HD wild life stuff...

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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 16:09    Post subject:
The textures don't look horrific, I'd wager it's actually quite difficult to create a hyper-realistic game, as having to balance the details (textures, polygons) with both aesthetics and performance is bound to be a tightrope affair. The highest quality textures in the world won't grant the illusion of life alone - it has to be the sum of its parts. In that sense, 'Horrific' is such an overstatement.

Anyway, the wiki does reveal some information on the game I wasn't aware of. Mainly, it's mission driven, which whilst a little disappointing does make more sense for getting interesting (and spontaneous) wildlife scenarios in there. The fact you don't drive is a bit of a low-point.

This camera is completely controlled by the motion-controlled Sixaxis in a similar way as the camera during the transport to the location. This way the player is in complete control of the angle, focus, aim and clarity of the pictures. If the Sixaxis is not held by a firm and steady hand, the picture might be too blurry and thus worthless. However, if the picture turns out to be of good quality, virtual cash can be earned. The better the shot, the bigger the amount of money earned. This virtual money earned in the game can be used to buy new cameras which in turn will deliver pictures of even better quality to earn even more money

Sounds neat.

Yeah there are already a few games out like this for the PC, would be nice to see one on the 360 too.

Anything recent? The last games I've heard of were edutainment titles, less of a game and more educational. I'm a fan of games like Deer Hunter (etc), not for the killing of defenceless animals but the wildlife environment and atmosphere - so I'd be interested if there is anything good out there I've not heard of.

looks nice, but I might as well download some HD wild life stuff...

That's like saying I might as well go outside and play football for real than play PES/FIFA, a bit of a moot point!

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 16:14    Post subject:
Of course a game's worth is the sum of its parts .. but that still doesn't excuse the fact that the textures, on a supposedly "super high end console" look like something from the 32bit era. I am *not* judging by graphics alone, I'm just commenting on how it doesn't exactly show off the power of the PS3.

As I said, I am - like you - really interested in this. Heck, I don't even have a PS3 but this game has caught my attention! I like the idea of a mission structure as it stops the game becoming boring and/or bland. I mean, there's only so much time you can spend walking around a landscape snapping pictures in "freeplay" mode. Having a mission structure offers an incentive and reason to keep going.
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 16:48    Post subject:
Ignoring how the game looks extremely nice and certainly nothing like a 32bit console era title, having high resolution textures does not necessarily make a game look good. Stick a high resolution texture on the human face of Quakes protagonist and the end result is not going to be as aesthetically pleasing or as realistic as balancing the art, with the modelling, the animation, the environment (etc) whilst also keeping development moving and the engine smooth. That was my suggestion, that I have doubts 'hyper-realistic' games such as this - where we expect a greater level of fidelity to be immersed - are as easy to balance out than in say a typical first person shooter.

Besides, did you watch the low quality, compressed trailer, it looks great. I don't understand how you think the textures look horrific Confused

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Posts: 361

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 16:55    Post subject:
Ps3 as always problems with textures i hope next consoles come with more memory 512 its just to low
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 16:55    Post subject:
I did watch the trailer and that's where I got the impression from. They're blurry and low-resolution textures.


Nevermind, I shouldn't have said anything at all Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 17:32    Post subject:
This would nice on the far cry 2 engine, creatinging a nice little fire, seeing all the animals run in terror!

omg I am sick! Twisted Evil

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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 18:26    Post subject:
I'm more than happy to see you post whatever your opinion may be, if anything it's better than the thread dying from lack of interest. I'm just taken aback by your comments regarding the supposedly low quality textures and you (abusrdly) likening it to a 32BIT console game. I really don't see the inherent lack of quality you describe;

Remember these are severely compressed motionless shots of the game in action.

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 18:27    Post subject:
Noooooooooo!! Sorry, that WAS my fault .. I was in fact referring to the WORLD textures. Not the animal/player textures!

Look at the jeep. Look at grass. Look at the desert area. That's what I meant by blurry and low-quality.
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 19:11    Post subject:
Oh well in that case I would agree, as the landscape is pretty simplistic in relation to the wildlife. I suspect this is down to performance and time constraints, but I think there appears to be enough variety on display to help elevate it from being an eye sore.

GeorgeIvanovich wrote:
Ps3 as always problems with textures i hope next consoles come with more memory 512 its just to low

Do you actually have any proof to support this claim? All the first party games I've played have had excellent texture use, in fact titles like Uncharted don't even use loading screens during gameplay. I can assure you the PS3 has no problems displaying high resolution textures, but it's not like they have any bearing on a games quality anyway Crying or Very sad

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Posts: 3550

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 19:45    Post subject:
look at this 2006 trailer:


Looks like there is a lot more foliage and grass etc in it then the newer movies...

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Posts: 1440

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 20:19    Post subject:
Jap and Asia release only isn't it?,
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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 20:24    Post subject:
mcmanic wrote:
Jap and Asia release only isn't it?,

US too as far as I know, but no release in europe.
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Posts: 2445
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 21:30    Post subject:
Nice concept! But not my kind of game, for sure!!! Very Happy
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Posts: 361

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 22:52    Post subject:
Ispep wrote:
Oh well in that case I would agree, as the landscape is pretty simplistic in relation to the wildlife. I suspect this is down to performance and time constraints, but I think there appears to be enough variety on display to help elevate it from being an eye sore.

GeorgeIvanovich wrote:
Ps3 as always problems with textures i hope next consoles come with more memory 512 its just to low

Do you actually have any proof to support this claim? All the first party games I've played have had excellent texture use, in fact titles like Uncharted don't even use loading screens during gameplay. I can assure you the PS3 has no problems displaying high resolution textures, but it's not like they have any bearing on a games quality anyway Crying or Very sad

Yes ,mi eyes Rolling Eyes i suppose that some people just see it fine.

Just see games like crysis running,today consoles can handle that.
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Posts: 17865
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 23:43    Post subject:
Can anyone tell me what the player actually does in this game, controls animals, takes pictures or what?
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2008 23:57    Post subject:
You play as a photographer, that's it. It's your job to snap the animals.
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PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 00:02    Post subject:
lol pokemon snap! Very Happy

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2008 00:06    Post subject:
Strangely enough, that's exactly what the game has been compared to Very Happy


It is an African safari simulator including wild animals from the far reaches of the continent. The game has been referred to as a spiritual successor to the Nintendo 64 title Pokemon Snap.[3][4]
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Posts: 144

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Aug 2008 12:37    Post subject:
seems to be a quiet nice game actually.
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Posts: 6061

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Aug 2008 12:54    Post subject:
It reminds be a bit of the old arcade classic DRAGONS LAIR, or the pc game LOST EDEN from the 90´s, heck even MYTH in a sence.

Where the player was forced to go on a rail. Is it same here? Forced to going in a car and then snap snap? Then why don´t they offer fotorealistic gfx?

Might be off here. I guess they want a more dynamic gaming world, whereas in the games I mentioned above, the gfx is pretty static.
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