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PostPosted: Fri, 25th Jul 2008 18:48    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Fri, 25th Jul 2008 20:39    Post subject:
when it first was announced i wasn't interested at all- "meh some another hybrid game", but a week or two ago i started to play DOTA with some friends.. and now i think that Demigod will rock Razz

Per aspera ad astra
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PostPosted: Fri, 25th Jul 2008 20:51    Post subject:
RainyDay wrote:
when it first was announced i wasn't interested at all- "meh some another hybrid game", but a week or two ago i started to play DOTA with some friends.. and now i think that Demigod will rock :P

yeah I kinda like the concept of fighting together with others against another team but also NPCs, and beeing able to upgrade your own NPC forces.

It's kind of a mixture between pvp and coop.. (I love coop)
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Location: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
PostPosted: Fri, 25th Jul 2008 22:13    Post subject:
RainyDay wrote:
when it first was announced i wasn't interested at all- "meh some another hybrid game", but a week or two ago i started to play DOTA with some friends.. and now i think that Demigod will rock Razz

<3 Dota forever. Been playing since TFT was in beta...

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Posts: 195

PostPosted: Fri, 25th Jul 2008 22:21    Post subject:
dota is a great map, i started to play like 2 months ago and i enjoy it very much, but it has a problem like demigod will have! we will always have leavers/retards play that will ruin a game.. and if u are not persistent u will get tired and stop playing.

this wouldnt happen in clan wars or friend wars. but i think its the only exeptions
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Location: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
PostPosted: Fri, 25th Jul 2008 22:40    Post subject:
skytzu wrote:
dota is a great map, i started to play like 2 months ago and i enjoy it very much, but it has a problem like demigod will have! we will always have leavers/retards play that will ruin a game.. and if u are not persistent u will get tired and stop playing.

this wouldnt happen in clan wars or friend wars. but i think its the only exeptions

Well, in demigod there will be ranked ladder matches, that autosave for disconnects. Like, if you have someone crash or disconnect, you go back to seconds before they disconnect. If people leave, they have to forfeit and lose ranking in the ladder - like dota leagues, but integrated.

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Posts: 1686

PostPosted: Sat, 26th Jul 2008 14:01    Post subject:

Join already.

Lag free gaming - less leavers - more skill - Clanwar/high lvl/ dota ladder/ etc.

I wanna pwn ur asses!

I hope demigod will be good, but somehow I doubt it....
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PostPosted: Tue, 29th Jul 2008 01:06    Post subject:
The thing is AwE, Chris Taylor is a really insightful guy with truckloads of great ideas.

When you read or listen to his interviews, hes got a great head on his shoulders. Though the list of GPG games is small

* Dungeon Siege - 2002
* Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (expansion pack for Dungeon Siege) - 2003
* Dungeon Siege II - 2005
* Dungeon Siege II: Broken World (expansion Pack for Dungeon Siege 2) - 2006
* Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony (for the Sony PSP) - 2006
* Supreme Commander - 2007
* Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance - 2007
* Space Siege - 2008
* Demigod - 2009

I've really liked all of the games they've worked on. Supreme Commander was meh, but the ideas behind it were above and beyond great.

Also, trailer in HD

Oh, and I joined that GA arena, theres like no one playing and I cant figure out how to start games.

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PostPosted: Tue, 29th Jul 2008 01:33    Post subject:
lets hope the best.

GGC empty?
there are always at least 15000 people playing dota.
Its really easy. download the client, in the settings enter your game path (f.e. D:\Games\WC3\war3.exe). click "run game".
Thats it.
don`t join bnet, join lan games.

There`s always a slight delay when you play bnet. you get used to it, but once you used ggc, theres no going back.

All the big clans use it, too. your play improves a lot, if you stick to highlvl/clanwar rooms.
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Location: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
PostPosted: Tue, 29th Jul 2008 01:38    Post subject:
AwE wrote:
lets hope the best.

GGC empty?
there are always at least 15000 people playing dota.
Its really easy. download the client, in the settings enter your game path (f.e. D:\Games\WC3\war3.exe). click "run game".
Thats it.
don`t join bnet, join lan games.

There`s always a slight delay when you play bnet. you get used to it, but once you used ggc, theres no going back.

All the big clans use it, too. your play improves a lot, if you stick to highlvl/clanwar rooms.

Well that makes a lot more sense.

I'll be in there tonight probably

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Location: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
PostPosted: Tue, 29th Jul 2008 02:46    Post subject:
No, see there is no games showing up in the LAN list (I know what Im doing with PCs, PLC works fine for hosting).

Eventually 1 non-dota game showed up... really not that good..

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PostPosted: Thu, 14th Aug 2008 07:49    Post subject:
Apparently Beta 1 has been pushed back to early september.

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PostPosted: Fri, 5th Sep 2008 02:10    Post subject:
Beta has begun. I am preordering as I type this, and will update you guys further once I get the game up and running.

Sense Amid Madness, Wit Amidst Folly
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PostPosted: Fri, 5th Sep 2008 02:17    Post subject:
BTW if you're using hamachi, note that newest versions of Hamachi are incompatible with Demigod. Read about it here:

Sense Amid Madness, Wit Amidst Folly
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Fri, 5th Sep 2008 02:52    Post subject:
Didn't seem like a terrible game, very DotA like, skill tree seemed fun, I was the giant dude.

Didn't play for very long though. ;P

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PostPosted: Fri, 5th Sep 2008 03:33    Post subject:
Yea and this is beta phase 0, they havent added basically any of their content or anything.. strictly to see how well it runs.

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PostPosted: Fri, 5th Sep 2008 03:53    Post subject:
Yep, very little content, immense balance issues (try playing against 3 rooks Razz ) etc etc... still, fun game. It's annoying that they don't announce the kills like they do in DOTA. Takes away from the kill whore atmosphere >.<. At least they have Godlike and all that. I was Godlike in the first pub I played vs non AI ^^

Sense Amid Madness, Wit Amidst Folly
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Posts: 5877

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Sep 2008 04:32    Post subject:
and DotA is ??? speak up boy
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Fri, 5th Sep 2008 04:38    Post subject:
DotA is a custom map genre in Warcraft III series that pits 2 teams of players against eachother, aided by their AI armies that automatically march at the enemy base (usually along 3 paths).

The objective is, of course, to destroy the enemy base.

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PostPosted: Fri, 5th Sep 2008 05:05    Post subject:
so this Demigod game its multi only or will it have a single campaign in the final version ?
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PostPosted: Fri, 5th Sep 2008 06:34    Post subject:
Well thats kinda like asking does 'Counterstrike have single player?' It does yes. But is it worth playing? No.

Sense Amid Madness, Wit Amidst Folly
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PostPosted: Fri, 5th Sep 2008 16:39    Post subject:
It may be worth playing, we can't say for sure - but the priority is multiplayer. They've stated they want it to be an uber balanced "skill" related game that can be played in tournaments much like DoTA should have been if it was a standalone game and had more corporate backing. DotA is played right now in smaller tournaments, but this is aiming for a bigger market.

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PostPosted: Sun, 7th Sep 2008 04:06    Post subject:
Spending some more time with the LAN play, I've basically fallen in love. I went and played dota after spending some time and I can just see the insane potential of demigod. I really hope they add recipes though. I really think it would make the game way more epic.

There is just so much that can go right with this game that if they go wrong, I'll be shocked.

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Posts: 137

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Sep 2008 19:38    Post subject:
I preordered this aswell and played some lan game, definetly can become a classic.
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Posts: 63
PostPosted: Sun, 7th Sep 2008 21:23    Post subject:
tainted4ever wrote:
BTW if you're using hamachi, note that newest versions of Hamachi are incompatible with Demigod. Read about it here:

If i preorder i'll get beta access?
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Posts: 137

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Sep 2008 21:45    Post subject:
According to the forums if you preorder in the first week from beta1 release you should get beta access (beta 1 released 4 sept)
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Posts: 63
PostPosted: Mon, 8th Sep 2008 15:57    Post subject:
Just purchased.DLing right now. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon, 8th Sep 2008 16:37    Post subject:
So annoying to play with people on Vent. Just stun and double hammer with Rook. >.< No way to counter Sad

Sense Amid Madness, Wit Amidst Folly
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PostPosted: Mon, 8th Sep 2008 17:15    Post subject:
Lol yea rook is retarded, but of course, you aren't even playing for balancing yet, youre playing for stability and performance.

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PostPosted: Mon, 8th Sep 2008 17:52    Post subject:
I know, but it's kind of hard to have fun in a game when there are just 2 retard sitting there teleporting and instagibbing anything that moves. But yeah, aside from Rook retardedness this game is a shitload of fun. Like you say Phluxed, lots of potential Smile

Sense Amid Madness, Wit Amidst Folly
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