Getting no signal, DVI to HDMI
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Posts: 12108
Location: Cybertron
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2008 20:51    Post subject: Getting no signal, DVI to HDMI
Since i got my Samsung HDTV, ive used a DVI to HDMI cable for PC to TV connection.
A few days ago i rearranged my livingroom, and now my TV is a bit farther away from my PC, enough so that my cable didn't reach. Fine, ordered a longer one off eBay, got it today, plugged it in, and now all the TV is doing is displaying No Signal when i try to view the PC connection.

Windows know the TV is there, so does Nvidias control panel. I can set the resolution and all, enable and disable it, but i cant get signal it seems.

Any ideas?

I have a 8800GT btw.

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Posts: 64
Location: Bat Yam , Israel
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2008 23:44    Post subject:
had the same problem as u have with my tv , i used vga to vga 10m cable.
i get no signal but the nvidia is showing that my tv is plugged but no signal so i tried it with a diffrent cable and it does the job.
try to use the same cable u had before and see if u can see any picture , if u can , rerplace ur cable.
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Posts: 3247

PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2008 01:57    Post subject:
@ Talh. vga cable for a hd tv is bullshit! you cant watch hd if you dont have hdmi

sorry _sin_, but i have no other ideas except for trying to screw arounf with the nvidia control panel settings with the clone to tv stuff and all

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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2008 02:22    Post subject:
JeanPerrier wrote:
@ Talh. vga cable for a hd tv is bullshit! you cant watch hd if you dont have hdmi

now that is BS
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Posts: 64
Location: Bat Yam , Israel
PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2008 11:21    Post subject:
i had vga to vga , now im using DVI to DVI.
like i said he need to check if he get any signal at all with the other cable , if he can it a cable problem
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Posts: 12108
Location: Cybertron
PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2008 13:06    Post subject:
Fuck, ofcourse the old cable works..

So i figured out the new cable is a DVI-D Single link, and the old one is a DVI-D Dual link

Is it really that shitty? That those six missing pins are the ones sending the actual picture signal to the TV? I mean, it seems very unlikely somehow..

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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2008 13:27    Post subject:
i got both dvi-d SL and samsung 32'
everything worx just fine, but my vcard is ati HD3850, so
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Posts: 73193
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PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2008 13:35    Post subject:
_SiN_ wrote:
Is it really that shitty? That those six missing pins are the ones sending the actual picture signal to the TV? I mean, it seems very unlikely somehow..

Well, I doubt it... From what I know, DL are used for huge resolutions (for the extra bandwidth) and audio, so I don't think this is your problem...
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Posts: 12108
Location: Cybertron
PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2008 14:18    Post subject:
Then i wonder what the hell is the problem Sad

Updated to the latest drivers (was a while ago i did) and that didn't make any difference ofcourse.

And as i said, im 100% sure the PC knows the TV is there, if i unplug the cable i hear the Device disconnected sound, and when i plug it back in the Device connected sound plays.

Also, when i unplug the cable, the message on my TV changes to Check signal cable instead of No signal.

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2008 14:29    Post subject:
It could be the converter... Back in my CRT days, I remember having lots of problems with a DVI2VGA converter, I even considered replacing the monitor, then one day I replace the converter by mistake and had no problems at all. After switching back to the old converter (foolishly thinking it's better quality), problems returned.
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Posts: 12108
Location: Cybertron
PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2008 14:45    Post subject:
Well, i don't use a converter..

Watercooled 5950X | AORUS Master X570 | Asus RTX 3090 TUF Gaming OC | 64Gb RAM | 1Tb 970 Evo Plus + 2Tb 660p | etc etc
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