[Other] n-gage qd
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Posts: 874
Location: Trrism
PostPosted: Sat, 19th Jun 2004 02:07    Post subject: [Other] n-gage qd
So now I have like a lot of money, and since PSX is not coming out until March 2005 I wonder if it's worth the money. I have one friend, who's got one and its pretty fun to play sonic on, and since I am in the need for a new telephone and it would be fun to play when on the buss and such. I hear that playing against other people using the Bluetooth can be fun as well.
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Posts: 874
Location: Trrism
PostPosted: Sat, 19th Jun 2004 02:18    Post subject:
Found a link for anyone intrested - http://www.gamershell.com/reviews_N-GageQNA.shtml
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Posts: 699
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 21st Jun 2004 23:59    Post subject:
do not buy the n-gage! its a flop
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PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Jun 2004 17:07    Post subject: Re: [Other] n-gage qd
Flark wrote:
So now I have like a lot of money, and since PSX is not coming out until March 2005 I wonder if it's worth the money. I have one friend, who's got one and its pretty fun to play sonic on, and since I am in the need for a new telephone and it would be fun to play when on the buss and such. I hear that playing against other people using the Bluetooth can be fun as well.

Try to find the first version of n-gage. It's way better than QD. It's got data cable support (and the cable), MP3 player, stereo radio etc. It even comes with a hands free device included and at least here in Finland with a Tony Hawk game. I just bought one myself. It was only 100 euros. That's virtually nothing for a S60 phone with such great specs. Don't hesitate, go get it!
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