Thief install probs....
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Posts: 192

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 18:29    Post subject: Thief install probs....
I just tried to install Thief and could not get it to work.

It went fine thru CD 1 and CD2....after mounting CD3 (using Damon tools)...I got the error saying wrong volume. So, I followed the directions and put CD1 cue back in....

then another error came up and the installer exited.

What am I doing wrong?


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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Sat, 12th Jun 2004 18:37    Post subject:
You know, I had the same exact problem over many games. I just kept following whatever it wanted me to do and I kept clicking through the errors (like Retry).

Eventually I got through them all and my games worked fine. If you managed to get through the errors and it doesn't work... well, I dunno then. But try it again and keep clickin' Retry and stuff and make sure it has the cd in that it's crying about.

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Posts: 170

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Jun 2004 11:10    Post subject: Re: Thief install probs....
Nittany wrote:
I just tried to install Thief and could not get it to work.

It went fine thru CD 1 and CD2....after mounting CD3 (using Damon tools)...I got the error saying wrong volume. So, I followed the directions and put CD1 cue back in....

then another error came up and the installer exited.

What am I doing wrong?



I had to copy cd2 and cd3 to the harddrive and then point the installer to the copied files.

"Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important." -John Carmack, iD Software
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PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Jun 2004 01:05    Post subject:
Very Happy
I have had this problem many times with games and i too just kept pressing ignore or retry and finally got fed up of it, i also had it on original games too, When this happened on them i decided to investigate more and found out, it was the anti-virus software that was causing it, i disabled the anti-virus software, then installed the games perfectly , then re-enabled the software again. This was also confirmed to be the problem by codemasters support dept, when i was trying to install Toca Race Driver 2 and Colin Mcrae Rally 4, so give that a go guys, disable the anti-virus software during install
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Posts: 658
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Jun 2004 22:35    Post subject:
You can also mount all the images on different drives, so all images stay mounted.
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