Why NUKED?Grand Theft Auto IV (c) Rockstar Games *CRACK ONLY
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PostPosted: Wed, 10th Dec 2008 01:09    Post subject: Why NUKED?Grand Theft Auto IV (c) Rockstar Games *CRACK ONLY
Why is Grand Theft Auto IV (c) Rockstar Games *CRACK ONLY* nuked as "yes - not from razor1911 + virus inside" by NfoHump?

Maybe this release isn't from Razor1911, only "stolen" files.

But there is no virus inside. I analyzed it thoroughly. The files are even IDENTICAL to the cracked files inside the iso in the release Grand_Theft_Auto_IV-Razor1911.

So no virus there only the cracked files extracted from Razor1911:s ISO.
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Posts: 5134
Location: The Evil Empire
PostPosted: Wed, 10th Dec 2008 01:11    Post subject:
that's the only thing you had to say since 2007....?

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PostPosted: Wed, 10th Dec 2008 01:14    Post subject:
Vodka-Redbull wrote:
that's the only thing you had to say since 2007....?

So? You must have a really boring life taking your time to make a reply like that. And messing up the thread with crap.
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Posts: 5134
Location: The Evil Empire
PostPosted: Wed, 10th Dec 2008 01:17    Post subject:
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Posts: 176
Location: USA (sigh)
PostPosted: Wed, 10th Dec 2008 01:22    Post subject:
From what I read in the main thread, the razor crack is fine as long as the 1911.dll, LaunchGTAIV.exe, and GTAIV.exe are there.. Im not sure if its one of those missing or extra files being there that constitues whether its the fake virus or not.. I believe its if the 1911.dll is missing tho that means its not the true crack.

Again, just what I read in the other thread..
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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Wed, 10th Dec 2008 01:26    Post subject:
In the one I got there are no missing or extra files inside. Maybe there are two releases out in the wild with the same name. One fake and one genuine.
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