007 - QUOS 02 Plus8 Trainer eXtalia crash??
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Posts: 75

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Jan 2009 18:38    Post subject: 007 - QUOS 02 Plus8 Trainer eXtalia crash??
so i downloaded and tried a few trainers for this game.. i currently have this one..

QUOS 02 Plus8 Trainer eXtalia

it keeps crashing the game, how do i get it to work, i don't get the nfo at all. ty.
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PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Jan 2009 19:05    Post subject:
There are are a variety of trainer for most LIVE titles but due to how the games integrates with Windows LIVE and it's various protections you won't be able to use trainers and similar memory "hacks" for any longer time before LIVE detects that something is hooking to the exe and manipulating memory at which point it'll shut down. (crash.)

It varies from title to title so a game like Fallout 3 might be easy to create a trainer for as it's very lightly integrated (Can be removed entirely even.) but something like GTA IV or this particular game will be very difficult to work with aside from specialized tools. (Like those script loader semi-trainers/tools for GTA IV.)

Hope that helps explain things, it's not like it's impossible but from what I know it requires a bit of knowledge and a lot of time to work around LIVE without resorting to disabling it altogether (If even possible.) so some titles won't get much attention so to say.
(Fallout 3 and GTA IV being high-profile games with large communities compared to 007 Quantum of Solace.)

Not the best explanation but I hope it suffices. Smile

EDIT: Bit more practical stuff and using what I know from the discussion over at CheatHappens regarding a 007 trainer.

Toggleable options like infinite ammo and health have a larger chance to crash the game as they run continually or freeze values whereas options like refilling health and ammo usually works but the more you use them the larger the chance of the game crashing.
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Posts: 75

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jan 2009 23:44    Post subject:
i just tried the +4 trainer for prince of persia and it does the same thing LAFF!
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