Fallout 3
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Posts: 157

PostPosted: Thu, 29th Jan 2009 18:16    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
richardfun wrote:
I'm guessing I'll need a cr*cked patch for the cr*cked game?


I have no idea why there is a crack out for, but it is NOT needed! I did a clean install yesterday, patched right up and after the patch had finished the game automatically loaded on its own. I quickly shut down and reloaded it up to see if it was a fluke; but it wasn't!

I have the Reloaded release. US patch. NO crack and it works perfectly with the downloaded ESM/BSA Anchorage DLC and registered with my Dawn of War 2 beta key over WLive Smile

Hmm, will need to reinstall though cause I don't suppose the patch will accept the cracked .exe Smile
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Thu, 29th Jan 2009 18:17    Post subject:
You have two choices;

GCW and grab the crack (it's basically just the Fallout3 Launcher.exe) or don't! Just patch up and then run as normal.
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Posts: 155

PostPosted: Thu, 29th Jan 2009 22:40    Post subject:

consoles have been invented for emptyheads
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Posts: 776
Location: Russia, Msc
PostPosted: Thu, 29th Jan 2009 23:06    Post subject:
arupa wrote:

They're really late =_=

No, we have no bears on the streets here in Russia.
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Posts: 50

PostPosted: Thu, 29th Jan 2009 23:14    Post subject:
how dues this expansion work? i have saved right before the final mision, doues this mean that i cannot do the final misson if i want to play this expansion, becouse then the game will end? so doues this mean i cannot do the final mission at at all before all expansions are realesed?
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Posts: 238
Location: Here 'n there
PostPosted: Thu, 29th Jan 2009 23:16    Post subject:
Amer_MerzZz wrote:
arupa wrote:

They're really late =_=

dupe.ALLAHHISSNACKBAR.2009-01-29 Arrow
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Posts: 25

PostPosted: Thu, 29th Jan 2009 23:39    Post subject:
Amer_MerzZz wrote:
arupa wrote:

They're really late =_=

better late than never
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Posts: 34514
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 29th Jan 2009 23:53    Post subject:
To begin the new content just wander around outside (In the main "Wasteland" exterior areas.) and after a few minutes you'll get a heads-up notification that your pip-boy has received a new radio distress call "channel".
(Will happen at any time after you leave the main Vault sections and begin the actual game.)

EDIT: DLC isn't perfect or anything though, it's very linear and more of a "arcade" shooter (Though it's explained if you bother hacking certain terminals.) and there's also general bugs like one of the rewards using the "simulation" version of it (Which has about 9 million HP meaning it won't ever detoriate.) and the Hei-Gui or Stealth Armor can wear a infinite supply of headgear. (Looks funky but fortunately both these problems have unofficial fixes and the Unofficial Patch team - Those dudes from Oblivion - are also working on fixing issues with the DLC content, it's easy as it's a ESM and can thus be referred to in ESP plugin files without distributing any actual content from it.)

EDIT: DLC also includes some unused content like "Alloy Steel" version of the weapons in the simulation but they're not placed anywhere so the console is required to get them.
(Looks and behaves pretty much the same as the normal stuff aside from looking less worn.)

Also can be done to get the Outcast scribe outfit without killing the scribe, both the Chinese and American generals coat (Plus Jingwei's hat.) and some other stuff.
(Like a stealth-suit with only +5 sneak and no stealth/cloak effect when sneaking or the winterized combat armor outfit.)
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Fri, 30th Jan 2009 00:17    Post subject:
There's also a couple of mods out for it now, one in particular lets you keep ALL the armour that is available in the DLC.
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Posts: 34514
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 30th Jan 2009 00:26    Post subject:
I'm looking forward to "The Pit" (Pittsburgh.) there's not much info in the game about it aside from some smaller stuff (Rockopolis for example.) and it should be more open ended and RPG like than this first DLC from what I've read altough it seems to be very separated from the core game due to how it's set up (From what I've read about what little info there is about it at the moment.)

Minor spoilers here ->

Third DLC also sounds nice as it gives a open ending to the game and expands it to level 30 with a bunch of new content but there's very little details and as it's so focused on the "good" Brotherhood it might not be much for evil aligned characters.
(As opposed to siding with the remnants of the Enclave if you let the colonel live or something like that, guess they'll use the Llyons side of the ending as it would give her father a good reason to step-up a already strained situation against the Enclave.)

Brotherhood as such isn't good though, they were pretty snobby in Fallout 1 and even sent the vault dweller into a suicide mission just to gain some minor tech stuff.
(Don't remember much about them from Fallout 2 however and Tactics sees them as a different split faction altough depending on the ending you get they might end up being total assholes and I haven't played the console BoS game.)

EDIT: And just because here's a explanation to my somewhat odd avatar.
(Funny little thing there, seems it's even implemented in the latest restoration patch for F2 - Personally I usually choose the bloody mess and sex appeal perks and often obtained the gigolo trait due to my various interactions with the NPC's of that game like the Reno women.)
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Fri, 30th Jan 2009 00:46    Post subject:
*chuckles* I was wondering where the hell that avatar was from, haha! I've never tried the FO2 Restoration before .. I might give it a go, especially seeing as FO2 is easily the best one Very Happy
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Posts: 3363

PostPosted: Fri, 30th Jan 2009 04:24    Post subject:
+1 recommended
adds a bunch of content (and contains the fixes of the unofficial patches)
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Posts: 291

PostPosted: Fri, 30th Jan 2009 22:12    Post subject:
shit :/

I was walking around about half h, loading, saving etc and no notification about new radio . Anyone have the same problem ?
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Posts: 2020

PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 02:39    Post subject:
nope, only took about 5 mins here, if that long
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 02:43    Post subject:
Same. Took me about 10 mins, if that, before I got the radio signal.
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Posts: 291

PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 13:48    Post subject:
hmm.... must be something wrong with my game :/

Can You tell me in wich place You catch the signal ? Maybe i was looking in a bad areas Razz
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Posts: 34514
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 13:56    Post subject:
Make sure you wander around outside and that the ESM is properly active in the game and you'll get a "pop-up" about a new radio signal within a few minutes.

Also make sure your game is on the C drive or it might not work as intended for some odd reason (Mentioned on the official forums by several users.)

Might also try to force the quest to update, head to the Red Racer factory and find a side door nearby leading to a underground metro center with some ghouls in it, navigate trough and you should find the start area for the new quest chain. Smile

Perhaps try to verify that the addon is enabled as well, try saving first and then enter "coc testphil" in the console to get to a debug area for some of the new content, if it works the addon is enabled.
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Posts: 3902
Location: RO
PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 14:36    Post subject:
JBeckman wrote:
Also make sure your game is on the C drive or it might not work as intended for some odd reason (Mentioned on the official forums by several users.)

wow, this is fucking stupid. i never had a game installed on the c drive. that's for windows and documents and settings only. what the fuck...
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 14:36    Post subject:
Mine is on the E: drive and the .ESM still works :-\
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Posts: 51063
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 15:06    Post subject:
OK, I just bought this game.

Besides all that Achievements bullshit is there any reason at all to use my key and log in to live?

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Posts: 291

PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 15:20    Post subject:
JBeckman wrote:
Make sure you wander around outside and that the ESM is properly active in the game and you'll get a "pop-up" about a new radio signal within a few minutes.

Also make sure your game is on the C drive or it might not work as intended for some odd reason (Mentioned on the official forums by several users.)

Might also try to force the quest to update, head to the Red Racer factory and find a side door nearby leading to a underground metro center with some ghouls in it, navigate trough and you should find the start area for the new quest chain. Smile

Perhaps try to verify that the addon is enabled as well, try saving first and then enter "coc testphil" in the console to get to a debug area for some of the new content, if it works the addon is enabled.

Yeah... i found the metro enter but it was totally ruined :/ After entering in the console "coc testphil" i was teleported to a wierd room with a red thingy Razz ( it was exclamation mark probably ) and after couple of steps i cant do nothing. I think i must wait till i clean my mess on C drive and try again ;]
Thanks for the help :]
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 15:34    Post subject:
tonizito wrote:
OK, I just bought this game.

Besides all that Achievements bullshit is there any reason at all to use my key and log in to live?

Well other than the whole "there's no reason NOT to" argument, WLive brings autopatching to the table - and that's really about it for FO3/Live.
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Posts: 51063
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 15:48    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
Well other than the whole "there's no reason NOT to" argument, WLive brings autopatching to the table - and that's really about it for FO3/Live.
Meh. Forget about it then.

It's ironic that the first game I actually buy(29€ brand new Very Happy ) in quite a long time doesn't even have any kind of aggressive DRM; and it's not one of those where you need a legal copy to play because the crack doesn't work properly.

This game is worth the money... especially with the mod possibilities.

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 15:56    Post subject:
You DON'T need a crack for FO3. Just patch to the latest version and play Smile
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Posts: 51063
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 15:59    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
You DON'T need a crack for FO3. Just patch to the latest version and play Smile
I know that; my example was something like Mass Effect's "Bring down the sky" content that you could only access if you have a legal copy.

Get it?

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 31st Jan 2009 16:11    Post subject:
Oh. Sorry, I read your post completely backwards >_< Sorry about that..

And yes, I DO get what you mean. It just goes to show publishers that we ARE willing to buy games (I bought the 360 version) that are worth our money. CP, or lack thereof, isn't going to influence the majority of people on whether or not they buy the game. BEING a good game will.
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Posts: 22230
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PostPosted: Tue, 3rd Feb 2009 21:54    Post subject:
I started the game today, cool stuff. But where can I sleep in Megaton ?

Do I have to pay that ugly bitch 100 caps ? Sad
Do I actually need to sleep, ?
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Tue, 3rd Feb 2009 22:09    Post subject:
You don't ever NEED to sleep, strangely enough. Doing so restores HP completely and, if you sleep in a bed you own - or have rented - you get a boost to XP earned for a couple of ingame hours. To sleep in Megaton, you have to rent the bed (though I can't remember if the ONLY way is to pay the hooker) or, by defusing the bomb, you get given your own apartment.
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Posts: 4125

PostPosted: Thu, 5th Feb 2009 13:46    Post subject:
how do i go to the Lincoln Memorial ? do i just go there, or i need to go to a certain place that gives acess to Lincoln Memorial ?
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Thu, 5th Feb 2009 13:48    Post subject:
Walk around the back of the Memorial and you'll find the entrance. It's called "Lincoln Memorial Giftshop"

Just walk along the scaffolding and follow your compass to get to it. It's at the base (bottom) of the building.
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