[XBOX360] Street Fighter IV
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Posts: 3700
Location: World 8-3
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Feb 2009 20:17    Post subject:
just dont play it online

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Posts: 3004
Location: HEHE
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Feb 2009 21:21    Post subject:
I got another 360 here flashed but never been on just in case I get banned. You can get the arcade for 150euro so it's like 2 games lol.

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Posts: 241

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Feb 2009 21:31    Post subject:
Is the game in english? Its sitting on my hd, but im sitting @work atm...started the download 2 mins before i left home ^^
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Posts: 3700
Location: World 8-3
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Feb 2009 21:57    Post subject:
jap/eng and once u beat it once u can choose what character u want to have a jap or eng voice

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Posts: 177
Location: Belgium
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Feb 2009 22:33    Post subject:
i love it!

been playing for an hour or so now Smile

Antec 900 - Asus P5K-E Wifi/AP - Intel Q6600 @ 3.00Ghz - 4GB DDR2 Kingston - Evga 8800GT Superclocked - G15 - G5 - Everglide Titan Mousepad
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Posts: 2411
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Feb 2009 22:39    Post subject:
i thougd they use the same music as streefighter 2 turbo only a bit different.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Feb 2009 22:42    Post subject:
jaapie18 wrote:
i thougd they use the same music as streefighter 2 turbo only a bit different.

Naw, that's "Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix" -- Capcom used a remix made specifically for the game from the OCRemix crew. That was originally based on "Blood on the Asphalt" fan mix.
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Posts: 130

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Feb 2009 23:46    Post subject:
DaGonZo wrote:
Is the game in english? Its sitting on my hd, but im sitting @work atm...started the download 2 mins before i left home ^^

You can actually choose spanish, french, german, and chinese if you want to.
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Posts: 6964

PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 00:14    Post subject:
Damn this game rocks, it feels like SFII... I dunno about you, but I have some nostalgic SNES moments

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Posts: 241

PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 00:33    Post subject:
Well burning now cant wait... but have to grab sleep and get up again in 6 hours...Sf4 goes first Very Happy
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Posts: 48

PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 01:07    Post subject:
It's really nice dude. Played 4 vs matches and hoo-boy. It looks good.
Ordered 2x http://www.amazon.com/Xbox-360-Real-Arcade-Pro-EX/dp/B001GDONZS/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1234294636&sr=8-1
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Posts: 184

PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 01:08    Post subject:
Awesome game but wtf at the main menu music.
It sounds like a boysband song.
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Posts: 1014
Location: London
PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 02:00    Post subject:
Agree with you on the music. Sucks big time.

I really want a decent controller or stick. I'm using the green limited edition one (with the modified d-pad). Its ok but the buttons just aren't in the right place (I know you can remap them, but you can't physically move them).

Loving the fact that if you dragon punch under the wing on the USAF stage (Guile's) the wing drops off into the background Smile

Intel Core i7-4790K 4.00GHz - 32GB Kingston HyperX - Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 7 - EVGA GTX 980 TI SC 6GB - Asus ROG Swift PG278Q
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Posts: 130

PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 02:22    Post subject:
Mini review:

Considering I've only played the original Street Fighter 2 on SNES these are my thoughts about this game:

*It has the same moves and fighting technique from SF2. Great.
*It's fast! Fighting is really fast! But i like it.
*The second match with the last boss (Seth) is waaaaaaaay too hard. Been trying to kill him for 30 mins now, still can't beat him.
*It's one of those fighting games that give you that incredibly good feeling when you knock out the opponent. Must be that it actually feels like the punch is a hard punch (because of the sound).
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Posts: 241

PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 02:33    Post subject:
Great game its like the old snes one with good graphics and anims + super move.... but the normal 360 pad is driving me nuts. 2. round with seth was more luck since it have such a hard time to pull off a ultra move (its great when u wanna shoot and do a dragon punch 3. times in a row Mad)
Cant wait for a fight pad... (btw the fight before, against Sagat, also gave me a hard time.. i blame the pad !)
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Posts: 867

PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 04:22    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
jaapie18 wrote:
i thougd they use the same music as streefighter 2 turbo only a bit different.

Naw, that's "Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix" -- Capcom used a remix made specifically for the game from the OCRemix crew. That was originally based on "Blood on the Asphalt" fan mix.

Sabin! Can you believe this awesome game is out on 2/10/09!!!! I am so f'ing happy right now!! Time to merge with Cammy! LOL SF FOREVER!!

Game pad next week, AWESOME! Download now, might just go get some KFC to honor them! Smile


Intel C2D E6600 @ 3gHZ - EVGA 680i (P24) - Sapphire HD4870 775/4200 - 2x1GB OCZ XTC Platinum @ 808mHZ - ASUS Xonar D2 PCI Ultra Fidelity - Logitec Z5500 - Windows 7 Ultimate RTM - Corsair TX750 PSU - Plextor SATA 16X 755SA - "Death is only the beginning"
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Posts: 3700
Location: World 8-3
PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 04:34    Post subject:
just picked up a fightpad from bestbuy. its nice. much more responsive than the standard dpad. can even do guiles supers with ease now.

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Posts: 55
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 04:47    Post subject:
Been playing for a few hours now, anyone know how to unlock the hidden characters?
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Posts: 3700
Location: World 8-3
PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 05:01    Post subject:
Cammy - Clear Arcade mode with C. Viper
Rose - Clear Arcade mode with M. Bison (dictator)
Fei Long - Clear Arcade mode with Abel
Gen - Clear Arcade mode with Chun-Li
Sakura - Clear Arcade mode with Ryu
Dan - Clear Arcade mode with Sakura
Seth - Clear Arcade mode with all the default characters
Akuma - Clear Arcade mode with Cammy, Dan, Fei Long, Gen, Rose, Sakura, and Seth
Gouken - Clear Arcade mode with Akuma

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Posts: 55
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 05:01    Post subject:
Awesome, thanks!
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Posts: 155

PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 06:33    Post subject:
|IcedFreon| wrote:
Cammy - Clear Arcade mode with C. Viper
Rose - Clear Arcade mode with M. Bison (dictator)
Fei Long - Clear Arcade mode with Abel
Gen - Clear Arcade mode with Chun-Li
Sakura - Clear Arcade mode with Ryu
Dan - Clear Arcade mode with Sakura
Seth - Clear Arcade mode with all the default characters
Akuma - Clear Arcade mode with Cammy, Dan, Fei Long, Gen, Rose, Sakura, and Seth
Gouken - Clear Arcade mode with Akuma

Does this mean that if I use continues and change characters, the one that gets unlocked is determined by the character I am playing last? Or the character I am playing first?
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 11:04    Post subject:
Would you say this is better than Soul Caliber 4?
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Posts: 1014
Location: London
PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 11:47    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
Would you say this is better than Soul Caliber 4?

IMO, 1000% better.
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 12:02    Post subject:
Great, hoping the postal service aren't delayed because of the snow. Still waiting for my 50 pack of DLs Very Happy
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Posts: 1345

PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 12:16    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
Great, hoping the postal service aren't delayed because of the snow. Still waiting for my 50 pack of DLs Very Happy

heheh...for a moment i though you were waiting for the game...silly me Laughing

Interinactive wrote:
Achievement unlocked: More unoptimised than a Ubishit game

No worries. The Division is just around the corner. Devil Troll
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 12:24    Post subject:
kryon wrote:
deelix wrote:
Great, hoping the postal service aren't delayed because of the snow. Still waiting for my 50 pack of DLs Very Happy

heheh...for a moment i though you were waiting for the game...silly me Laughing
lol, only with a gun to my head Wink ...maybe, then just maybe Wink
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Posts: 89

PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 15:43    Post subject:
Does anyone else have slight problems with the intro movie playback ? It has some stuttering both video and audio in 3 or 4 places. I burned it on a Verbatim + like i always do. Never had any issues before (GTA4 ran ok).
In-game it is fine though.
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Posts: 1014
Location: London
PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 17:55    Post subject:
I don't have an issue with the opening intro but I do get issues with intro Stories. Primarily, Ryu's is very very juddery. Burned twice now at 1x on verbs.

Intel Core i7-4790K 4.00GHz - 32GB Kingston HyperX - Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 7 - EVGA GTX 980 TI SC 6GB - Asus ROG Swift PG278Q
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Posts: 433

PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 18:05    Post subject:
@grimmy,u don't always need to burn at lowest speeds for best results,my 6x burns work better on my console than 2.4x on verbatim,u need to do some tests to see what best suits ur burner and console
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Posts: 54

PostPosted: Wed, 11th Feb 2009 19:07    Post subject:
Just finished the Arcade mode on Medium with Chun-Li...
Well I have to say I sucked to much I got ashamed of my self...
The controls and fighting scheme had nothing to do with the fighters I am used to(Тekken,SC, the newer MKs) and I almost gave up after I lost 5 times in a role from the second opponent(Zangiev)...
Well after 2 and a half hours things have gotten better but it still feels strange..almost too iresponcisive - for the last 5 months I have been playing mostly Soul Calibur 4(even won 2 tournaments) and compared to Street Fighter it seems so..fluid - every move blends with the next.
I've never played any Street Fighter games before this one( the flaws of an arcade robbed childhood) and the idea that I have to input a specific combination for each and every move and start again as soon as the move is over and not just blend it with other appears as a something absolutly new...
Tried about 7 of the characters - the standard fighting steriotypes - slow but strong, medium and fast hitters...Nothing new(but then I guess it was Street Fighter that invented those in the first place)...I can already see Blanka,Chun-Li and Vega becoming my favorites...
I enjoyed the fact that some of the more efficient and spectacular moves are still accesable and you don't have to loose your tumb before you learn to do them..On the other hand those Ultimate and Special combos seem to be rather hard to pull of (to be honest I don't even get how am I supposed to do it -the moves list is using icons instead of buttons for description and on my TV I simply don't get enough detail)...
The music and the overall sound are greate - I guess they are revamped tunes of the original analog melodies - combined with the cartoon-esqe graphics realy deliver the feeling of a modern age arcade title...The only flaw there is the OP theme - I was droping my jaw enjoying the stylish animation of the intro and then it was as if Backstreetboys kicked in...
Well I can already see this game becoming my next fighter addiction, even if for now I find it "slower" and more fragmented then what I am used to...
Was the fact that the last boss constantly spamed the "Harouuken" supposed to be a joke(I know it has some sort of a cult status) or did they do it simply becouse it is the most damn unbalanced thing I've seen in a game?
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