[PS2] splinter cell pandora tomorrow
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Fri, 4th Jun 2004 17:21    Post subject: [PS2] splinter cell pandora tomorrow
Which newsgroup has Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow been posted to by MORRIGAN ?

Also, what filenames have been used for the individual files ?
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Fri, 4th Jun 2004 17:28    Post subject:
Please dont request Smile there are no files here and no one will tell you how to get files.. so your just wasting your own time.
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Fri, 4th Jun 2004 22:43    Post subject: Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow
Yes, I know that there are no postings here.
I am requesting which group... e.g. alt.binaries.cd.image.playstation2 or something.

I have searched for "splinter cell" and "pandora" etc. but cannot find it.
Maybe it is called another filename, maybe an acronym or something.

That it what I am asking
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Location: City of Angels
PostPosted: Sat, 5th Jun 2004 14:59    Post subject:

*searchs report to mod button*
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Jun 2004 16:01    Post subject:
[sYn] wrote:
Please dont request Smile there are no files here and no one will tell you how to get files.. so your just wasting your own time.

Im sure I made that point clear as well Smile. Where is the report post to mod button?
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Posts: 719
Location: Upside down in chair
PostPosted: Sat, 5th Jun 2004 17:36    Post subject: Re: Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow
frankie247 wrote:
Yes, I know that there are no postings here.
I am requesting which group... e.g. alt.binaries.cd.image.playstation2 or something.

I have searched for "splinter cell" and "pandora" etc. but cannot find it.
Maybe it is called another filename, maybe an acronym or something.

That it what I am asking

It doesn't matter, what you are asking for is a "link" to where you can download it, which is against the rules of this forum.

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Posts: 167

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Jun 2004 17:38    Post subject:
listen!!! Evil or Very Mad
you know how to look,so shut the fuck up and use your newsreader or
go to http://www.newzbin.com/ Evil or Very Mad
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jun 2004 19:27    Post subject:
i got a freakin problem with the dvd release:
menüs etc are working, but when i try to start a game (single player or multiplayer tutorial) the ps2 loads a few seconds and then the red ps2 screens comes (please insert a ps or ps2 format disc)...

i hab this problems a few times with the orig. dvd of splinter cell 1 (also when i tryd to load a level)...

i use a magic mod chip

anyone with the same problem or a solution?

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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jun 2004 20:52    Post subject:
Same problem here mate.
No solution though Confused
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Jun 2004 02:22    Post subject:
What is happening is that the game is doing another media check before it loads the next screen. Some chips, like the magic 3.1 (my chip), have a feature in which the chip shuts down about 30 sec. after booting a game. In the case of Splinter Cell PT (and the original Splinter Cell as well), by the time this second media check occurs the chip has already powered off and therefore the PS2 is not fooled into recognizing the DVD as being an original. Hence the RSOD. The way I found around this is as follows:

Step #1 - Create or load your user profile.

Step #2 - When the game selection menu comes up do not select anything just yet. Instead eject the disc and send the tray back in. This will activate your chip again. When the sound comes back on select to play a new or saved game and press x. Be sure to be quick and do this before the chip powers off again.

Fortunately (unlike the first game), it seems you only have to do this when first starting your game. In the first game you had to follow this procedure before each time you saved your progress during gameplay.

I can only verify that this technique will work on a v7 with a magic 3.1 installed. I hope I help sosmeone to get a chance to play this awesome game.

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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Thu, 24th Jun 2004 20:57    Post subject:
nice, works 100% Smile thx dude
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