Empire: Total War
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Posts: 710
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 12:41    Post subject:
Lame ai in the demo.

Attacked their "cannon" units with only one horse unit and the ai (only meters away)
just looked on when I slaughtered his cannon guys... Sad

Hope it is because the difficulty is set on easy in demo?
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Posts: 1727

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 12:46    Post subject:
I wouldn't count on that. Battlefield AI still seams to be moronic.
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Posts: 776
Location: Russia, Msc
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 13:26    Post subject:
It looks great, runs great on everything maxed on my medium rig and it plays nice, though the ai is stupid sometimes...

No, we have no bears on the streets here in Russia.
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Posts: 164

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 13:35    Post subject:
Teramos wrote:
mhm this game doesn´t like my laptop..

1. it take ages to go to the menu
2. the infantry battle stops loading @90% and crashes computer
3. naval battle (if it doesn´t crash either on 90%) have heavy graphical artifacts it isn´t playable.
4. updated drivers, same bullshit
Dunno but they must have some shitty QA Team Razz

Exactly same problems here. I don't have a laptop though. You running Windows 7 beta?
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Posts: 710
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 13:35    Post subject:
Btw, can you show FPS in game, or do you need FRAPS program, (or what it´s called)?
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Posts: 8823
Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 13:37    Post subject:
Lyrics wrote:
Teramos wrote:
mhm this game doesn´t like my laptop..

1. it take ages to go to the menu
2. the infantry battle stops loading @90% and crashes computer
3. naval battle (if it doesn´t crash either on 90%) have heavy graphical artifacts it isn´t playable.
4. updated drivers, same bullshit
Dunno but they must have some shitty QA Team Razz

Exactly same problems here. I don't have a laptop though. You running Windows 7 beta?

Crashed alot on my comp running windows 7..

formatted.. put on XP sp3.. runs perfect.
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Posts: 776
Location: Russia, Msc
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 13:37    Post subject:
Megahoover wrote:
Btw, can you show FPS in game, or do you need FRAPS program, (or what it´s called)?

You need fraps/evga precision and such...

No, we have no bears on the streets here in Russia.
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Posts: 10747
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 13:47    Post subject:
yay steam servers are getting pwned, 70Kb/s ._.
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 15:37    Post subject:
game is nice, but loading times are awful!
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Posts: 336
Location: Outer Limits
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 15:50    Post subject:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
Lyrics wrote:
Teramos wrote:
mhm this game doesn´t like my laptop..

1. it take ages to go to the menu
2. the infantry battle stops loading @90% and crashes computer
3. naval battle (if it doesn´t crash either on 90%) have heavy graphical artifacts it isn´t playable.
4. updated drivers, same bullshit
Dunno but they must have some shitty QA Team Razz

Exactly same problems here. I don't have a laptop though. You running Windows 7 beta?

Crashed alot on my comp running windows 7..

formatted.. put on XP sp3.. runs perfect.

i´m running windows 7 too.. but meh, i won´t put xp or vista anytime back on my machine just for 1 game.. hope they fix it for retail
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Posts: 336
Location: Outer Limits
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 16:56    Post subject:
ok works now on windows 7 Smile

you have to install the NEW! nvidia prerelease driver (wddm1.1) from windows update. now works without flickering and graphical glitches but my computer is too slow for this game Crying or Very sad
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Posts: 164

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 17:07    Post subject:
Oh lol. I already installed vista for dual boot damn
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Posts: 284

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 17:29    Post subject:
The game doesn't work with properly with windows 7. That's official.
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Posts: 892

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 18:08    Post subject:
Got to try it today as I had to leave the slow arse download on overnight - really enjoyed it, naval combat is going to take some getting used to, seemed very fiddly getting every ship doing what I wanted.. in the end I saved myself the frustation and left half of them on auto-attack and just went to town broadsiding with the others. Still, I'm sure it wil all become second nature before long Smile

Few annoying glitches with some of the ground units, namely the artillery that just wouldn't budge (maybe that was just me.. but I tried everything to shift the fucker) and an enemy unit getting stuck in the riverbed with my cavalry looking dumbfounded as to why they couldn't hit him Very Happy

Overall that I had a lot of fun with it, and I'm as hyped as ever for retail.

:edit: About the loading times, I didn't find them to be too bad! not noticably longer than MTW2, at least, and my CPU isn't that strong..
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Posts: 710
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 19:36    Post subject:
Ok.. thanks Amer_MerzZz.

And Janz.. you are right, loading times are awful!
With my AMD Phenom X4, it takes AGES to load the mission.
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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 20:00    Post subject:
Got a really stupid question here. Where the F is the game located on ur hard drive, been searching and can't find it ( I bet it is because of Valve) The reason as to why I want to find it is that I want a shortcut in "Rocket Dock" and by dragging a shortcut out from "Games (Vista)" don't work, it simply does not stick in Rocket Dock for some reason.

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Posts: 45

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 20:00    Post subject:
Megahoover wrote:
Ok.. thanks Amer_MerzZz.

And Janz.. you are right, loading times are awful!
With my AMD Phenom X4, it takes AGES to load the mission.

Hm, no great waiting time here. Approximately 10-15 secs does it load here. Time enough to read the statements. And that on an old E6600@3ghz with 4 gigs ram.
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Posts: 710
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 20:06    Post subject:
exkalibur wrote:
Megahoover wrote:
Ok.. thanks Amer_MerzZz.

And Janz.. you are right, loading times are awful!
With my AMD Phenom X4, it takes AGES to load the mission.

Hm, no great waiting time here. Approximately 10-15 secs does it load here. Time enough to read the statements. And that on an old E6600@3ghz with 4 gigs ram.

Oki, something is fucked here then.. about 3-4 min to load. Sad
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Posts: 1998

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 20:45    Post subject:
It's a demo.
Runs fine on my comp 30 secs max to load if that.
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Posts: 956

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 21:03    Post subject:
Odd, I'm having long load times as well, at least 30 seconds I think, and I've a QX9650@4ghz, 2xRaptors in Raid0 and 8gb DDR3.
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Posts: 4117

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 21:17    Post subject:
CaptainCox wrote:
Got a really stupid question here. Where the F is the game located on ur hard drive, been searching and can't find it ( I bet it is because of Valve) The reason as to why I want to find it is that I want a shortcut in "Rocket Dock" and by dragging a shortcut out from "Games (Vista)" don't work, it simply does not stick in Rocket Dock for some reason.

Try; C:\*wherever you installed it*\Steam\steamapps\common

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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 22:24    Post subject:
Not getting it here! Sad

It's weird or...?

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Posts: 917
Location: the Netherlands
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 22:27    Post subject:
CaptainCox wrote:
Not getting it here! Sad
It's weird or...?

Its in the steam map.

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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 22:35    Post subject:
Sorry to disappoint...but I get nothing here Sad

No biggie, but I just wonder where the F it is?...

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Posts: 4117

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 22:40    Post subject:
Well why are you searching for it? Just open up your STEAM folder manually, it's typically located in 'program files'.

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Posts: 813

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2009 23:03    Post subject:
The full path for .exe is ...\Steam\steamapps\common\empire total war demo\Empire.exe.
Go there manually not using Windows search.
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Posts: 8823
Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Feb 2009 04:23    Post subject:
this game has so many "omg awesome" moments in it.

Just been trying diff tactics etc..

just had a game where i put 2 cannon up on the lil ridge at the start (they kinda get raped) and left my hessen line infantry behind to guard the cannon... i then take the rest of my army down the left side .. have a few lil skirmishes... push the filthy americans all the way back.. encountering cunts hiding in the trees.. so i deal with them while taking losses on the way...

next minute i notice my hessen infantry at the start are in a mini skirmish with 3 lines of american scum... and my 2 cannons have been pwned.. so i send 2 groups of Cuirassiers from the left side of the map charging full speed back to the start.. while the hessens are taking the mean losses.. i also aim my cannon thats on a ridge on the left of the map back to try help.

my cannon get a lucky hit and take out a few of the americans.. and then just as they hit my curassiers arrive and save my hessen infantry.. i think there was only like 10 line infantry left.

with that threat delt with i march the remaning hessen and curassiers over the water.. taking big damage as they do.. but marching with pride Very Happy

and on the other side of the map near the town hall im involevd in a huge as battle on flat terrain with lines of infantry taking big damage.. and my highlanders doing great.. however im getting a bit raped by a few cannon they put on a ridge.. and i have no horses to deal with them ....

then out behind the enemy come charging in my all mighty cuirassiers they have made it across the river and already taken down 6 cannon.

that should put those pesky colonials in their place!

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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Feb 2009 08:53    Post subject:
5h4d3 wrote:
The full path for .exe is ...\Steam\steamapps\common\empire total war demo\Empire.exe.
Go there manually not using Windows search.

Must have been totally out of my mind yesterday (probably dwunk )
Found it and cheers Very Happy

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Posts: 1998

PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Feb 2009 09:37    Post subject:
n why do u want the exe file?
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Feb 2009 10:47    Post subject:
gingerninjaaaaaa wrote:
n why do u want the exe file?

n y do u talk liek dat? Smile
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