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Posted: Sun, 5th Apr 2009 01:39 Post subject: |
Wow , i buy a new cpu , 8400 (quickly oc @ 3.7) , my e6300 on trash.
Amazing boost of fps , about 10 / 15 fps increase , more average etc.
Game is now fully enjoyable Crazy !
Texture , shadows etc > max : and 40 40 for draw / details. ( min fps : 30 average : 40 max : more than i except )
@wrathamon : GPU : 8800 Ultra (Xfx Oc XXX)
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Last edited by Teniak on Tue, 7th Apr 2009 01:42; edited 3 times in total
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Posted: Sun, 5th Apr 2009 04:56 Post subject: |
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Posted: Sun, 5th Apr 2009 06:24 Post subject: |
Spoiler: | i just finnished the boat mission when youre supposed to go and have a picnic with that gaydude and i picked up the car he gave me when i finnished it | but ive been cruising around the city for a while now without getting any new missions am i supposed to do something else get more missions?
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Posted: Mon, 6th Apr 2009 22:35 Post subject: |
Check you didn't switch your phone off and if no-one else has got missions available, press escape and check 'Brief' to see if there's anything you've got to do.
Have any of you got to 100% yet?
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Posted: Mon, 6th Apr 2009 23:19 Post subject: |
I tried GTA4 when it was new but i got bad performance back then.
8400 4870 4 gig ram.
I want to try it one more time but before i do i want to know if its even worth it...
Whats new with this game, have the patches fixed the problem, or some new drivers from ATi?
Is there any haxx that fix things ?
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Posted: Tue, 7th Apr 2009 01:17 Post subject: |
It should work okay on your system, just run it at a good resolution and don't push the draw distance too far (it's a killer in performance, and doesn't make the game that much better to play anyways).
Patches (3 so far) have improved the performance slightly, and given more gfx customization options. The only haxx you'll see is the people hacking on multiplayer. Although, the last patch has toned it down a bit.
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Posted: Tue, 7th Apr 2009 08:16 Post subject: |
Is it possible to apply third patch on razor's version and play only single player? I mean I have no intensions getting myself into multiplayer, I just want to see how performance has improved since second patch.
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Posted: Tue, 7th Apr 2009 08:32 Post subject: |
they should release more patches lol
Music has to breathe and sweat. You have to play it live
Owner Of CeriatoneForum.Com
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Posted: Tue, 7th Apr 2009 09:13 Post subject: |
@explosiv: yes.
I know it's a pain to look but a while back a link was posted to gtaforums...
Basically, update the game to 1.0.3., then get the xliveless mod thing (removes the windows live component in the game entirely), and then use the rzr 1.0.2. crack and that works fine for Singleplayer.
Be warned, there are some custom triggers that RZR didn't get past, so if your missions seem to be f*cking up because of missing events (the mission where you get the car for vlad seems to be the first one you'll notice) it's because of the crack, though i'm not sure if they are evident in the 1.0.3. title update version.
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Posted: Tue, 7th Apr 2009 11:20 Post subject: |
Thanks for the help! Everything works just fine.
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Posted: Tue, 7th Apr 2009 17:18 Post subject: |
dojomann wrote: | @explosiv: yes.
I know it's a pain to look but a while back a link was posted to gtaforums...
Basically, update the game to 1.0.3., then get the xliveless mod thing (removes the windows live component in the game entirely), and then use the rzr 1.0.2. crack and that works fine for Singleplayer.
Be warned, there are some custom triggers that RZR didn't get past, so if your missions seem to be f*cking up because of missing events (the mission where you get the car for vlad seems to be the first one you'll notice) it's because of the crack, though i'm not sure if they are evident in the 1.0.3. title update version. |
Those triggers were fixed in their second patch crack, and do not appear in if you use the crack with the new patch either.
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[Moderator] Consigliere
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Posted: Wed, 8th Apr 2009 04:58 Post subject: |
The game do run better now for me! I still think that if AA would have been possible this game could have looked very nice, now it only looks good.
But the gameplay is very fun so far, i miss that you cant design your car anymore.
One question, how do i get the "mp3 station" to work?
I move some mp3 to the c:/User/doc/GTA4/blabla and turned on the independent station, but still no luck. Any ideas?
Also, anyone know about any good mods? A mod that made weapons deadlier, booth for the player and the enemys would be very nice.
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Posted: Wed, 8th Apr 2009 10:12 Post subject: |
After you've stored shortcuts somewhere in my documents, you have to scan them in the game (options->audio), then turn on independence fm and listen.
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Posted: Wed, 8th Apr 2009 10:41 Post subject: |
hello everyone... i have two questions: with the 1.0.3 patch + xliveles + razor crack 1.0.2 i will be able to finish the single player campaign?
and second how does this game runs in vista 32bitsp1/sp2 compared to xp sp3?
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Posts: 51074
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
Posted: Wed, 8th Apr 2009 19:18 Post subject: |
rakork wrote: | hello everyone... i have two questions: with the 1.0.3 patch + xliveles + razor crack 1.0.2 i will be able to finish the single player campaign?
and second how does this game runs in vista 32bitsp1/sp2 compared to xp sp3? | I just did.
And without a single crash/glitch.
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote: | i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then |
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Posts: 51074
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
Posted: Thu, 9th Apr 2009 12:57 Post subject: |
Finally finished it yesterday, my impressions on this:
- Great characters, setting and a good story(even if it wasn't that hard to surpass all the "gangsta" crap from San Andreas). Everything from their background story to the voice acting is top notch. And like someone said when the first trailer was released: "Well, he has a strong eastern european accent, but at least this time I can understand what he and the other charecters are saying as opposed to the yoyoyoheyhomesI'llbussacapinyoassnigga from San Andreas".
- Gameplay is really good too. In the beginning the way the vehicles were handled was hard to get into, but the fact that this time I'm using a controller(with that 360 controller
emulator) helped out a lot. That and the fact that I found a Turismo pretty close to my house at the beginning, which is probably the most accessible super-car when it comes to handling and has a pretty good top speed. Later you'll get the Infernus, which is probably the best super-car in both speed and handling. The combat parts, on the other hand, are pretty difficult(at least to me) with a controller so I used the mouse for aiming in those.
- The media from the game, at least the radio stations since I didn't watch that much television, are top notch. My favorites are Vladivostok, Journey and especially all of the Weazel news spots which are just hilarious. The shows, both the club and the stand up ones are great too(although the stand up from RickY Gervais wasn't that funny IMO).
- The minigames are also pretty good, especially pool which is really fun especially if you ignore the auto-aim(when the game chooses the angle for you to take the shot). Bowling and darts on the other hand are much less challenging but still fun.
- The friends system is also good IMO. Could be better balanced, since sometimes you went days without hearing anything from and all of a sudden a couple of them would call in to go out, just when you were in the middle of a mission. The abilities you got from them if you achieved enough disposition were useful and worth it though. At least the ones I got from Roman and especially Little Jacob.
- Performance could be MUCH better, even for a low-end machine like mine(E4400@2.6GHz, 8800GTS 320MB and a moderately fast SATA2 HD). To run the game with acceptable performance I had to turn all the shadows off, otherwise it would slow down to 15-20 fps; not that much big of a deal since shadows don't really add up that much to the game to me. In fact, without them the game resembles much to GTA3 with better models, textures and shading but I have no problem with that.
Despite all the issues, especially the ones regarding performance, this is a great game and was totally worth the wait.
EDIT: Forgot to mention an important thing; I had ZERO problems with this game(my problems a few posts back turned out to be OS related). Zero CTD's, zero BSOD's, zero glitches and slowdowns. Come to think about it, could it be that R* made the choice to have a more stable but more hardware demanding game versus a less demanding but less stable game?
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote: | i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then |
Last edited by tonizito on Thu, 9th Apr 2009 13:17; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Thu, 9th Apr 2009 13:36 Post subject: |
tonizito thanks i installed it and with latest patch and vista sp2 it runs flawless:D.
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Posts: 51074
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
Posted: Thu, 9th Apr 2009 14:08 Post subject: |
Glottis wrote: | tonizito you finished GTA4, welcome to the club of genetically superior  | Don't you mean genetically different? 
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote: | i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then |
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Posts: 51074
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
Posted: Thu, 9th Apr 2009 14:56 Post subject: |
Newty182 wrote: | He says superior too! Next step is 100% complete | My bad then. As for 100% complete, well, not really. At least for me.
After the ending I got bored pretty fast and uninstalled it. In a few months I'll have another go at it. I barely touched side missions like races(did a few with the Infernus, real easy), assassinations, internet, car thefts, etc.
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote: | i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then |
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Posted: Thu, 9th Apr 2009 16:07 Post subject: |
OK so now we've had time to cool the temper tantrums and upgrade our hardware, do we all agree this an amazing games and Kicks the shit out of Saint Row 2.
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Posted: Thu, 9th Apr 2009 16:09 Post subject: |
Um... no.
It's an interesting game with a huge, living, world and it's fun -- but it's not an "amazing awesome sexy wonderful perfect" game, not by a long shot, and it isn't as fun as SR2. Nor any of the previous 3D GTA titles either.
This is, of course, just my opinion.
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Posted: Thu, 9th Apr 2009 16:53 Post subject: |
sabin1981 wrote: | Um... no.
It's an interesting game with a huge, living, world and it's fun -- but it's not an "amazing awesome sexy wonderful perfect" game, not by a long shot, and it isn't as fun as SR2. Nor any of the previous 3D GTA titles either.
This is, of course, just my opinion. |
And mine as well. They made a really nice world but without any incentive to actually explore it...
Steam - The Poopflinger
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Posted: Thu, 9th Apr 2009 16:56 Post subject: |
That's exactly it, mate! There just isn't enough to do in this huge, living, world to give me any reason to actually explore it. Once the huge mods start coming out (ones that radically alter the gameplay mechanics) then I'll no doubt enjoy it.
Right now I'm tinkering with a few other mods and they've made the game look AND perform better, but I'm sat playing and thinking "Ok, so now what? I can't take over businesses, I can't improve my character, I can't even store the fucking cars I steal! Seriously, what else do I do now except take my fat, whining, cousin out to dinner?"
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Posts: 51074
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
Posted: Thu, 9th Apr 2009 17:09 Post subject: |
sabin1981 wrote: | I can't even store the fucking cars I steal! | Actually you can. 2 per safehouse. I have at least one Infernus parked at each.
But it would be nice to be able to have more than 6-8 car spots.
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote: | i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then |
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Posts: 337
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Posted: Thu, 9th Apr 2009 17:13 Post subject: |
sabin1981 wrote: | That's exactly it, mate! There just isn't enough to do in this huge, living, world to give me any reason to actually explore it. Once the huge mods start coming out (ones that radically alter the gameplay mechanics) then I'll no doubt enjoy it.
Right now I'm tinkering with a few other mods and they've made the game look AND perform better, but I'm sat playing and thinking "Ok, so now what? I can't take over businesses, I can't improve my character, I can't even store the fucking cars I steal! Seriously, what else do I do now except take my fat, whining, cousin out to dinner?" |
I love GTA IV, but I agree. I welcome all the new stuff, but why take away the old things that everybody loved? I understand it's a new engine and all, but maybe a DLC or a patch? (after the unreal 3 and burnout major updates it's not that fictional to hope for it...)
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