Rimmer looks so old... the others have aged a litle, but not nearly as badly as Rimmer!
It's just the hair I think.
"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D
"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
Aye, I just saw something that pretty much proves that pic is DEAD wrong. Either wrong or they airbrushed it for that photo shoot. Check out the DAVE trailer;
Friday, April 10th, 9pm
Nine years later the Red Dwarf crew are older but still none the wiser. Lister's busy day of annoying Rimmer is interrupted by the discovery of a dimension-hopping leviathan in the ship's mile-deep water tank.
Back To Earth - Part Two
Saturday, April 11th, 9pm
Rimmer's replacement, Katerina (Sophie Winkleman), is determined to guide Lister back to his home planet. But Earth in 2009 is not everything the boys had expected, and Rimmer has no intention of being replaced.
Back To Earth - Part Three
Sunday, April 12th, 9pm
Knowing they are destined to die, the Dwarfers head to a mysterious address in London to plead for more life.
Destined to die? Rimmer's replacement? A really, really big water tank? To find out what the hell is really going on you'll have to tune in to Dave!
I didn't have any expectations of it being any good to begin with, but yeah it was pretty redundant and lacking in jokes. I think with the new scenarios they have planned there is potential for more humour as it continues, but we'll see. If nothing else it's not a complete disaster, it's just not very funny or worthwhile...
i thought first ep was great, i think people who dont get the show should wait for the canned laughter so they know whats funny. wont be happening in these three but...
its red dwarf. anything is possible and most eps funny and embarrasing. even series 8 had its perks
Veni Vidi Castratavi Illegitimos.
I came, I saw, I castrated the b*stards!
Hm, saw the latest episode and I was "skipping through" it with Media Player Clasic...not a good sign. Sure the guys are back, but they are not really in to it anymore . I also got this stale sort a feeling (did not want to) but there it is.
They should have done this like 5-6 years ago. Now...a tad to late, and a just a bit to forced.
Oh well, at least I get to watch something new in the morn. But for sure, Red Dwarf is over...for ever .
Well i watched the 1st two episodes today and was horrified, Red Dwarf was allways original and fresh but this is just blatant plagurism of League of gentlemen : Apocalypse ( feature length release of another great british tv comedy ), really disapointed that they felt the need to rip off the story and not come up with an originall concept
It hurt to watch those episodes. It was stiff, uncomfortable and just lacked the Red Dwarf taste. That said, I keep repeating to myself: "it's the first Red Dwarf work they've done in a decade, they've gotten older, it's just a matter of finding the pace and the jokes again". If they indeed do a series 10 I hope they'll get into character and record the show in front of an audience again.
Doug Naylor has stated in an interview with Dave that he would like to make another series, but that "we would have to wait and see" how good or bad the reaction to "Back to Earth" was. He also stated that he would "never make a series 9," but he does want to make a series 10. He then went on to say that "that will make a lot more sense in future". The specials establish that two series occured after series eight that focused on the events that lead up to the mini-series.
I still think they can salvage this as well as learn from the mistakes they did with Back To Earth. It all depends on the writing and if the actors can get into character again.
Remember first series? The first couple of episodes were quite.... raw (to use a kind word) compared to what the series became with Season 2 and onwards. I do hope Naylor gets a chance to do Series 10. Since it takes place before Back To Earth it's back to familiar territory as well.
the fun shit is there its just they really fucked up taking away the canned studio laughter effects etc, it just goes to show how needy comedy stuff like that is reliant on such..
Try picturing some only fools and horses dialogue without the canned laughter.. im betting it would also feel a bit weak and shallow non funny etc etc..
the fun shit is there its just they really fucked up taking away the canned studio laughter effects etc, it just goes to show how needy comedy stuff like that is reliant on such..
Try picturing some only fools and horses dialogue without the canned laughter.. im betting it would also feel a bit weak and shallow non funny etc etc..
Ugh, what a horrible scene you just portrayed... OF&H without laugh track? It would feel silly without the fun.
Btw, I DID laugh when:
Rimmer asked the other hologram about the morality of murdering a hologram (namely him), and after she says something like "It's morally and ethically okay" he pushes her hardlight hologram (and drive) in front of a bus.
One of the few times I laughed out loud. They managed to catch a glimpse of the sarcastic slapstick that made the series so great in that scene, with Kryten presenting another degrading comment about Rimmer.
New series chatter - but, unsurprisingly, GNP and Dave ain't talking...
11 June, 2010
There's been a big kerfuffle online following Craig Charles showing up on BBC Radio 2 telling all and sundry that, yes, Red Dwarf will be back. As if there were any doubt!
The Lister actor let slip that there was an intention to film "two more series" in "January next year". Which is really rather exciting.
Of course, Grant Naylor Productions and Dave - Red Dwarf's new home channel following the knockout ratings success of Back to Earth - aren't yet in a position to confirm anything. Indeed, Craig admitted that he'd actually only been approached for date availability. Nothing is, as yet, carved in stone. (As all entertainment contracts have to be. You've seen The Flintstones, right?)
No question, though, these are thrilling rumblings. How many episodes we actually get - or when they actually shoot - is a little way from being locked down as yet.
Back to earth was shockingly bad, it had a few moments but generally it was shite.
Let it fucking die already.
ragnarus wrote:
I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?
Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
I still love the originals, but well fuck it it may be good :Y
ragnarus wrote:
I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?
Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
Dave brings Red Dwarf back to your screens in 2012!
That's right. You heard correct. After the massive success of Red Dwarf: Back to Earth, we're bringing back the sci-fi sitcom for even more intergalactic adventures next year.
Ah 2009. Barack Obama became the 44th US president, Roger Federer scored a record 15th Grand Slam at Wimbledon and churchy virgin Susan Boyle stunned the world by being able to sing. But perhaps the most historic event in that monumental year was the return of Red Dwarf on Dave.
Red Dwarf : Back to Earth saw the iconic cast reunited in three special episodes that found them finally returning to their home planet, only to discover that they were now characters in a TV show called, er... "Red Dwarf".
Hahaha, I guess Doug Naylor was right then; No season 9, just Season 10.. and he'll explain why later.. hah. While I think Back to Earth was hollow and lacked humour, I DO still want to see the next season - so I'm tentatively hopeful. Thanks Frant <3 Oh and at least it's still British, which counts for everything
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