[XBOX] shadow_ops_red_mercury_dvd5_usa-confusion
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Posts: 8
Location: Boston, Ma
PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Jun 2004 10:47    Post subject:
I'll go through my setup once again, and confirm that this release is the second to flat out not work with my setup. I have a ntsc xbox, time/date is accurate. The only other game to go into a loading freeze was Crimson Skies. I have a soft modded box, with evox. IGR off/on, tried both and it still freezes. I'm not that upset, since its not a real big game. Just more a, i'd like to get it working. The last thing I want are more games acting up like this.
Not really sure why one would suggest putting my console into pal mode, if the game and my console are both ntsc.. I don't see how that would help any. If anyone else has any tips, I'd like to hear them.
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GP Force

Posts: 861
Location: Hair today, gone tomorrow
PostPosted: Thu, 24th Jun 2004 10:34    Post subject:
Why and why are you using RAD or IGR settings in evo x? When it´s confirmed it doesnt work with 90% of the games?

Why don´t you guys :

A Flash you´re modchip (white/black reset enabled)

B Get a proper modchip

BTW It doesnt matter what language you set you´re xbox to, i can use what ever language i want to run my games...quit logical

"Not really sure why one would suggest putting my console into pal mode, if the game and my console are both ntsc.. I don't see how that would help any. If anyone else has any tips, I'd like to hear them."

Um im not sure either, why should you force PAL the game?

Always turn off that got damn IGR, and check youre date settings, but you said you´ve already done that. Hmm did you media patch/flag the game before you run it? Most apps do it, like qwix, but you might wanna check it first.

Srry if im not being helpful here, hmm what type of chip do you got? Homebrewed?
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Posts: 1506
Location: Japan
PostPosted: Thu, 24th Jun 2004 12:50    Post subject:
GP Force wrote:

BTW It doesnt matter what language you set you´re xbox to, i can use what ever language i want to run my games...quit logical

That's wrong. Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 8
Location: Boston, Ma
PostPosted: Fri, 25th Jun 2004 14:17    Post subject:
Well, this may not have been directed at me but I'll go with it.
GP Force mentioned getting a mod chip, I don't really see the perks of paying upwards of 30 dollars for something I can accomplish for free. It's not that 30 dollars is expensive by any means, but when I can softmod my box for free, and have no plans on utiliizing live.. since most of the good content for the big games, gets pirated anyways. There are various tunnel programs out there that give some games online playability. But anyways, thats way off subject. This game is now working, oddly enough. With IGR on and off. I have never actually seen a difference in any game.. with IGR on/off. I never toggle the 'patch xbe' in Qwix because, I was under the impression it would have been patched by whoever released it.. I didn't expect it to not be cracked. So a simple toggle and retransfer worked great. Sadly it was for a game I had known wasn't to good from the start. Thanks for the assistance.
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