Need HTML help.
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Posts: 1428
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 04:25    Post subject: Need HTML help.
Well, since there's no webcoding forum section i thought i'd put my question here. I'm making a webpage (it's my first ever, and i only started studying webdesign at school 6 months ago so i'm still a noob) and i'm having a problem with my tables.

I make a table and some cells, and then when i try to put text in one of the tables, it won't break, no matter what. It just keeps going on and on and on in a straight line from left to right forever, creating the ever annoying sideways scrollbar. So how do i make it automatically wrap to fit into the cell? I'll post a screenshot so you can see what i mean.

I've tried using height and lenght attributes in the <td> tag, but to no avail.

Help me! Crying or Very sad

Gigabyte S-Series GA-G33-DS3R, Intel C2D Quad Q6600 OC @ 3.2Ghz, 4gb Kingston PC8500 1066Mhz DDR2, Geforce 7800GTX (will get a 9800GTX when they are released), 2 x 250Gb HD's and a case with built in paper and lotion dispenser.
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Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 10:04    Post subject:
Moving to Programmers Corner forum...
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Posts: 2446

PostPosted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 10:27    Post subject:
Put the width attribute in the table tag not the td tag.

Im a cockfag
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Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 10:29    Post subject:
True, just like this


<table border"3" height"200" width"200">
<tr> <td align="left">Left</td> <td align="center">Cent.</td>
     <td align="right">Right</td>
<tr> <td valign="top">Top</td> <td valign="middle">Mid.</td>
     <td valign="bottom">Bottom</td>
<tr> <td valign="baseline">Baseline</td>
     <td align="justify">Justify</td>
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Posts: 53

PostPosted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 11:49    Post subject:
The problem you've got isn't to do with the width attributes, its due to the fact that you are putting in text without spaces in it.

Internet Explorer doesn't know where it should break the text. Put some spaces in there or use dummy text generated by
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Posts: 1428
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jan 2005 01:43    Post subject:
Ah, the spaces solved it. Man i feel like a fucking moron. I never even TRIED to put spaces in the text. I was just working on my webpage, and i was just putting in lots of text to test if my tables were displaying correctly, and i never put any spaces into it, so i assumed my coding was being weird. It works fine now. Thanks.

I'll work on my page now and display the results in a few hours Smile

Gigabyte S-Series GA-G33-DS3R, Intel C2D Quad Q6600 OC @ 3.2Ghz, 4gb Kingston PC8500 1066Mhz DDR2, Geforce 7800GTX (will get a 9800GTX when they are released), 2 x 250Gb HD's and a case with built in paper and lotion dispenser.
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