What girls Really want? wtf i dont know
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 15:13    Post subject: What girls Really want? wtf i dont know
Like this week i broke up with my girlfriend and latley like yesterday, she was so horny she almost invited me home to you know do her..

But since she was the one the dumped me i decided to play it cool and i just said no, how badly it did hurt i wanted to say im coming home to you right know and im gonna stick it in there and give you are ride you have never been given before..

But i said no, i dont want to..
Then she started to say all these cute things to me and i almost fell for it.
But i said next year or we might celebrate the new year togheter.
But since we are apart i cannot help thinkn that this is just a "pause" from our relationship.

Well pray for me im not gonna fall down flat on my face just for this girl. im keeping her on a short leash!!!

// Meastro

Last edited by meastro on Sun, 11th Dec 2005 15:39; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 3004
Location: HEHE
PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 15:18    Post subject:
short leech? leash right?

and second thing... YOUR STUPID!!! have sex and then leave her forever Very Happy

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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 15:19    Post subject:
lol you just ask to be flamed eh Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 15:20    Post subject:
TheSaint wrote:
lol you just ask to be flamed eh Very Happy

i must have
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 15:37    Post subject:
CRA$HH110011001 wrote:
short leech? leash right?

and second thing... YOUR STUPID!!! have sex and then leave her forever Very Happy

sorry for the spelling.. lol

well i am gonna have sex when i feel that its allright between us..
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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 15:40    Post subject: Re: What girls Really want? wtf i dont know
What girls Really want? wtf i dont know

What girls really want is money in perspective. Money money money...
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Posts: 379
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PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 16:15    Post subject: Re: What girls Really want? wtf i dont know
Freakness wrote:
What girls Really want? wtf i dont know

What girls really want is money in perspective. Money money money...

That is so true.
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 17:12    Post subject:
oh my god..! Smile

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Posts: 3028

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 17:25    Post subject: Re: What girls Really want? wtf i dont know
Seron wrote:
Freakness wrote:
What girls Really want? wtf i dont know

What girls really want is money in perspective. Money money money...

That is so true.

I disagree in full. Maybe the sort of girls you people see.
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Posts: 2075

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 17:56    Post subject:
In my younger days, I had a girl friend that never seemed to be happy, so we broke up and made up for 4 years. Finally I broke it off. Some people can never be truly happy. your X seems like that, you might get into the same situation. Be carefully.
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 18:06    Post subject:
YourGod wrote:
In my younger days, I had a girl friend that never seemed to be happy, so we broke up and made up for 4 years. Finally I broke it off. Some people can never be truly happy. your X seems like that, you might get into the same situation. Be carefully.

what are you saying here?
that she was never happy and you broke it of and then she wanted you back?
In the long run it might not just work out correctly for me if i do wanna be with her, but the thing is i like her so much!
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Posts: 1111

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 18:26    Post subject:
If you like her and there's a chance you could get back together with her then you should.

Ppl split up and get back together all the time. No biggie.
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 18:49    Post subject:
CobbMk2 wrote:
If you like her and there's a chance you could get back together with her then you should.

Ppl split up and get back together all the time. No biggie.

maybe i should.. i cannot picture a life without her how much we argue..
stupid thing to say, but i wanna marry her.. but well im not sure you think i should ask her?
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Posts: 7155
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 19:53    Post subject:
well since were sharing the whole sex in relationship thing.. heres my problem.

basically she comes over and watches a few movies etc, we start to fool around and she litterally says * i want sex* and because i want it too i am cool with it. BUT heres the kick.. no protection left. Now i aint a dumbass so the immediate reply was "i have no rubber" plain and simple. She gets all hissy and starts chatting shit and goes home after a while and wont pick up my calls.


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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 19:54    Post subject:
I wouldn't stick it in her if she payed me.

Well, maybe for a few thousand. Razz

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 20:44    Post subject:
AnimalMother wrote:
I wouldn't stick it in her if she payed me.

Well, maybe for a few thousand. Razz

Laughing you just can't resist it!

neway what you should do is do the same on her tomorrow. Ask her go to yours for a fucking (DONT GO TO HERS) and then once you're done (even if she isn't) just say ok thanks, see you around maybe. And that's it. Don't fuck her again Smile

watergem wrote:
well since were sharing the whole sex in relationship thing.. heres my problem.

basically she comes over and watches a few movies etc, we start to fool around and she litterally says * i want sex* and because i want it too i am cool with it. BUT heres the kick.. no protection left. Now i aint a dumbass so the immediate reply was "i have no rubber" plain and simple. She gets all hissy and starts chatting shit and goes home after a while and wont pick up my calls.


Well you should always have rubbers!. You coulda braved it and gone in without a helmet and just made sure you pulled out with pelnty of time. Alternatively you coulda just gone to the shop/pub and got some! geeez if some fit bird was ready to fuck i'd find a way of getting a johnny.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too
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Posts: 7155
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 20:57    Post subject:
yeah but the thing is she allways gives me the cold one when i want to fuck and she doesnt so i woulda been playing the pussywhipped one wouldnt i!

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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 21:32    Post subject:
watergem wrote:
yeah but the thing is she allways gives me the cold one when i want to fuck and she doesnt so i woulda been playing the pussywhipped one wouldnt i!

Well, she's an ex right? or a fuck buddy? i would have went bareback still but thats me and I understand your hesitation.
Either which way, do what Sub suggested. Play it off like things are all cool and shit when u talk to her, get with her, get her to do some nasty shit and afterwards say "See you around" or something like that, to make her think, and leave and dont bang her anymore - least for a month, make her sweat still Laughing they always come back if they like the sex man, seriously.

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Posts: 1903

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 21:36    Post subject:
hehe, you should write a book man.
"how to get laid without sweatin´for it - by syco" Very Happy

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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 22:00    Post subject:
Sublime wrote:

You coulda braved it and gone in without a helmet and just made sure you pulled out with pelnty of time. Alternatively you coulda just gone to the shop/pub and got some! geeez if some fit bird was ready to fuck i'd find a way of getting a johnny.

And get chlamidya Very Happy
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 22:02    Post subject:
SycoShaman wrote:
watergem wrote:
yeah but the thing is she allways gives me the cold one when i want to fuck and she doesnt so i woulda been playing the pussywhipped one wouldnt i!

Well, she's an ex right? or a fuck buddy? i would have went bareback still but thats me and I understand your hesitation.
Either which way, do what Sub suggested. Play it off like things are all cool and shit when u talk to her, get with her, get her to do some nasty shit and afterwards say "See you around" or something like that, to make her think, and leave and dont bang her anymore - least for a month, make her sweat still Laughing they always come back if they like the sex man, seriously.

i think you are my hero Very Happy
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 22:03    Post subject:
watergem wrote:
well since were sharing the whole sex in relationship thing.. heres my problem.

basically she comes over and watches a few movies etc, we start to fool around and she litterally says * i want sex* and because i want it too i am cool with it. BUT heres the kick.. no protection left. Now i aint a dumbass so the immediate reply was "i have no rubber" plain and simple. She gets all hissy and starts chatting shit and goes home after a while and wont pick up my calls.


i always have a ton of rubbers at home.. and i always carry with me.. always
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 22:03    Post subject:
D_A_Kuja wrote:
hehe, you should write a book man.
"how to get laid without sweatin´for it - by syco" Very Happy

thahts right
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 22:04    Post subject:

naw, then every chick would have my number you know? Laughing fuck that dude

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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 22:24    Post subject:
SycoShaman wrote:

naw, then every chick would have my number you know? Laughing fuck that dude

heheheh Very Happy
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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Mon, 12th Dec 2005 23:45    Post subject:

hahaha twin sister maybe? Very HappyVery Happy
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Dec 2005 23:49    Post subject:
always funny when saint post his carnavalcostum.

cut your hair next time queer

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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Mon, 12th Dec 2005 23:56    Post subject:
skidrow wrote:
always funny when saint post his carnavalcostum.

cut your hair next time queer

Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Mon, 12th Dec 2005 23:57    Post subject:
Ah, so thats what you look like without the mcdonalds bag! Very Happy

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 2722
Location: In Your Illusions
PostPosted: Tue, 13th Dec 2005 00:15    Post subject:
Wow what a stunnah!

Daz99 wrote:
Will I get banned for posting a horse and a nakkid black man?

Godlikez* A Proud Muslim Through And Through.
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