Hearts of Iron IV
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jan 2014 16:37    Post subject: Hearts of Iron IV

Not much else of info right now...
#pdxcon Hearts of Iron 4 will NOT be coming out in 2014.

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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jan 2014 16:43    Post subject:
Best news I could possibly wake up to.

If they keep up what they started with CK2 and carried on with EU4, this will be fucking awesome.

Just started reading one of those dime-a-dozen books filled with old pictures from every major moments in WW2 history. Made me want to play HOI3. I think I can wait. Razz
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jan 2014 16:53    Post subject:
Hehe nice, was thinking yesterday: Bet soon we'll have HOI4 now that HOI3 is bundled Laughing

Surprised we got to hear it this fast tho! Smile I got into these games because of Hearts of Iron Smile

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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jan 2014 16:53    Post subject:
#pdxcon Hearts of Iron 4 will NOT be coming out in 2014.

Very Happy Sad Crying or Very sad

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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jan 2014 17:27    Post subject:
They need to squeeze Vicky III in between. And even bette: a new, better EU: Rome.

Just think:

EU:Rome 2-CK 2 - EU4 - Vicky 3 - HOI4

That would be epic!
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jan 2014 18:16    Post subject:
EU:Rome 2-CK 2 - EU4 - Vicky 3 - HOI4 - EvW

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Posts: 1750
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jan 2014 19:22    Post subject:
Isn't EvW due out this year?
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jan 2014 19:44    Post subject:
briangw wrote:
Isn't EvW due out this year?

Summer, if i recall correctly.
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jan 2014 19:52    Post subject:
Speaking of hearts of iron, how is HOI3 these days? Last I played was a ~year ago, and there were still plenty of game-breaking bugs and bad AI

That being said, super excited for this Very Happy Very Happy

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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jan 2014 19:57    Post subject:
Better after all the expansions and patches. I still prefer HOI 2. But seeing how well the revamps for CK and EU series went, i'm pretty optimistic for both EvW and HOI4. Sure, i'm not exactly happy with the DLC continuous releases, but at least Paradox tries hard to keep the balance and solve the bugs in their games.
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jan 2014 20:18    Post subject:
tainted4ever wrote:
Speaking of hearts of iron, how is HOI3 these days? Last I played was a ~year ago, and there were still plenty of game-breaking bugs and bad AI

That being said, super excited for this Very Happy Very Happy

Still waiting for you to finish that game Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jan 2014 23:31    Post subject:
What's EvW?

My specs:
Ryzen 5950x @ boosting 5ghz, Gigabyte x570 Aorus Master, 32gb G.Skill Trident Neo pc3600 ram, nVidia RTX 5080, SoundBlasterX G6, Samsung 980 Pro m.2 1TB and Hynix m.2 1TB storage SSD. Custom watercooling loop.

Derpsole: Nintendo Switch, Derpstation 5 Pro
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jan 2014 23:35    Post subject:
Eunuchs vs. Whores
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jan 2014 23:40    Post subject:
dethy wrote:
What's EvW?

East vs West, lets you play in the cold war era, I believe!
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PostPosted: Fri, 24th Jan 2014 01:40    Post subject:
farne wrote:
dethy wrote:
What's EvW?

East vs West, lets you play in the cold war era, I believe!

Hmmm, need to sheck it out Very Happy

My specs:
Ryzen 5950x @ boosting 5ghz, Gigabyte x570 Aorus Master, 32gb G.Skill Trident Neo pc3600 ram, nVidia RTX 5080, SoundBlasterX G6, Samsung 980 Pro m.2 1TB and Hynix m.2 1TB storage SSD. Custom watercooling loop.

Derpsole: Nintendo Switch, Derpstation 5 Pro
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PostPosted: Fri, 24th Jan 2014 09:40    Post subject:
dethy wrote:
farne wrote:
dethy wrote:
What's EvW?

East vs West, lets you play in the cold war era, I believe!

Hmmm, need to sheck it out Very Happy

A free, public beta will come in march and a commercial release is uncertain.
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Posts: 9234
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PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jan 2014 12:12    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jan 2014 12:33    Post subject:
They've also combined several of the different map modes into one - when you're zoomed out, you're essentially looking at the diplomatic mode, but as you get closer and closer to the ground, the block colours start to fade and the actual terrain features start coming through, so eventually you're left with a view of the terrain, but bathed in a coloured glow of the different nations.
Nice. More subtle and gives both graphical fidelity and information at the same time.

Battleplans is the most obvious example of this design approach - while (for the moment) you still have the option to control your armies in the traditional manner, what Hearts of Iron IV is pushing for is for you to create a 'Battleplan', and then assign units to that plan and let the combat AI execute that plan for you.
I'm happy with this. I never managed big frontlines myself. I might take control of a Corp or might even an Army, but anything above that would be a nightmare. If they pull this off, they just might make me feel like a grand marshal and as much as they explained, it sounds very promising. Razz

The game 'officially' ends in 1948, but the team want things to remain as interesting as possible right up till that point, and you'll have the option to just keep playing until you run out of content, essentially.
Fucking finally. Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jan 2014 13:44    Post subject:
Sounds great those 3 snippets.

I really do hope they can pull it off, I like the grand marshal feeling better Smile And yeah it's about time that they added the option to keep going on instead of modding it like almost everyone does. Razz

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PostPosted: Tue, 28th Jan 2014 11:20    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Wed, 29th Jan 2014 15:48    Post subject:

Something new:

Planning also has one other interesting effect: it makes Hearts of Iron 4 one of the first strategy games I’ve ever seen with a convincing espionage model.

You see, it’s important to draw up war plans because units get bonuses if they have time to reach their jump-off points and prepare for the attack. You are weaker if you order units around at a whim, so you plan and prepare for operations.

But plans can be stolen. This is actually kind of brilliant. Espionage usually fails in games because there are no secrets to steal. There is not enough diplomatic or strategic inertia to prevent players from doing whatever they want, whenever they want to do it. So you end up with “spies” being used as sabotage units, or as rumor mongers who give you vague reports of, “Someone is building up a fleet” or “Russia is going to attack Germany”. Hearts of Iron 4 looks to solve these problems by encouraging players to invest in laying the groundwork for major campaigns, at the risk of having spies stumble upon them. It’s a very cool idea, and one I very much hope to see used elsewhere.
That sounds fantastic. You can draw up an invasion plan, but that plan is vulnerable to be stolen so the target can prepare if they know about it or even make preemptive strikes to mess up your preparations. Espionage is actually vital and not just useful.
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PostPosted: Wed, 29th Jan 2014 16:16    Post subject:
Still playing HoI2:DH with WIF2 over here, since I think HoI3, even TFH with Black Ice, is a fucking mess.

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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PostPosted: Thu, 30th Jan 2014 07:44    Post subject:
HubU wrote:
Still playing HoI2:DH with WIF2 over here, since I think HoI3, even TFH with Black Ice, is a fucking mess.


Ive spent 1000 hours+ on HOI2, went out and bought HOI3 the minute it was out, but my playing time with HOI3 is still under 20 hours I think Sad They made all the wrong design decisions for my tastes sadly.

There are two kinds of people I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.
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Posts: 1750
Location: Warren, MN
PostPosted: Thu, 30th Jan 2014 14:58    Post subject:
So which HoI is the easiest to get into? Iirc, Paradox games have crappy tutorials and EU4 was pretty bad too.
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PostPosted: Thu, 30th Jan 2014 15:59    Post subject:
Doh! wrote:
HubU wrote:
Still playing HoI2:DH with WIF2 over here, since I think HoI3, even TFH with Black Ice, is a fucking mess.


Ive spent 1000 hours+ on HOI2, went out and bought HOI3 the minute it was out, but my playing time with HOI3 is still under 20 hours I think Sad They made all the wrong design decisions for my tastes sadly.

Right? Visually, it's rather ugly, the engine is clunky, creating an efficient OOB and appointing leaders is badly done, tentacular and not clear at all, the event system is a joke.
I want a WWII experience, not a sandboxy clusterfuck. I think they made a huge step backward with their new engine. I find absolutely no joy and no fun in playing HOI3, VIC2 and EU3.

Most of paradox's grand strategies always were largely improved and made awesome by mods, but even those can't save the new installements for shit. Have you ever played VIC1 with mods then VIC2 with mods? Almost 10 years separates these two, and yet the first one is way better. PARADOX, YYYYOU DONE FUCKED UP NOW!

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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PostPosted: Sat, 1st Feb 2014 01:48    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Feb 2014 03:27    Post subject:
Finally some in game footage...don't get your hopes up, it's just Joe filming the screen while the dev shows off the planning system, but still, good to see something that everyone was talking about. Razz

Jump to 19:40 for the HOI4 part of the video.

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PostPosted: Fri, 7th Feb 2014 15:41    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Fri, 7th Feb 2014 16:20    Post subject:
That's why we colonized Africa, our own land was too small to show it's name on it! Laughing


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PostPosted: Fri, 7th Feb 2014 20:06    Post subject:
So Much Win
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