Day of Defeat: Source
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Posts: 264
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Thu, 21st Oct 2004 23:31    Post subject: Day of Defeat: Source
The first 2 Screenshots got released from DoD:S.

"Basically the same game, but nicer looking ala CS:S. We don't want to break the gameplay by trying to add/change too much. One of those "If it aint broke, don't fix it" things. We can make it look a lot better though."

The textures look not so highres like css Sad

bi0 ?!
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PostPosted: Thu, 21st Oct 2004 23:36    Post subject:
it looks awfully laggy like bah!
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Oct 2004 23:37    Post subject:
the guns look a lot better. but i read an indepth interview, some decent suggests were just dismissed by the devlopers. and guns etc. nothing new for the british. some other things that wont mkae it great still gonna be fun.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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PostPosted: Thu, 21st Oct 2004 23:38    Post subject:
a lot more fun than css Very Happy
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Posts: 12390
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PostPosted: Thu, 21st Oct 2004 23:41    Post subject:
Hopefully the unoffical mods will add some much needed originality.

Those screenshots look like ass imo.
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Posts: 63
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PostPosted: Thu, 21st Oct 2004 23:44    Post subject:
im waiting half-life source
i think i will finish it again Smile
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Posts: 266

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Oct 2004 23:47    Post subject:
thats wierd, really looks like dod normal, no updated graphics, maybe its just that pic, but I loved DOD and will play it when it gets rereleased
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Posts: 67

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Oct 2004 06:38    Post subject:
DOD: S and HL: S will both use old textures, which makes these games outdated despite Source™.
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Posts: 266

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Oct 2004 07:13    Post subject:
yea but cs source use updated tectures, doesnt it, still looks a lot better than the original
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PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Oct 2004 09:14    Post subject:
it should feel quite different though I suppose, and animations should be improved - along with special effects like debris.

They are probably saving their new features for DOD2 instead - well aware that the community never appreciated the additions to CS:Source anyway.

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Posts: 801

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Oct 2004 10:44    Post subject:
Ispep wrote:
it should feel quite different though I suppose, and animations should be improved - along with special effects like debris.

debris, game altering debris.

After a bit of CS:S, yeeeah Smile

What have I noticed more then anything on the new engine? The speed, CS:S is much faster now...I'm sure (" " hope?) they will slow it down, but its a great fps engine with the right "feeling" to it. I guess we all already knew that though.
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PostPosted: Sun, 24th Oct 2004 19:29    Post subject:
Actually DoD:S won't be a direct port like HL:S is. All maps/textures/models will be replaced or updated.
Those screens are old work in progress pics from some convention, created to show transition from map editor to in-game.
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PostPosted: Mon, 25th Oct 2004 00:12    Post subject:
Injurious wrote:
it looks awfully laggy like bah!

How on earth can a game look laggy ?

Do u even know what lag is ? Razz
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PostPosted: Mon, 25th Oct 2004 00:24    Post subject:
yes Very Happy when i see a game with a lot of shit going on and it doesn't look smooth/vivid then i consider it laggy Razz

potato - potato Very Happy
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Oct 2004 00:36    Post subject:
Injurious wrote:
yes Very Happy when i see a game with a lot of shit going on and it doesn't look smooth/vivid then i consider it laggy Razz

potato - potato Very Happy

Yes but there is absolutely nothing going on in those pics, so wtf are you talking about!?
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PostPosted: Mon, 25th Oct 2004 01:00    Post subject:
you got the fog, the lighting, shadows, an lil particles floating... and with the way the map is done right now it doesn't look/feel smooth unlike compared to the original which seems a lot smoother though less artsy-fartsy Razz Laughing
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Posts: 801

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Oct 2004 01:48    Post subject:
One thing I noticed is the stained glass was replaced with wood...they showed us stained glass in the HL2 video test, why remove it and replace with wood?

Btw, Injurious you still arnt making any sense, the colors are different, I dont know if you can say better or worse, but its just one screenshot so it doesnt say much at all. The color variation comes from the fact that the church is no longer stone, and it seems whoever took this pic had their brightness too high. It has a washed out look to it, but whether the entire game will be like that (taking into account CS:S and HL2:beta, which do not look like that) remains to be seen.
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PostPosted: Mon, 25th Oct 2004 01:58    Post subject:
Injurious wrote:
you got the fog, the lighting, shadows, an lil particles floating... and with the way the map is done right now it doesn't look/feel smooth unlike compared to the original which seems a lot smoother though less artsy-fartsy Razz Laughing

That makes no sense whatsoever...
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Oct 2004 03:28    Post subject:
When it comes to HL2 and source, he usually doesn't make alot of sense.
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PostPosted: Mon, 25th Oct 2004 04:34    Post subject:
Razz Laughing

hey! when was the last time i made sense about anything?

you must be smoking weed if you think i ever did Razz Twisted Evil
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PostPosted: Mon, 25th Oct 2004 06:59    Post subject:
Injurious wrote:
Razz Laughing

hey! when was the last time i made sense about anything?

you must be smoking weed if you think i ever did Razz Twisted Evil

Smoking Marijuana is bad ok?

Laughing Rolling Eyes

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 114

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Oct 2004 08:12    Post subject:
Doesn't look impressive, but anyway this will be a major improvement over the original for sure... Same goes for CS, nothing very hot compared to recent triple A best looking titles but at least it looks 2x better than the originals.
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PostPosted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 00:40    Post subject:
PickItUp, Day Of Defeat: Source's character animator, has revealed more information on how the work with DOD: Source is coming along in a post on the official Day Of Defeat forums:

It will be a 95% straight port. Codemonkey Mathew Boone has worked up a couple of really great features that are not really new, but are rather better implementations of current features. Wavemaster Kelly Thornton's sounds are great.

Model Genius Jakob Jungels is really taking advantage of Source and creating some terrific artwork. Hammer Guru's Iikka Karanen and Tim Holt are working their magic on a few of the maps. And I, John Morello II, have done NOTHING! LOL! So there's the other 5%.

Sounds very nice! Nearly a total conversion.
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PostPosted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 02:00    Post subject:
good good

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PostPosted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 02:39    Post subject:
I must say that im more thrilled about TF2 then DOD:S Smile

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 04:30    Post subject:
TF2 was supposed to be released on new years eve, now i dont know when its gonna be out Sad

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 13:35    Post subject:
Sublime wrote:
TF2 was supposed to be released on new years eve, now i dont know when its gonna be out Sad

That will teach you believing in Valve....everything they say its crap fresh out of the ass.
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Posts: 476
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PostPosted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 13:46    Post subject:
when is DoD Source comming ?
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Posts: 4863
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PostPosted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 14:19    Post subject:
Splinter wrote:
when is DoD Source comming ?

not until may for sure
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Posts: 264
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PostPosted: Sat, 8th Jan 2005 14:26    Post subject:

bi0 ?!
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